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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. In this climate there brave guys..respect to them...it's a pity more weren't able to speak out.

    Could it be that you have confused bravery with stupidity ?

    There are ways and means of going about changing things that you don't agree with, provided of course that they can be changed, in this instance their actions can only cause trouble and slow down the process of returning to an elected democracy. Far better, if they do have any ideas of their own, to make those ideas heard in a constructive manner.

    Lord knows there are enough reforms needed in education, which they should know something about and law, their chosen subject, to need input from anyone who is willing to offer constructive comment.

    This lot are doing nobody any good particularly themselves, unless they have been promised list positions on a party ticket, as has been given to trouble makers before.

    My goodness, I knew the junta groupies were blinkered but that happens to be the most niaively incorrect post I've ever read. I suppose in your eyes it was OK for the rabble who took over Bangkok and forced out the people's government, were excused "finding other means of going about changing things".

  2. The fact that rumours are all the 7%'ers have to discredit Prayut is a testament to Prayuts progressive and successful governance.

    Lets see the evidence. Lets see where he got this information from. We won't see it because this was never intended to uncover a truth. It is a rumour! It made the front page and has planted the seed of doubt in the minds of the gullible and that is what the reds thrive on. It will be discussed at length in this forum until it magically becomes fact to the people the rumour was targeted at.

    Facts - The red shirts greatest enemy. Rumours (It used to be beliefs) - Their dearest friend.

    Abra Kadabra!

    The indignation and outrage of the blinkered junta groupies does far more damage to the ex-general than all the silly reports in the paper. Far better to just ignore it than giving it the old "but but but Thaksin's red shirts" response. As junta groupy-in-chief, you are the worst offender. Like the dear PM, you too are in need of a good PR person.

  3. Great to see that the people are starting to see what some what some posters are really like and ignoring them is the best medicine for them .

    Yes, I could have responded, but what's the mileage in having a meaningless debate argument. Now the Brits are helping the defence, and if independent testing of DNA is permitted, I'm hopeful the prosecution's case will founder on the rocks of truthful disclosure.

    ..........and if it doesn't and it confirms that they were the killers/rapists!!

    I notice that it seems to be the junta groupies on here who are rooting for the Myanmar two to be found guilty. Their blinkered views on anything and everything that could reflect badly on the junta really grips me. Big time!

  4. Thai Govt - your friendly dictatorship coffee1.gif

    These students were not taken away from their homes in the middle of the night and disappeared ... or were found a few days later battered and dead with their throats cut. That sort of dictatorship is far far more "un-friendly' than Thailand's.

    If you ever had to live under such a terrible dictatorship in constant fear, you'd welcome Thailand's present government with open arms.

    Give them time mate, they've had everything their own way so far.

  5. doesn't the comment 'not a hard-line dictatorship' at least indicate they accept they ARE a dictatorship?

    just a discussion of how 'hard'?

    Of course if you seize power with a coup you are a dictatorship. The same counts for absolute monarchies (Saudi Arabia is the only one I know).

    But that is an academic question, how you call it. The important thing is that they do a good work in compare to all pseudo democratic governments before.

    Good work like arresting peaceful student protesters, banning free speech, military courts, imprisonment without trial, article 44 etc etc. Oh! But excuse me I forgot. They cleared beach umbrellas and reduced lottery ticket prices.

  6. If I were a political enemy of Gen. Prayut, I would be sitting on the sidelines salivating, in hopes that he would sign the purchase order... What a political victory for the opposition that would be!

    But if they do buy them, I do hope that buy some spare parts and a maintenance contract. I'd hate to see them have to cannibalize two of the subs within five years so they could keep the third running. But then, the Navy must certainly be more competent than the SRT...

    Regardless of which side of the political fence you were on, if you had any love for the country you would be hoping the sub deal fell through and the money was spent on the people.

    If you had any love for the country you would be hoping for a return to democracy so the parliamentary opposition could scupper deals such as this.

  7. lloyds will not send cards outside of uk there ok with abroad address but that's about as far as service goes

    also if your pin needs renewing they send a pin with a 14 day expiry and the letter typically takes up to 3 weeks standard post i asked for expedited post their reply no can do system computerized

    I'm with Nationwide and they were ok with the address but wouldn't send new debit cards here, so I got permission from a friend to use his address and he sends the cards on.

  8. They really have no idea about how to run a country or efficiency. The only thing they can do is create mountains of red tape.

    8,000 Baht, about the same penalty as causing death in a vehicle accident. Thailand is in for a real shock when Asia opens up it borders.

    "They really have no idea about how to run a country or [sic] efficiency."

    You mean like the cutting edge efficiency of the collapsing Eurozone countries or the superbly efficient management of economies & financial markets more generally in the west?


    Christ, here he goes again!

  9. well, that will be a great stimulus for the influx of tourists & their money

    "Hotel and other accommodation owners in Phuket who fail to comply with the requirement to register foreign guests ..."

    Why would the "influx" of tourist be influenced by fines charged to resort or hotel owners?

    Wait....hey up....suradit puts on his rose-coloured specs again. What a goody goody. Bet you used to snitch on all your mates when you were at school.

  10. It is shameful to insult anybody's wife or family, even more so if the person in question has proudly served his nation's military for forty-two years. I am old-fashioned and believe that all such elderly and distinguished gentlemen should be treated with great respect.

    I am old enough to remember the pre-internet days, when people weren't so quick to throw deeply personal insults around. It is one of the few downsides to the web, you get kids who've never done anything of value in their lives, spewing out insults against their elders and betters, and talking tough from behind their soft fluffy cushions of anonymity.

    As opposed to talking tough behind thousands of huge big tanks.

  11. Really? I thought they were evil lackeys of the bogey man in Dubai like the sycophants on here keep telling us? Still waiting for evidence of that. Or is it now plain to see that they are just not happy with this Dword-ship that has grasped Thailand.

    Free the students!

    yes free them, after the promise to be good students and go to university learning something instead of making troubles.

    Making troubles??? They held a small, peaceful protest!!! The protests that crippled Bangkok and ousted the previous elected government, now that was making troubles.
  12. When the red shirts were running the country the government approval rating was below 50%

    When the yellow shirts was running the country the government approval rating was below 50%

    Most western governments have a government approval rating below 50%

    The current "non democratic" government have an approval rating of over 80%

    The goal of democracy is to have as much of the population as possible approve of the government,

    Everything else, like elections, are just additional bits that can be added to the definition of democracy or ways of reaching the goal of democracy.

    The current nondemocratic govt SAYS it has an approval rating of over 80%.

  13. One of the few Thai politicians with a functional brain, hats off to him for this idea. Why no condemnation of the student arrests by the Phua Thai "Politicians"? Have they not received any money from the Shinawatras the last couple of months or what happened?

    There has been much condemnation from PTP people, you're just another but but but Thaksin type. Non so blind as those with yellow coloured spectacles.
  14. Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

    People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

    But it's all about appearances and saving face.

    Sorry, I thought you meant 50% of losers.

    And the little old feller sitting on a park bench in his home country waiting to die is a winner I suppose. How many times have you been a "loser" in Thailand mate?

  15. Hmmmm... trying to amend the constitution was unlawful, but suspending it in a military coup is somehow ok. Then the coup-makers want to prosecute the elected officials who were going to amend the constitution while pushing through their own version. Is there a word for 'irony' in the Thai language?

    Exceptionally well put. How the junta cheerleaders fail to see the irony of this is beyond me.

  16. They will be released soon - then all the red-hypocrites will suddenly never mention it again and move on to whatever they can find next.

    Remember that Thailand is under military rule because the Thaksin was prepared to take the country to civil war rather than lose the chance for his personal amnesty.

    You should get your protests ready for the next elected government and teach them a bit about democracy. You should have done it last time, but you didn't. Never mind : you will get yet another attempt before long.

    For now you must put up with the consequences of your actions.

    But but but but but but......Thaksin!!! Who would your bogey man have been when cheering on the many juntas in the pre-Thaksin era?

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