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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. 7 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

    So, EU should impose the same on Thai nationals... when Thais's have a Schengen visa, then they are free to travel and stay where ever they want all over the Schengen area without even go to immigration... as long as they have a valid visa!
    The countries they are sighting to have these rules are countries like China, North Korea and other highly controlled countries!

    ...and as someone asked above, what's the common denominator?

  2. Again down to Thais having no common sense. Everyone knows that you have to be well rested before driving any sort of distance and not be full of drink or have been taking drugs. I reckon most of the serious motorway and small hours accidents here are caused by drivers nodding off. You'd think concerns for their own safety would make drivers here more responsible, even if they aren't bothered about anyone else's.

  3. 22 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    Got a mate comes to see me from Garston (where I'm from), arriving after Songkran, and he would swap Liverpool for Khon Kaen any day, if he had the money.

    Comparing the 2 cities, here wins hands down, and well worth putting up with some extreme heat for. 

    Only a few things cause me (occasionally) to visit "The Pool", marriages, deaths and a visit to Anfield to watch the Redmen. Same goes for the rest of the UK. I prefer my little place in Pattaya by the sea.

    • Like 1
  4. 47 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

    The amount required for a retirement extension was not established based on what would give you a comfy life. It's more to do with how much they'd like you to have available to contribute to the economy to make it worth having you here at all.


    Surprisingly, Thailand and other countries want some minimal economic benefit from having you stay with them. They don't consider immigration laws or policy based solely on what will maximize the personal comfort of random foreigners.


    The reduced requirements for marriage extensions is a concession to foreigners supporting a Thai wife and possibly children.


    It makes sense if you don't start out by assuming everything ism about you.

    True to form answer from the C in C of the rosey specs brigade.


  5. "There are calls for harsher punishments in line with the Japanese model that penalises both the drink-driver and any passenger who “abetted the wrongdoing”, said Maj-General Ekkarak Limsangkatt, a member of the committee reviewing of traffic-law enforcement."


    Worked in Tokyo for two years and the Japanese coppers are on the ball. You don't mess with them. The big thing about Japan is that they're a disciplined society, this is partly because of a system of strong deterrents and enforcement of them. You can hardly call Thais disciplined. Until the govt here realises that you need harsh punishments for offences and a completely rehashed police force to catch and prosecute the offenders, things aren't going to change. It goes without saying that they also have to stop the "tea money" culture to get anything off the ground.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    If you did want to use the combo method under the new rules especially without an embassy letter you would well understand that the specific enforcement criteria for such applications is indeed complex and very unclear. 


    Instead you as someone without a clue as to the issues with this come on here to flame me for trying to help the community of expats that would like to use the combo method by encouraging people to post office specific reports.


    In my opinion you should be ashamed of yourself. Posts such as your are the opposite of helpful. They are intentionally destructive.


    Regarding Jomtien and the information that I shared indicating they wouldn't accept any combo applications I will repeat that those expats using that office that still hope to do a combo application there visit that office to confirm or refute that.


    It's no use preparing for an application method that won't work. We do know for a fact that full 800k applications will work in every office and the rules for those though changed are indeed very clear.


    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app






    Who needs BJ when you have farang like Jim777. Too many like him trying to ridicule his fellow expats. Probably hits his G-spot. The new system is a mess, evidenced by the number of threads on here since it was announced. I thought your original post was useful.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. Unfortunately, in the small community in which I live, there's a big dog problem. Trouble is they are all "owned" by someone, both Thai and farang. When I say "owned" I mean that people put collars on strays that have decided to congregate outside their property and put food out for them once a day. The packs are obviously anti of each other pack and there's a barking battle going on almost 24/7. This never seems to bother the "owners". Why can't folk just have one nice pet dog if they're doggy inclined, instead of a whole pack of them? Why the good lord gave dogs such a loud voice I'll never know. If I had my way, I'd make it law to have pet dogs debarked, then we wouldn't have so many people wanting to keep packs of the beggars if they had to fork out for the operation.

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, baggies666 said:

    The money has arrived fine 3 times already to bb with the correct codes so this part I am not worried about


    @ubonjoe I will gather all the information and ask on extension so far only been able to talk to volunteer & read whats on website  thanks

    Keep an eye on your BB statements, all my TW transfers were sent direct to them except for December's which went via TMB, so it isn't foolproof.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, borderhopper said:

    Is it that difficult to maintain THB400000-800000 in a bank account

    year round?

    For many years, I have been keeping  the THB800000+ amount in my term deposit account.  And I do not touch it.

    I make a fund withdrawal little by little from my saving account

    to cover the cost of my living in Thailand.

    I am far from being wealthy.

    I have never earned more than $35000-40000/year while working.

    And I am well under pension age.

    But still I can do so.




    "Is it that difficult to maintain THB400000-800000 in a bank account

    year round?"


    It is for people less rich than you, obviously. You can't judge others by what's ok for you.

    • Like 2
  10. 6 hours ago, samsensam said:


    absolutely, the system is rotten to the core.


    over the weekend i mentioned the election to two friends, both told me vote buying was rampant - but not in every province, and i asked if they would accept the money - both said yes but also said they would not vote for the party that gave them the money - because they disagreed with corruption!

    Accepting money to vote is the ideal way of putting the boot in on the party you dislike by voting for the party you support. Anyone who doesn't do that is a mug. I therefore don't see how vote buying can work.

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