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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. 9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I am glad he had the decency to return the money, but feel he only did so from the shame produced by social media. Had it not been so well publicised, I suspect he would not have done so. We all make mistakes. The woman is satisfied, the cops seem to be letting it go. All that remains is for the TV punters to shred him a little more I guess.

    I have nothing but praise for the Thai lady who has been very fair minded about the whole thing and more than gracious. I wish there were more like her. Her boyfriend seems to have picked a good one.

    I agree, he'd've gotten away scot free if he hadn't been caught red handed by the cctv. I'd be happy to see him sentenced to a free kick up his fat arse by that lovely lady.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 54 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    I have seen a report that a Bangkok agent will quit frequently visit an immigration office in northern Issan and has been seen with quite a few passports talking to the contact in that office. 


    So I'm not surprised by the OPs report. 


    It has happened that one or more people have had a problem with an extension obtained via an agent. So @Tanoshi is giving good advice. Even better is not to use an agent at all.

    "Even better is not to use an agent at all."


    I personally don't use one, but if I had plenty of money I would. In my opinion it's what the IOs want you to do and is therefore a bombproof method. Can you see an IO, from the bottom to the top man killing off the golden goose. That's why we have all these complicated rules encouraging you to use them.

  3. 8 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    More targets for the world class ladyboy pick pockets, well done!

    I've lived in the Pattaya area for 12 years and it must be many months since I last saw a ladyboy. I've never had my pockets picked by one. Mind you, if you're the type who likes to get up close to them it may happen. However, if you live in a wooden hut in a jungle clearing in Nakhon Nowhere, it probably won't.

  4. 4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Absolutely disgraceful behaviour from the guy beating the crap out of the poor girl. Given the amount of times such scum pull out a gun when someone tries to intervene, I can kind of understand people not wanting to rush in to assist, but still an extremely poor show by the bystanders. There were plenty of them after all, and it went on for a while.

    Friend of mine jumped off the back of a baht bus to help a Thai woman being beaten up by a guy. He ended up being severely beaten by the guy, the woman and a group of motorbike taxi riders.

  5. On 6/3/2019 at 10:56 PM, tlandtday said:

    yeah do some research on world health organization safe levels for 2.5 particles and you will see pattaya exceeds this all of high season and beyond the last years... this isn't rocket science but has been covered up in the media in the past... in fact the pattaya reporting station has been conveniently closed for many years but technology has allowed readings through volunteers such as airvisual etc.

    You're talking central Pattaya now, but who in their right mind, except for the bar mongers, wants to live in the middle of the city. Just up the coast past Jomtien, or inland it's beautiful.

    • Like 1
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  6. On 6/3/2019 at 10:03 PM, tlandtday said:

    Don't waste your time Pattaya area has dangerous 2.5 pollution levels minimum 6 months of the year.  Go south or find another country.

    Blx! No pollution in the Ban Amphur area away from Sukhumvit, only the occasional neighbour burning his garden waste.

    • Like 2
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  7. You must give me the address of your optician, I want some of those rose coloured specs that you wear.

    When I arrived here in early 2007 there were no TM30s to worry about. Because these have to be done within 24 hours of arriving back, I should imagine that adds quite a few to the queues every day. Also people switching from retirement to marriage extension must add to the backlog, in view of the time it takes to process the ME. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. I'm waiting with baited breath for reports of someone applying for retirement visa extension at Jomtien using the monthly income method, with proof of international transfers from Jan/Feb of this year and asking for leniency.

    It'll also be interesting to see accounts of people using the combination method at the same office. 1) Does the lump sum have to be seasoned for two months?   2) Does the whole or part have to remain banked for three months afterwards?   3) On the income part, can there be less than twelve months international transfers, providing that added to the lump sum it totals 800,000 ie 450,000 lump and six months intl txfers totalling 350,000?

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