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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. I agree with everything the OP says. I have a fair few tattoos and wish that I'd never had them done. I also concur that they don't improve anyone's appearance, especially when they get older. They look dreadful on women, especially the larger tattoos. I still don't know why I got mine, I was young and in the army and probably wanted to go with the flow at the time. Alcohol also played a large part in it. At 78 I guess it's too late to worry about it now.
  2. You missed the one for being first in the canteen queue three times in a row.
  3. The only problem with Lazada is that they always call when I'm having my afternoon nap ????
  4. With their tongues. Hope the taxi driver's ok
  5. Oh for the days when name calling was allowed and people weren't walking around on eggshells. The names we used to call each other in the British Army are unprintable, you just thought of something more insulting to call them back. These days I can probably be be done for condoning it.
  6. I think the point of the Thai outrage is that these are foreigners, which is a whole different ballgame than your own doing it, which they have more than enough of anyway.
  7. Don't blame you mate. If I could afford it I'd do the same. It's a pain in the ass and doesn't get any better. I've done 15.
  8. I had a Briggs and Stratton for many years before buying a new Honda. Turned out to be the worst mower I've owned. The self-propelling unit gave up after about twelve months and it was always difficult to start. After a few years of struggling I bought a Briggs and Stratton Rapter from Lazada and gave the Honda to the local recycle place. I've had it for about 12 months now and like my first one, it's pure luxury, as well as being half the price of the Honda. Spares are easy to get on Lazada and it seems to use a lot less fuel than the Honda. One other important thing about the B&S is that it I hardly have to use the self-propelling mode, it's very easy to just push it without assistance. If I tried to do that with the Honda, it was hard work.
  9. When you've lived near the beach you learn to buy your next home some distance away from the coast. I lived in a condo on Beach Road Jomtien and it was constant noise during the two years I was there. I now live near Phoenix Golf Course and although there is still some noise on occasions, it's bliss compared to my last place. Also, the beach is only a ten minute drive if I want to spend an hour at the seaside.
  10. In the UK they say that ignorance of the law is no defence. However, how the devil is a farang in Thailand to know that a parrot fish is protected? Same for the area the fishing took place. I wouldn't recognise a parrot fish if I bumped into one. The person who owns the boat is entirely responsible and should be the one the police are chasing, or is he, being local, a protected species.
  11. "They can walk and chew gum at the same time." That's news to me.
  12. Talk about stating the obvious, you must have a degree in it. Because this is a forum in Thailand about Thailand, maybe that's why the poster only referred to Thailand.
  13. I believe the girls on Beach Road are getting three Indians for the price of one.
  14. Sure, and if he's an old feller I'm sure he'll have a spare 120,000+ baht laying around and the same again next year, recurring.
  15. Best "strip" in the country. It would've been my area of choice if I'd known about it when I first arrived. Alas, I was married before I was introduced to it and so was only an observer to the shenanigans. Particularly good in the afternoon sessions.
  16. They seem to own most of the property around their including huge private housing estates.
  17. I have a better "Why don't Macro....". Why don't Macro stop that silly check on the goods I've already bought and paid for at the checkout. They're the only supermarket (as far as I know) who do it. There was no one to check me a few weeks back, but when I tried to walk out the exit, a security guard on the door put an arm across me and told me to wait. I know they're trying to prevent fraud happening on the checkouts, but I thought that the odd spot check would be a sufficient deterrent, not checking every tom, dick and harry. I've noticed recently that Lotus South Pattaya seem to have stopped their spot checks for a while now.
  18. One of the reasons I liked living in Pattaya as a single guy. 10 or 20 baht per trip, depending on the route. I've had a car for the last 13 years and it's a lot more hassle than the baht buses, but her indoors insists on it.
  19. I've only been there once about twelve years ago, when I was getting docs together for marriage to a Thai. I stayed at the Nana hotel just across the road so I popped across for a few bevvies. Compared to Pattaya, it was like a vicar's tea party and the beer prices were crazy. The girls were also reluctant to speak with you until you bought them a drink first. I declined. There were also several coppers outside collaring people for dropping cigarette butts. After reading a novel shortly before which revolved around Nana Plaza, I must admit I was disappointed. If you want that sort of scene, Pattaya is the place, or was anyway a few years back.
  20. That was quick. Only third post of the thread to get a smug, patronising "If you don't like it here you should leave" post.
  21. "The lawsuit would now be solely on the charge of reckless driving leading to death but the statute of limitations on this too is expiring in September 2027." That was the whole object of the exercise.
  22. If I killed someone because I was high on drugs and alcohol, rich or poor, I would willingly face the music. I wouldn't be able to live with myself otherwise. I take it that you'd do the same as Boss? I'd hate to have your karma.
  23. No one here cares. Whenever I try to discuss a road accident with my Thai missus, she refuses to listen and quickly changes the subject. I honestly think it's the karma mentality and that the locals think that if it's their turn, all the safety precautions in the world won't prevent it. It's impossible to convince her that using a cellphone whilst riding a motorbike is dangerous and stupid. I've said it so many times, but I'll say it again: As far as common sense is concerned, Thais are all five year olds in adult bodies.
  24. Strange that, I never had any problems doing stuff in the UK. I just popped everything in the post, accompanied by a cheque if payment was needed. That was 15 years back, before I moved here, so maybe things have changed. Wasted two days of my life a few weeks back just to renew my five year driving licence. I'll be wasting another few days next month doing my one year marriage visa. I'd hardly say it was "fast and easy". I know I know, if I don't like it here I can always move back home.
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