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Posts posted by BillR

  1. Hi,

    I have an opportunity to "buy" 50% ownership in a thai ltd. partnership. It is my understanding that there is a thai 51% shareholder but the thai has no financial control over the business and the farang is 100% in control of the company and its assets. Taking into account that all this is verifiable I would like to know how this would all look on paper. Im basically interested in becoming a silent partner.


  2. correct easy to defeat, but how many times do people find something interesting and simply copy and past it to facebook, twitter, or their own blogs etc. without thinking of citing the source, this way at least it is somewhat forced. There is also a setting to link the page title to the content (anchor text)

  3. automatically force a backlink when someone copies your content


    to see in action:

    go to: http://www.examiner....fee-144474.html

    copy any text on that page and paste it, you will get a result like this:

    Anger erupted on the weekend flight to Charleroi in Belgium after a passenger was stopped at the boarding gate and asked to pay extra for a piece of outsized luggage he was carrying.

    Read more: http://www.examiner....l#ixzz1DFgiDdc7

    So, if you have people leeching or sharing your content without using proper netiquette, this script forces a backlink to the source.

    You're Welcomejap.gif

  4. Ive had 100% the opposite experience, but then again Im not cramming myself into a small bus for visa runs and expecting to be comfortable. All of the russians Ive had contact with in Phuket are very polite, well mannered, mind their own business, and are great customers.

  5. I have managed teams of up to 110 Thai staff at a local resort.

    Paying them well is not good enough for them.

    From the daily lies, theft, commissions taken from visitors at the hotel and all the way down to the vegetable sellers increasing their price to pay the kitchen staff commission, it is a long hard road ahead for you. They are loyal only to themselves and no one else.

    Good luck.

    Another Jaded TV member. There are plenty of honest hard working thai people who if you treat them respect they return the favor. Ive found most of my staff through networking and recommendations from other farang.

    If you are the paranoid type, just make it very hard for the staff to steal by doing proper inventory once a day and recording your sales in some accounting software. Makes it very easy to spot any discrepancies.

  6. What about Paypal Business ? charge the guest the fee, then transfer the funds to your commercial account?

    With Paypal if a client disputes then you are in the penalty box.

    great way to lose your paypal account the first day you use it.

    And Paypal TOS 4.6

    4.6 No Surcharges.
    You agree that you will not impose a surcharge or any other fee for accepting PayPal as a payment method
    . You may charge a handling fee in connection with the sale of goods or services, as long as the handling fee does not operate as a surcharge and is not higher than the handling fee you charge for non-PayPal transactions.
  7. @NamkangMan you sound bitter? did you fail at a business here? Did you get a shitty lease? Did you pay far too much key money than that makes sense?

    Nowhere in my post did I mention a greedy thai landlord. It is the business owners responsibility to evaluate the terms and length of a lease and whether or not it is feasible to make a profit within those terms. It is the business owners responsibility to hire on salary staff that adds value to their business and maintains a loyal clientele. Having more expensive drinks also solves a major problem for both the girls and the bar owner. It keeps the cheap asses out and you can actually pay your overhead.

  8. yo dude,

    It is an affiliate program of some type whereas your gf basically tags everyone in a picture and they get an email saying you've been tagged when in fact its just some picture of a cute thai lady or a cat or a pile of money or something. I do not know if its a scam, but I do have a thai facebook account I use for marketing which has thousands of friends so I get tons of these "you've been tagged messages" Id have her look into the commission she could earn. Its either data mining or there is something to buy in the end and she is paid for one or the other. She won't necessarily have to buy anything, but refer people to do so.

    Probably a complete waste of time but if shes on the computer a lot and has no job it might be worth a try.

  9. The bar business here in phuket has nothing to do with the price of a beer and everything to do with the number of ladies that you got working and atmosphere. No ladies+no good salary staff=no customers. If I see a sign for 40 Baht chang draught, thats a pretty good indication that there going to be no ladies and a bunch of a-holes hanging out there.

    If you sell a 30 baht beer for 40 baht and think you've made a 10baht profit you obviously didn't go to the wharton school of business.

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