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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. 1 hour ago, micmichd said:

    They should make it mandatory then. Those short-stay tourists are obviously the group that leave most unpaid bills in Thailand. 

    I should imagine that the most likely candidates for needing hospital treatment are the manual labourers from neighboring Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. Those injured travelling in the back of pick-up trucks must make up a high percentage. Also building site and factory injuries must be pretty frequent too, especially to their bare feet! I can't see some old codgers from Europe or the US exerting themselves or putting themselves in line of danger in the same way. Add to that, as you say, the short stay tourists falling off motorbikes and you can understand who the majority of those responsible for the unpaid bills are. I personally have never heard of a long stay farang not paying a medical bill.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Cranky said:

    It is crystal clear that anyone, any age, anywhere on the planet should have adequate health and accident insurance at home, on holiday or if they live or are outside of a country like the UK that has a NHS.  Why should someone else be expected to foot the bill if you get sick, crash your rental motorbike (regardless of fault) or get banged on the head by a ladyboy out to nick your wallet (regardless of fault). 


    What is it with people that think they are bullet-proof as soon as they board a plane?


    And if they're fit and have sufficient money in the bank to self insure because they don't want to throw their hard earned money at the insurance industry to subsidise the couch potatoes who're in and out of hospital like yoyos because of their lifestyle and the tourists with no insurance falling off uninsured motorbikes.  Good value for them I must admit.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I sent an email to TransferWise (TW) asking if all their monthly transfers to me could be sent to Bangkok Bank, explaining the TI rules on monthly income method. Here's their reply:


    "Thank you for getting in touch with us. I'm sorry it took us some time to answer your email.

    Unfortunately, we currently have no means to allow your future transfers be automatically sent via a particular bank. This has to be done manually. Here are the steps you need to follow if you want to route your payment to Bangkok Bank:
    Set up the transfer
    Give us a call
    Send your funds to us

    Once we receive your request, we will try to manually route the payment to your chosen bank. 

    I hope this helps, but if you have any questions or something needs to be clarified, please write back to us. 

    Best wishes,



    So far all this year's monthly transfers have gone direct to my Bangkok Bank account, but last December's went via TMB and was recorded as a domestic tranfer on my statement. Be interesting to hear if anyone has had a different response from TW.

    • Thanks 2
  4. 3 hours ago, robertson468 said:

    Hi Everybody, have a look at Thailife medical insurance company.  I can get 400,000 baht in patient and 40 baht outpatient coverage at the age of 75 years old for 41,800 per annum, which I assume can be paid monthly at 3,484.  Other policies quotes are either way higher than this and one of them has a couple of very poor reviews on Google - buyer beware!  Another one will not even download.  Not quite the "death knell" (excuse the pun) that I initially thought.  Cheer up you grumbling geriatrics, life, in my opinion is still better in Thailand.

    Those with pre-existing conditions? No chance, or no payment if you claim.

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