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Posts posted by robbo1

  1. Not what you want to hear but don't let her become involved with others in the Uk.

    Virtually every single relatioship goes down the pan when they start gambling,drinking eating and mixing with each other.

    First hand experience but numerous others in same boat where I come from.

    I remarried but I will never bring her to the UK-period.

    You hit the nail on the head mate,I was going to say the same thing be very wary of some of the older thai women that have been around for a long time.

    They tend to lead the younger ones into stuff that can cause chaos for you.

    I am speaking from experience here,My missus got mixed up with the wrong croud and after many warnings I sent her home until she was ready to be more reasonable.

    Dont trust the older ones they are no good.

  2. I love Chang Mai only been there once but have promised the missus we will go next time back in Thailand.

    Ian have you ever gone to the Queen Mothers palace in the mountains of Chang Rai if not it is worth a look it is spectacular.

    If I remember correctly you turn off the road between Chaing Rai and Mas Sai mate.

  3. I can only vouch for Australia and Europe but it's much cheaper in Thailand in nearly every possible aspect. First when comparing restaurants, you can't compare Sukumvit Rd hotel food with eating a sandwich from your local supermarket and if you do, usually it will still be more expensive in the supermarket anyway. How about comparing local goods.

    These are all Bangkok prices, most things are 25-50% cheaper in other parts of Thailand. Oh and I am not speaking about prices that you pay freshly of the boat as you hit the scouts and tourist areas.


    Good quality clothes (not big named brands like Calvin Klein but brands like you find in A2Z and other Thai branded designer shops?) a third of the price here.

    Food and drink:

    Thailand is quarter of the prices of back home.

    If you shop at Tops (expect to pay rediculous prices) - Tescos, big C = better prices.

    Ok, so there is a better selection of Western foods with cheaper prices in the West. ie cheese

    ( It's not rocket science - it's supply and demand). I love Thai food and eat that 90% of the time,

    even back home.

    325 ml coke Thailand = 13 baht \ Australia = 80 baht

    Pad Thai Thailand = 35-50 baht\Australia - 350-500 baht (any meal in a restaurant will cost you this (unless it's Mcdonalds)


    1 hour Massage Average Thailand 120-250 baht \ Aus 1500-2000 baht

    Haircuts = 1/4 of the prices


    1 bedroom unit with decent view, gym, pool, security 15 minutes from city center for 1 month Thailand 7000 Baht \ Australia = 50000 BHT


    Taxi, bus, plain... Do I need to say more....

    Well said I think that answers everything

    You forgot to mention beer that is so much cheaper in Thailand to :lol:

  4. I was saying to my wife I wish we were back in thailand after shopping here a couple of days ago we spent about $ 200 dollars and that was just a basic shop nothing extravigant,I asked the missus how much in Thailand she said maybe $ 100 dollars ( 3000 baht ).

    Shopping in Australia is so bloody expensive eg bananas $ 13 dollars a kilo lamb chops 15 dollars a kilo chicken wings $ 4 dollars a kilo beef stirfry $ 12 dollars a kilo I know these things are so much cheaper in Thailand .

    My nice 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house in Thailand $ 35000 dollars, my nice 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house in Australia $ 400 000 dollars.

    Yes when I retire I will have no hesitation in moving to Thailand to live.

  5. Leave it unguarded and they'd strip it bare in no time but probably not squat. Even when you live there you put thick metal bars over the windows. In what normal country do you need to do that ? the slums of South Africa ? Mexico City ? Certainly not in nice places.

    thick metal bars a good 10 mm thick, not exactly fort knox.

    I live in a nice area of Australia and have security screens on my house which is same same but different :lol::lol:

  6. His steak house has gone backwards, all his staff quit about 18 months ago and his new staff members have no idea about customer service.

    When first in Thailand a few years ago the wife the family and me were having tea at some Suki restaurant in Udon Thani sitting outside enjoying the meal when up came this sick looking dog, I do the old Ossie get away ya mongral go on get with a stern voice the dog just stood there then the sister in law just says quietly BAI BAI and off the dog walks go figure dogs dont understand Engrish either :unsure::unsure:

  7. Another funny issan story the BIL was driving the family from Loei to Chang Rai for a few days I said to the wife we should do a quick service on the car so me and the BIL went down to the service station oil ok water ok air pressure 80 PSI I told him to much 30 PSI enough no no have a lot of weight.

    No need to tell you every bump we hit felt like the car had no suspension at all :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  8. 1 rai is 2000 square metres is that right and 1 nagn is 500 square metres I think that is right. I got all excited then I have a house on 1 nagn with a 3x 2 house only 5 minutes north of Loei City that must be worth at least 3.5 million baht :lol::lol:

  9. If it's too late and you left the door open and your house is already full of them then try this....Hold a bowl of water about 1 foot underneath the light that they are buzzing around and they will eventually all fly into the water. It works pretty good if you want to get rid of them quickly.

    Better still place a bowl on the floor, directly below your outside lights (the bigger hte better) and the reflection will make the critters drown in the water, thus leaving your drinking hand free to sup another cold one!

    Was in issan last songkrahn those flying ants-bugs were everywhere my Motherinlaw did the same thing bucket of water under outside light then she did something to them and ate them :bah: .

  10. Your wife found a pack of wolves to play with. Try to find out if you can move to a new location where she won't be in contact with these wolves. However, she will probably find a new pack of wolves to play with - or even discover internet gambling.

    I suspect that she is bored out of her wits. Maybe there is more you are not sharing with us. But that's not any of our business. Good luck and hope you resolve this problem quickly - for the sake of your child.

    We live in an area ofd Australia where there is alot of Thais arounde unfortunately she has got involved with the wrong ones.

    There is some lovely Thai ladies here and there is plenty to do but these old f!@#@!king women have dragged her into there web

  11. I was wondering if anyone else out there had a problem with there wife or girlfriend gambeling.

    We have a 2 year olds boy but she has become friends with a bunch of older thai women who I hate with a passion as they have driven her into playing cards up to 4 or 5 days a week.

    I honestly do not know what to do I get angry and she switches off, I threaten her with going back to Thailand nothing seems to bother her.

    If we did not have our son it would not be an issue as she would have gone along time ago but with my son I dont know what to do.

    Anyone else have this problem and if they do any suggestions.

    I am getting very frustrated

  12. I make $10,000 a month, an extra $500 may be a budget buster for me. Said child doesnt even look like me, looks like a thai boy, similiar to the look of my gf's brother.

    10,000 dollars a month? What do you do for a living, rob banks or run illegal drugs? I live quite comfortably on 2,500 dollars a month. There is already a topic on how much people earn in Thailand. Most rural salaries are between 6,000 and 10,000 baht per month... NOT DOLLARS. Rural Thai families seem to exist quite nicely on that amount.

    If you need money for the child's clothing and school then I suggest that YOU buy the items needed on your return visit. Understand of course, that no matter HOW much money you send, it will never be enough. The reason being that you would be paying for the entire village to suck off the rich farang. You would be supplying funds for the mother in law's gambling habit and the Thai boyfriend's drinking problem. You can never buy enough beer to supply the whole village.

    You don't mean that Ian. As your previous posts have pointed out, some Thais just love you for what you are - they're not interested in money at all.

    But, the OP should listen - you need on 2,500 dollars a month. My previous post saying 2,000 dollars a month was clearly on the low side. He needs to pay at least 2,500 dollars a month for her to have a decent life.

    Pardon my confusion here, but can I get acquire some clarification?

    Ian: When you state $2500, are you talking living in the US with $2500 a month or in Thailand($75K baht)?

    I do not understand how people cannot comfortably live on <$800- $1200USD ( $24k - $36K baht). For comparison I live quite comfortably with my GF within that range and we own a Townhouse, a Car and do whatever we want for the most part, we do not go with out. $2000 to $2500 seems like an awful lot. Now I understand everybody has a different set of needs and expectations but I personally came to Thailand to shed myself of excessive behaviors and waste the US instills in people.

    $15,000 Baht a month for support is more then reasonable, in my opinion.

    Totally agree 15000 baht plenty for one month

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