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Posts posted by DarloKnight

  1. On the thai tv news just now they announced results showed the DNA does NOT match and the father has hired a lawyer to go after those websites that allowed postings that tarnished his family name for lawsuits.

    That's fair enough. I would look at the person that started the rumours. The one that called a press conference asking people to look out for the suspect.

    When a head cop calls a National press conference and does 'Thailand's Most Wanted' for the watching world, it's not surprising people latched on to this subject (after the cops posted footage of the running man which they implied was Nomsod).

    The dude/dudette from CSI LA's website is going for an interview with Thai PBS. If anyone can put subtitles on a youtube vid, that would be great.

    With the Thais love of a 'show' , I fully expect either Nomsod's dad to hand him a letter from his lawyer or the cops to just come in and arrest him. I wonder if this interview is in a secret location? If this CSI LA chap knows what's good for him, that's what he should be doing (just before catching his flight to South America).

    Public Enemy once sang ''Fight the Power!''....they've obviously never been to Thailand.

    the csila guy isnt in Thailand, and you are correct, the head cop, or ex head cop, is the one that should be held responsible as he was the one that started the so called rumors

    Thanks, I didn't realise he was outside Thailand. I thought he was a bit bravelaugh.png

    He is now saying he will be on a Thai program tonight? Unless via video link?

  2. Penistone is in Barnsley not Rotherham and that particular incident there is no suspicious circumstances also white British family. Very tragic incident if anyone bothered to read the story.

    Wrong on two counts.

    But don't let the facts get in the way.

    Google penistone if you know how? if not I will tell you it is a market village that comes under Barnsley Council!

    Google the news story, but I will tell you police were not looking for anyone else!

  3. Penistone is in Barnsley not Rotherham and that particular incident there is no suspicious circumstances also white British family. Very tragic incident if anyone bothered to read the story.

    Wrong on two counts.

    But don't let the facts get in the way.

    How am I wrong please elaborate?

  4. The Brits have at the very least 2 eye witness statements, at least 2 people whom WERE with the deceased that night, and BOTH those people WILL be AWARE if Mr Nomsod was in or around the AC Bar that evening.

    Maybe thats why Mr Nomsod has rushed to have a DNA test.

    But DNA is just one minor part of an investigation, hence why the Thai courts will not start procedings against the 2 Burmese.....lack or no eveidence.

    The Brits....do they have the said evidence....alll will become apparent soon

    Boris are the British police still in Thailand?

  5. What If he did not want to give DNA because he was scared of being a scapegoat? Has anyone thought of that? If people are saying DNA is being switched maybe he was just scared the same would happen to him?

    I do not know the facts only theories same as everyone else, please do not say I am defending I am just turning it around to another theory.

    Children of influential people in Thailand are never made scapegoats. You should read-up on the 'Son of Red Bull' hit/drag and run case.

    I know the story and there is no comparison when it comes to wealth on that one. I was just trying to turn the scenario round and ask if it was possible?

  6. What If he did not want to give DNA because he was scared of being a scapegoat? Has anyone thought of that? If people are saying DNA is being switched maybe he was just scared the same would happen to him?

    I do not know the facts only theories same as everyone else, please do not say I am defending I am just turning it around to another theory.

  7. Darlo the FBI page never said ' fled to Australia'.

    They asked anyone from Jetstar to confirm if Nomsod had purchased a ticket to Australia. Maybe he was thinking of going, maybe posting that stopped him.. Who knows. I doubt a visa would be granted for him.

    Shot in the head is still a big possibility. Yet to be proven or unproven.. If it is proven doesn't say much about the RTP and their crime solving skills now does it.. The only way you could miss that would be if you didn't want the crime solved.. It is alleged that some people at they crime scene were involved. Maybe just maybe those people at the crime scene didn't want the murder honestly solved. Probably why 2 guys where running around the island threatening to kill a certain someone. I do believe one of those people was an off duty cop and one entered a crime scene illegally or with no reason to be there... Kinda makes you wonder....

    Hi johnsen, I know they never said fled but a lot of people saw that and implied it, like I said before a lot of info just gets twisted and people only see and hear what they want. I for one am guilty of this sadly. There is that much info floating round at the moment non of us know what's true and what's not, also a lot of info is lost in translation.

    Everyone knows your name, although they have never met you; know all about your private life and sexual preferences from social media and can make character judgements based on this.

    Nomsod, your five minutes of fame! Sean McAnna, your five minutes of fame.

    Plus a Mon, who has maybe a bonus five minutes extra time for photo opportunities.


    Are those first 2 lines about me?

  8. Darlo the FBI page never said ' fled to Australia'.

    They asked anyone from Jetstar to confirm if Nomsod had purchased a ticket to Australia. Maybe he was thinking of going, maybe posting that stopped him.. Who knows. I doubt a visa would be granted for him.

    Shot in the head is still a big possibility. Yet to be proven or unproven.. If it is proven doesn't say much about the RTP and their crime solving skills now does it.. The only way you could miss that would be if you didn't want the crime solved.. It is alleged that some people at they crime scene were involved. Maybe just maybe those people at the crime scene didn't want the murder honestly solved. Probably why 2 guys where running around the island threatening to kill a certain someone. I do believe one of those people was an off duty cop and one entered a crime scene illegally or with no reason to be there... Kinda makes you wonder....

    Hi johnsen, I know they never said fled but a lot of people saw that and implied it, like I said before a lot of info just gets twisted and people only see and hear what they want. I for one am guilty of this sadly. There is that much info floating round at the moment non of us know what's true and what's not, also a lot of info is lost in translation.

    • Like 2
  9. I'll tell you right now what the outcome will be. He will be cleared and not because of some nefarious scheme cooked up by the BIB. Anyone familiar with familial DNA testing knows that because the father and uncle have already been tested and cleared that he will be cleared too. The thing that will remove all doubt is the fact that Scotland Yard will now be witness to this new testing. If they closely monitor the test - as I have no doubt they will -that should put the final nail in the conspiracy theory coffin.

    When did the relatives have their DNA taken, was it at the beginning when everyone else had theirs taken?

  10. Saying that the son giving DNA should shut the detractors up is stupidity:- if the same people are involved in the process then why would they be trustworthy?

    As far as I can tell most people were asking for independent testing.

    Even we have an independent testing with the Brits involved , and the DNA doesnt match , nobody here on TV or CSI LA will believe it.

    Maybe a live video stream of this event would convince all the thai bashers in here.

    Think it's great that this certain FB page as kept it in the media but what a lot of people of got to realise is that a few things have been totally wrong that have been put up on there

    1. Fled to Australia

    2. Gun shot

    These kind if rumours or not good for the family and also everyone jumps on the bandwagon and it gets blown out of proportion.

    Why not complete your list ?

    -no thais can do that

    -farang provoke this crime because of bikini wearing

    -homosexuell allegation at the start

    -putting "bloody jeans" in the bag

    -crime scene contaminate

    -failed attemp to threaten a taxi driver

    -banana pancake torturer and "pro" translator

    -different discover places of the mobiles

    -turn around investigation on september 23rd

    and so on .....endless

    Just quoted the 2 that were false on the FB page, don't know about the rest.

    Obviously he's not in Oz and an American forensic said no gun wound.

    All I'm trying to say on both sides there's that many blooming rumours it's all getting out of control.

    We should just wait and see now instead of Chinese whispers, which we are all good at.

    • Like 1
  11. Saying that the son giving DNA should shut the detractors up is stupidity:- if the same people are involved in the process then why would they be trustworthy?

    As far as I can tell most people were asking for independent testing.

    Even we have an independent testing with the Brits involved , and the DNA doesnt match , nobody here on TV or CSI LA will believe it.

    Maybe a live video stream of this event would convince all the thai bashers in here.

    Think it's great that this certain FB page as kept it in the media but what a lot of people of got to realise is that a few things have been totally wrong that have been put up on there

    1. Fled to Australia

    2. Gun shot

    These kind if rumours or not good for the family and also everyone jumps on the bandwagon and it gets blown out of proportion.

    • Like 1
  12. Just FYI, it is NOT correct that the police have NOT confirmed Nomsod or anyone else as the guilty party.

    It is a speculative post about an RTP (maybe) on spacebook.

    This tragic incident is getting closer to being resolved, IMHO, please can we stick to facts and not keep speculating, adding to the chinese whispers

    and conspiracies.

    Most of us on here believe much of the circumstantial evidence, we have to wait and see what transpires next.

    Second guessing does not help anyone, I believe the family are watching this forum so I think a little sensitivity is in order.

    Apologies for the rant guys and girls.

    I'm also guessing that the family and Davids friends are keeping up to date on this forum as well as CSI, they keep David's facebook page updated and are very active on it. So yes lets make sure when posting that they may well read this also so sensitivity is the key. Unfortunately lacking in Jcrab but I'm sure they can take him for what he is. Somebody who has nothing better to do than quote law and pick holes in everything that doesn't fit in to a legal framework and sadly lacking in any form of sensitivity or support for the family.

    Hope they are not checking on a certain FB page it made me sick yesterday seeing the pictures that should not be published 'in my opinion' to the public.

    • Like 1
  13. I see the changes already happening women are glued to there phones waiting for the next message on facebook.

    Girls are getting more rude and less friendly with each passing year.

    There is more of a entitlement attitude the feeling that I shouldn't have to work and things they should just be given to me.

    I feel that the way the world is coming together with technology Thai woman are copying the ways of western women.

    They all are obsessed with looking white.

    They all want the newest latest phone.

    They have a I'm better than you attitude.

    I am just worried that the bad traits of western woman will be adopted by Thai woman in the future.

    Hi there as a western women who has a teenage girl I agree all westerners are obsessed with the above apart from looking white, they are obsessed with false tan and tanning salons.

  14. What I really do not understand is if it is so bad and a lot of expats despise it so much (way they talk) why do they stay in Thailand?

    Some people are sheep and go about their lives following and never say a thing. These in my opinion deserve any grief they get in their lives. Others stand up for what they believe and help make the world a better place. No place is perfect but many of us have been in Thailand for years and now have roots here. We have seen it go from a place not too bad to being out of control. When we see our home being violated it makes us stand up and speak up. We are not sheep !

    Get it ???

    Get what? What I do understand you are a guest in that country and you or I will never have a say in that country.

    I myself have seen changes over the years but I am only a spectator.

    I wait your next comment " go back to your own country if you don't like it here" .

    Until it is illegal to have an opinion I will voice mine. This is my home !!!

    Not my place to tell anyone where to live, just voicing my opinions ;)

  15. What I really do not understand is if it is so bad and a lot of expats despise it so much (way they talk) why do they stay in Thailand?

    Some people are sheep and go about their lives following and never say a thing. These in my opinion deserve any grief they get in their lives. Others stand up for what they believe and help make the world a better place. No place is perfect but many of us have been in Thailand for years and now have roots here. We have seen it go from a place not too bad to being out of control. When we see our home being violated it makes us stand up and speak up. We are not sheep !

    Get it ???

    Get what? What I do understand you are a guest in that country and you or I will never have a say in that country.

    I myself have seen changes over the years but I am only a spectator.

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