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Posts posted by robbo1

  1. Gday everyone. I am coming to Loei for a short time next year around Songkran  and want to hire a car for about a week. I know you can hire from the airport but it does not give you much information. Could anyone tell me if there a a few car hire places or is it quite limited.

  2. Why is Thai Airways having so many problems with turbulence, its not long ago that a similar number of people were injured on another TG flight, from China or Japan as I recall but in the meantime I haven't heard of other airlines having problems with injured people due to turbulence...

    This is a lot of incidents involving injuries due to turbulence...


    Maybe because this is a Thai forum, not a forum looking for airlines and the trouble they have had with turbulance.

  3. Give her nothing, it never stops once you start. Issan women are interested in one thing money, money, money. Take take take. Then when they can take nothing more they chew you up and spit you out to find another poor <deleted>%%er.

  4. It is there diet, sticky rice with meat, sticky rice with oiley omlette and sticky rice with barbeque chicken, and it is not just child portions they just keep shoving food in there mouth.

    I see it with my wn child the moyher inlaw just keeps feeding him no matter what I say and you do not win an arguement with the wife when it has anything to do with the family.

    Ma Ma knows best even though she can hardly write her own name.

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  5. Does she allow you to eat the eggs "runny" yourself?

    Yes I love my eggs runny and we should not have any issues with bird flu or salmonella as we live in country Western Australia.

    The eggs are farm fresh so should be no problems.

    I have found that you cannot tell a thai woman anything especially if the F@!#$king mother inlaw is here on holidays.

  6. Can anyone tell me that if I cook my 4 year old son 1 runny egg on toast that it is bad for him.

    I cooked the family breakfast this morning when all of a sudden halfway through my son eating his runny egg my wife started saying no it is not good for young child to eat runny egg, I told that was a silly thing to say but she was adament about it.

    So I am asking the question is it bad for a child or is this an old wives tale.


  7. Some farangs are just dumb, my wifes niece has has a English bloke she is hooked up to who happily sends money over has built her a house all the usual things.

    The father of this girl is a little embarressed as she has the thai boyfriend sleeping with her under the farangs house.

    Now here is the stupid thing the English farang has been warned by my wife telling him exactly what is happening under his roof but he cannot believe it so he continues to send money to this little tramp as I like to call her.

    My wife is even embarressed at what is happening to this english bloke and if you are on thai visa and have read this thread believe everything my wife has told you.

  8. Ice cold Leo for me. When I first came to LOS I drank Singa. Next day I would have the shits. Now that I drink Leo no problems. 500 baht for a box of long necks.

    Good value ay mate 500 baht for 12 king browns can't complain about that.

  9. Valentines day here in Namsomnia, the road is closed both ends and our shop is in the middle, Its a two day affair, [and 2 nights], 1st night mrs sold 15 boxes of Leo, and numerours cans, 8 bottles of Chang classic and a few cans, 1 bottle of Archa, 2nd and final night, 17boxes of Leo,204 pints, lots of cans and and 11 bottles of Chang, and a few tins, 1 bottle of Archa which i drunk waiting for the Leo to cool,

    Chang fills my stomach with butterflys, or thats what it feels like next morning, Leo, absolutely no problems, 4/5/6 bottles in the evening, sleep good and wake ok, so Leo is definitly the best and favorite beer in Namsom Province,,

    Well said Lickey Leo is the best beer I used to average about 4 king browns a night while over in LOS and wake up fresh the next morning and go for a morning walk with a stick to protect from all the bloody dogs in Loei.

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