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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. My missus is exactly the same and I'm nearly 75 yoa and have nothing to shout about. I find it difficult to raise a smile these days. I'm ok if I'm just wearing my scruffy old shorts around the house and garden, but when I put on a "going out" pair, I have to wear undies, otherwise she complains. I suppose I should be flattered that she still notices me.

  2. 3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Indeed. I remember reading a long time ago that many suicides by hanging involved securing the hands. Apparently, if not, instinct kicks in and the struggle for life such that many would-be suicides would prevent their own hanging attempt.


    However reading all the circumstances here, separate lives after 2 years of marriage, younger "brother" living-in; wife away; bruising to ribs - hmmm, Seems the police are right to be suspicious.

    Agreed. I wonder if the police have checked if the brother really is the brother. In the last house that I lived the farang who had the house opposite used to work in the Middle East for long periods. Every time he went away, his Thai wife's "brother" used to move in "because she was nervous on her own" according to the farang. He may well have been her brother, but he gave her a big sloppy kiss every morning before he went to work. 

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, gmac said:

    About 4 kilometres actually on the road outside my village where they widened the road to dual carriageway in the last few years!  There is no consideration given to locals when they improve(??) roads for through traffic which is why so many drive the wrong way and create their own u-turns.

    Whether walking, riding or driving, a Thai will always take a short cut. They just can't resist it. Any breach of a fence and there'll soon be a well worn track there. That's why they all cut corners, it's irresistable to them. The track across my local golf course which I jog down, often has cars and motorbikes using it causing choking dust, even though it only takes a few more seconds to go around the concrete perimeter road.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, gmac said:

    Roundabouts and lots of them. They work in the UK they could work here if only they were created, drivers were taught how to use them and the law on right of way when using them was enforced.  There is just no willingness to change here, no law enforcement beyond the collection of easy fines, and of course no proper teaching before allowing people to drive.


    I keep banging on about roundabouts and keep getting shouted down, but they are the way to go and one day I just hope the authorities will do something about it.                                                                                                                                                               

    I agree entirely because even though the locals don't know how to use them, I reckon there'd be fewer accidents than at the uturns. At least for roundabouts, most people slow down. The problem is, roundabouts need a lot of space on either side of the carriageway, it'd mean deolishing a lot of property.

  5. Despite being nearly 75, I'm built like a racing snake and never have a day's illness despite preferring soda to still water. I wonder what sort of shape those posting on the dangers of soda drinking are in? There are things far worse for your health than drinking soda water, being a couch potato and over-eating for example. I also have a few scotches of an evening, but at 75 why should I worry?

    I have a little chubby German friend who's always advising me on the things I should and shouldn't be eating and drinking. This despite him spending most of his time in the kitchen cooking up delights for himself and never exercising. He's a good lad so I just smile and say "Ja"

    I think I can state catagorically that there are many far worse things to drink than soda water and compared to most of the rubbish we stick down our throats, isn't worth worrying about.

    • Like 2
  6. None of those bludgers who're listed. Unless the new leader is a revalation, I think the Tories are finished for a long long time. However, if I was going to choose, it'd be Steve Baker or Esther McVey. Macca might just edge it, but only because I'd love to see her lovely face on the news after having to look at the wicked witch of the east every day for goodness knows how long. 

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, wgdanson said:


    After two weeks in the fermenter I usually syphon into a 10 litre glass container, hence only doing 6 litres. Put a Camden tablet in and it stops the fermenting and prevents oxidisation. A week in there and then into the bottles. Mine seems to clear quite nicely itself. Then I store the bottles under the sink for a month if I can wait that long. And a couple of days in the fridge before supping.

    It's not Beajolais Nouvea, but it has the desired effect at minimal cost. Makes good Sangria too.

    I'm definitely going to give it a burst if and when I can gather all the stuff together. Thanks.

  8. 2 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    That IS the recipe. 6 litres juice, 500 - 1000 gm sugar. I use an hydrometer to see what the potential ABV will be. Squeeze a lemon, and yeast obtainable online from several online shops in Bkk. All in a plastic bucket for about 14 days, til stops bubbling. Syphone into clean beer bottles. I have a crown capper, or corks with plastic tops. Leave for as long as possible.

    It is a good idea to have it on going, ie do a batch every week so that consumption does not exceed production !

    Many thanks for that I'll give it a whirl when I gather the bits and pieces. Please also see the same edited post re the clearing process.

  9. 19 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    Cheapest I have found over here is Tipco Cherry Berry juice, lemon juice, sugar and yeast, and a couple of weeks patience!

    Would you be so kind as to post the recipe please. Also interested to know how you get it to clear, no room to put a demijohn upright in my fridges.

  10. 2 hours ago, justin case said:

    so where did thai get the 32 million people with A-O from?????


    pretty sure soon it will be everybody over 50


    and after, all the marriage extensions...


    just too much money to be made

    Don't think even the big brave generals are willing to face up to the angry Thai wives of farang who'll be moving to neighbouring countries, having their allowances reduced to enable their husbands to run two households. In worst cases, being left to manage on their own.

  11. 13 hours ago, SEtonal said:

    Jomtien is showing leniency this year.  The man who signs all the extensions of stay at Jomtien/Chonburi Immigration was interviewed and said that two months of deposits are enough for first time applicants.



    First time applicants ok. How about those who used to do embassy letters and who're now doing monthly income under the new system? By the time I'd managed to set up a Bangkok Bank account for my TransferWise transfers it was the beginning of February. Will I be shown leniency in Jomtien I wonder? I could be wrong, but I think I saw an earlier post which said they're demanding the full 12 months bank statements. I'm waiting with baited breath to see the first report of someone having success with the "leniency" monthly income method at Jomtien. Fortunately, I do have other options, but MI is my preferred method.

  12. In my 12 years here, I've only seen one destitute farang. He hung around outside Tesco Lotus in South Pattaya and appeared to be sleeping rough there. I haven't seen him for a while, so maybe he's been deported. All the long stay farange I encounter seem to be fairly prosperous and well behaved. 

    • Like 2
  13. Interesting, and tks for posting. Before the new rules came out (correct me if I'm wrong), I believe that there was no need to season the money in the bank part of the combo method. Now, at least in one office, the two months before and three months after seasoning is needed. Hopefully there'll be more reports of this method in the near future because it's one of my options.

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