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Posts posted by DarloKnight

  1. I visited cat up cafe & was in there about 10 seconds before the stench hit me. My wife likes cats but never again.


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    Are you jealous cause the cats got more attention than you and that's why you don't like the places?

  2. Caturday Cat Cafe is in Coco Walk, next to Ratchathew BTS. It was on The Amazing Race Season 26 episode 4. After all the publicity I bet it is pretty busy now.



    Just shown this to my daughter we are definitely going! I shall not let any other posters put us off, we have done all the tourist stuff over the last 10 years so this will make a great change.

  3. I'll bet those cafes with cats absolutely stink. Cat litter boxes & urine.

    Nice to go somewhere like that to relax.

    Although mate years ago went to a bar in Bkk & went to toilet. Standing at the urinal doing his business, felt wet feet, no plumbing so literally went on the floor. Quality establishments!

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    They all stink & nice isn't it to be sitting next to cat crap.

    The car owners can't smell it because they're used to the stench.

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    Can you please let me know which one you visited in Bangkok then I know to avoid?

  4. Not all cat litter smells they have advanced now, and I find cats relaxing, having read reviews not read any complaining of smells and cat up cafe always looks busy on Facebook.

  5. Unfortunately we can't make Chiang mai on our next holiday, but we are planning on going to every cat cafe we can in Bangkok we can. We are also going to pack as many packets of cat treats as possible to feed all the cats :) Got to admit in the past 10 years I have never seen the breed Siamese cat in Thailand.

  6. My daughter and I are big cat lovers and are coming back to Thailand on Holiday next year, I have seen a place called Cat Up Cafe in Bangkok and just wondered if anyone as been and if it's worth a visit?

    Many thanks

  7. Don't want to sound rude but yellow gold is very 1980's I would not buy unless to sell, most of my jewellery is white gold, I have a jewellery box full of yellow including a watch but would not wear it as it is very old fashioned in my opinion.

    Thanks for your opinion but your off topic, nobody asked

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    Gosh thanks for taking the time to point that out to me......

  8. Yesterday I went for a massage on the beach in Hua Hin, a Thai lady started the massage and about half way through ( I was laid on my front) I thought her hands got rough and more pressure. My bikini bottom was pull up then my backside was massaged, any way to my horror when I turned round it was a man smiling at me. When the massage had finished all the Thais around were laughing! I did not find it funny but I did feel s little violated!

  9. Can you not just send her deed when you re-apply for passport ? This is what I did but that was under the UK, they did actually ring me the passport office and asked me if I got permission I just told them I did not know where he was and not had contact for years, no problem got passport issued.

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