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Posts posted by BillR

  1. I have noticed many bars saving bottle tops and I once inquired about why. I was told that the beer distributors come around monthly and calculate a discount based on volume. No idea how much of a discount but baht is baht. Plus, they deliver so you don't have to lug cases of beer around. hope that helps.

  2. I have 3 purebred golden retrievers, one of the younger males (1.5yrs) I would breed, he is always walking around with a semi so I think hes ready to go! PM me if you can find a female for him. He was from a litter of 8 that I had, I kept the one I thought was best.

  3. Documents Domain Name Registration. Co.th.

    Documents required for registration of domain names under. Co.th can be considered a second model.

    Eแ slows to a registered domain name is based on the name of the organization.

    • Domain names must conform, is a part. Or shrink from the name of the organization.
    • One organization can register a domain name can only name.

    • Organization registered in Thailand
      Document: Certificate, ใbp.po. 20 (VAT) or leaf safe. C .0401. (Commercial).
    • International organizations. Agents must be registered companies in Thailand.
      • Certificate of foreign companies.
      • Certificate of Company Registration Agencies in Thailand
      • Certificate accepted by foreign companies. This has two main ideas purport
        • Certification is a company registered in Thailand firm
        • Certificate of permission to use a foreign enterprise registered in the Domain Name abcd.co.th.

    Documents Domain Name Registration. In.th.

    Documents required for registration of domain names under. In.th can be considered a second model.

    Type a domain name registered on behalf of the organization.

    Document: Certificate, ใbp.po. 20 (VAT), ใbd.c. 0401 (Commercial) or Certificate of organization / club / group. Along with proof of payment.

    The second domain name registered on behalf of individuals.

    Document: Copy of ID card, copy of driver's license or permit occupation of aliens. Along with proof of payment.

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