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Posts posted by bigt116

  1. Having a real hard time finding any decent accommodation here, very little on the net, just the hotels.

    Anyone got any tips/clues or help they could give me ?


  2. Interesting that they don't accept VND, which is the national currency. The reason I find it weird is because the Vietnamese government has successfully stopped USD from being used for nearly every other transaction, except in the most touristy areas where travel agencies, restaurants etc. simply take your USD and exchange them for dong as a convenience to tourists.

    However, unlike 10 years ago, petrol stations, supermarkets and many other businesses can not accept USD anymore. Even banks will only sell USD if you have proof of going abroad (such as airline tickets and deposits for university fees abroad etc., merely stating that you plan on going to Cambodia is not enough.) Moneychangers of course don't need any documents and will happily sell you some because ATMs only dispense Dong.

    Thanks for the heads up should I ever find myself needing to apply for a Thai visa in Vietnam, because I haven't used USD in Vietnam for years and normally don't bring any except leftovers from Cambodia. Although it's easy to just go down to a moneychanger if you bring the wrong currency, last time in Cambodia I spent about an hour trying to exchange my Chinese Yuan before I had enough USD to come back to pay for my Vietnamese visa. Almost didn't make it back before lunch time but since I didn't know how much the visa fees were going to be (they had increased not long before I applied) I didn't bring enough cash and that's the only form of payment accepted.

    You pay for your visa at the airport in USD !

  3. OP - devaram ... if you want to go in and out of Thailand - spending time mostly in - over a years time ... at age 50 or older a person is eligible for a Multi- Entry Non immigrant "O' Visa --- good for one year with a series of 90 day permissions of stay by exiting Thailand and re-entering...

    But a Multi-Entry 'O' Visa for you has to be obtained at the Thai Embassy or Consulate in the U.S.

    Or you can get one at a Royal Thai Honorary Consul General Office. I have the contact information for the Honorary Consul General offices in Honolulu, Hawaii, Portland Oregon and Dallas, Texas... There are others. The Fee is $200.00 There are no other requirements except you may be asked to show proof that you have enough money to travel the region and go in and out of Thailand for one year - enough to support yourself in your travels..

    If you want to come back to Thailand and stay a long time -- actually up to 15 months of 90 days sequential stays -- then a round trip to Honolulu and back to Bangkok is not terribly expensive.

    The retirement visa is a Non-OA not a Non-O.

    Also, people are only eligible to apply for a visa, not actually eligible for the visa, that is at the Embassies or Consulates discretion, there is no right to a visa.

  4. I too was pushed at Mae Sai about two weeks ago. I finished my Non-B early (turned in work permit and paid 1,900baht for, THE MOST YOU CAN GET, 7 day extension. I chanced it because my place is in the North, but to no avail. The angry Capt. said, "You fly out!" No extensions, period. Luckily, I made it to the airport with a 2 day overstay without a problem. Immigration didn't charge me for it. That being said, I will Never, ever teach in Thailand on a Non-B again. Just thought I'd share.


    Happy to be back in the states for the holidays.

    You did not have a Non-B , you had an extension of stay. You can't 'finish' a visa at Immigration.

    Why would you never teach on a Non-B or an extension of stay based on employment ?

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