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Posts posted by DarloKnight

  1. Thank you for reply, there is a reason they have not gave an interview it's either out of respect and/or they have been asked not to by uk authorities.

    Nobody even people formerly accused have given an interview.

    How does respect weigh into it? What authority would the UK government have to request them not to tell their stories?

    There are many more reasons that they would not talk. One is that they have nothing to add.

    Respect for the victims family!

  2. Jdinasia@

    Yet not one single legitimate news source has followed up on that rumor??

    No UK or Thai press agency has been able to verify that claim, why??

    Because its not for them to follow it up, in any 'normal investigation' its for the police to actually investigate, note the term any 'normal investigation'

    LOL, so the press, and in particular the UK press doesn't look into stories?

    Yes that totally explains why the power of social media is so strong that it influences things the way people claim.

    If a news agency could publish an article proving that a former suspect was lying, it certainly would not be newsworthy!

    Then again, from the safety of the UK, not one single friend of the victims have placed the man you defame at the scene. Why? We have 2 clear choices to believe. 1) they can't place him on the island that night. 2) there is yet another conspiracy to prevent a private citizen from speaking to the press!

    Jdinasia can you give me a source where any of them have gave an interview to media? By the way do you work at Siam Legal?

  3. I see your cat now. Remember seeing the two portrait photos earlier today.

    attachicon.gifDarloKnight 20141105.jpg

    Some ISP's are trying to do their clients a favour by storing some data that presumably does not change often on their servers, like company logos, avatars, etc. This reduces page load speed and in this sense is good for me.

    The trick to get everything on a page to load afresh, bypassing the ISP'a cache, is generally considered to be to press Alt+Shift+F5 on the keyboard of a Windows computer, but in my experience it does not always work.

    Thank you, but I'm still seeing old picture :( but glad it's the cat what you can see :)

  4. Mods

    Please don't block weegee he will need to get on when he lands back home. Thank you

    Sorry...as i said i am new here.I was just trying to help.

    I will not post until you people tell me it's ok.

    Thank you


    Allan go to bed!

    You are ruining weegee, sorry to be harsh but he wanted to come back on when his plane landed back in is home land. We will try and help you but you have got to help yourself!

    You can't log on as someone and keep posting randomly it's not how it works, I try to help like I said.

    • Like 1
  5. I am sorry.I wont post anymore. I go it wrong. weegee knew what to do, he had friends, i dont. I need advice, i feel embarassed, I have never done this before

    How do i join this forum? without being involved.

    I think this is a good forum for information. I have been reading a lot sitting around waiting to hear from weegee.

    What should i do do now? who is This lady from uk? is she family?

    I am confused

    Allan please stop if you need to contact for help send a private message, you don't need to know who the lady is, not being rude but weegee must be bloody mad giving you access to this. Please stop posting don't get weegee blocked or you will be in big trouble xx

    Weegee will need to get on here to check his messages xx

    Pm me and I will try to help x

    • Like 1
  6. I am very sorry....I dont understand all of this. If I have made people upset. Please give me time to get what i need to do to answer everyone properly.

    I am trying to contact the website for this forum to help me.

    Yours Faithfully


    Allan, weegee will not be happy love with you keep posting, please try and set up your own account. He might want to use this account still even though he has left Thailand x

    • Like 2
  7. My mother's coming to Thailand for just under two months and I'm wondering what her options are for travel insurance.

    She's getting a 60 day tourist visa so there's no problem there as the trip is less than 60 days.

    I believe things change for insurance once you hit 70 years old, her 70th birthday was this year and she's finding that most of the insurance quotes she can find only provide cover for one month or they are much more expensive than she's paid before.

    For example she went to India at the start of the year when she was 69 years old and the insurance amount was pretty cheap.

    One website (Saga I think) quoted her about £270 for a trip to Thailand which will be less than two months, only about £30 cheaper than their annual multi trip policy.

    The flight only cost about £450 with Lufthansa when she booked it a few months ago so it seems a little unusual that the insurance would cost so much.

    She doesn't like wasting money and probably isn't going to do much in the way of travelling for the rest of the year.

    Does anyone have any ideas where a 70 year old can get a good quote for travel insurance for a trip which is just under 60 days in length ?

    Does she have travel insurance through her bank account? Most banks offer this now, If she does ask them to extend the insurance because this is only for 30 days. I will get in touch with inlaws they are both 70 and are travelling to Thailand for same length of time in January and I will ask who they use.

    Or tell her to go on compare the market this will bring up best deal.

    • Like 1
  8. Due to ISP caching it can take a long time for you to see your avatar change.

    I see a black and white cat on a radiator, but your profile picture is two young ladies (which I assume is the new one).

    There are ways to force the ISP to re-cache the data (dashed if I can remember how right now), but just waiting usually works.

    The cat is my new one, will wait.


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