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Posts posted by DarloKnight

  1. Can I ask this.......even IF the British found different evidence what can they do with it?

    After reading and trying to educate myself with foreign laws I believe there is nothing they can do?

    They can make it known all over the world which could lead to problems for Thailand and hit their holy tourism industry

    As a tourist myself don't think it will alter my plans you may think I am being selfish but realistically I don't think it would suffer, I think the younger generations may ease off travelling to certain areas.

  2. In any murder investigation in a civilized country, the prosecution would have to produce evidence which included something very, very important....MOTIVE

    Where was the motive in this case and please don't give the bullsh*t that the 2 Burmese were aroused by the actions of the victims.

    Now when the toxicology reports become public knowledge, if there was evidence of a date rate drug......we begin to see a motive.

    If the RTP had followed up earlier claims of Foreign female tourists rape claims on Koh Tao, maybe they would have caught the murderers before they had committed another crime.

    Why has the RTP not done any mobile phone investigation ie phone records, sms records...WHY? because they know they will lead to people who are untouchable

    So if I were a prosecuting attorney, here is (hypothetically) what I might say:

    People have commented that a crime of this brutality could only have been perpetrated in extreme passion such as one who has suffered rejection, humiliation, and losing face by having his advances denied by the deceased UK female.

    But here may be another source of extreme passion: 2 young men from another country have been working low-paying menial jobs on the island for 2 years. Every day they see scantily clad Western females and know that Western males are -- for the proper consideration which they certainly lack -- able to have sex with Thai females and maybe even the females from their own country whom they covet. One day they are out on the beach at 4AM and the hear the sounds of love making close by and figure this may be the chance that has been gnawing away at them for years. And the rest happened when things just got out of control.




    Weapon sorted

    Theft and rape for a motive

    Presence sorted

    JD are you a retired lawyer? I know it's nothing to do with the thread but just curious due to you knowledge (not having a go either)

  3. Burmese are 100% innocent if this is true

    According to CSILA, Hannah was shot in the head before she was hit by the hoe. He claims he already knew this but didn't want to talk about it because the graphic nature of the image. Apparently a forensic experts told CSILA that Hannah's head looked like was suffered from a bullet wound and this is why the killer(s) used the hoe as a cover up.

    I don't know it this is true, this even adds more fuel to the fire the Burmese are totally innocent because I really don't think these Burmese boys carried around a gun did they? I may add I saw the unedited picture, which I do not recommend anybody to look at, but it does makes sense to me.

    Easy sorted. The cops will now have another rumble thru the bushes where they found the phone, and will find a gun in a plastic bag.

    Weirdly, there was a gun and poss hand grenade in suspects room during vid clip of police search, same time they showed the phone `found`. Sorry, don`t have link (1`m in icu mbike) but I saw it a couple of weeks back posted by Dogmatrix I think.

    Yes I saw the the gun in the video clip it was actually in a case, but it still does not mean she was shot......

    It also does not mean it belonged to the Burmese. Thai police is well known for planting

    If you read a few posts further back I have also said that a certain FB page an American lady who is in America who as been giving advice to this FB page as also said that with the photo evidence of the immediate surrounding area this is not from a gunshot wound. Read it if you have access it was very informative.

  4. Sorry but this shit about the one saided condom ???/ Yeah like how real is that. grow a brain.

    Is this for me? Just has unlikely as mixed semen I guess but to constantly believe everything thought up by CSILA "grow a brain"

    Yeah I think just you. Not something I hope will ever happen, but if one day I shag your ass I hope there wont be 2 or 3 lot of seamen on the condom.

    Wouldn't want people thinking you were a slag.

    Hells Bells, calm down to a frenzy. All I want is justice, with the guilty people identified and punished. Whoever that may be, I don't care. But to start going nuts due to a Facebook page is completely barmy.

    Also a forensic expert is disagreeing with the page on FB now saying no gunshot wound or evidence!

  5. question for JDinasia: if evidence showed the headman's people were the culprits, would you accept that?
    Absolutely. Real evidence not the crap from conspiracy theorists.
    Question back at you. If the semen DNA matches will you accept the guilt of the 2 Burmese men? (it is a little unreasonable to think that they raped but didn't kill- there is still the rest of the circumstantial evidence)

    Absolutely if the DNA the British Police have from the body matches the DNA the Thai Police Farce have.....would I accept the Thai Police DNA without external verification....would I @kk!!!

    It is improbable that the UK inquest will turn up any foreign DNA after a full autopsy and then embalming.

    But the Thai authorities could have sent samples to the UK after they did their autopsy?

  6. Burmese are 100% innocent if this is true

    According to CSILA, Hannah was shot in the head before she was hit by the hoe. He claims he already knew this but didn't want to talk about it because the graphic nature of the image. Apparently a forensic experts told CSILA that Hannah's head looked like was suffered from a bullet wound and this is why the killer(s) used the hoe as a cover up.

    I don't know it this is true, this even adds more fuel to the fire the Burmese are totally innocent because I really don't think these Burmese boys carried around a gun did they? I may add I saw the unedited picture, which I do not recommend anybody to look at, but it does makes sense to me.

    Easy sorted. The cops will now have another rumble thru the bushes where they found the phone, and will find a gun in a plastic bag.

    Weirdly, there was a gun and poss hand grenade in suspects room during vid clip of police search, same time they showed the phone `found`. Sorry, don`t have link (1`m in icu mbike) but I saw it a couple of weeks back posted by Dogmatrix I think.

    Yes I saw the the gun in the video clip it was actually in a case, but it still does not mean she was shot......
  7. By the way the UK coroner CAN request a copy of the Thai postmortem and the police reports.

    Also another postmortem was done in the UK this is only really done if the family is not happy with the initial investigation or any other extenuating circumstances.


    They can ask the FCO to ask.

    An inquest is held for all deaths abroad.

    I know that but the coroner will have asked for this info, but what about the 2nd postmortem being performed? were they not happy with information provided? Does the UK coroner already have samples?

    Just asking?

    AFAIK it has not been performed. Jan 14th is the date set for the inquest. Inquests are standard. A second full post -mortem is unlikely. More likely is an examination of the wounds, a ruling of unlawful death, and a description of the weapon if that can be determined.

    The second full autopsy is unlikely because -- have you ever seen a corpse after an autopsy? Then the body would have been embalmed prior to repatriation via commercial flight.

    As per the 2nd autopsy we might not ever know but due to circumstances of death I'm sure the coroner would have wanted one if it was possible, and no I have never seen a corpse before or after a autopsy and never want to.

  8. By the way the UK coroner CAN request a copy of the Thai postmortem and the police reports.

    Also another postmortem was done in the UK this is only really done if the family is not happy with the initial investigation or any other extenuating circumstances.


    They can ask the FCO to ask.

    An inquest is held for all deaths abroad.

    I know that but the coroner will have asked for this info, but what about the 2nd postmortem being performed? were they not happy with information provided? Does the UK coroner already have samples?

    Just asking?

  9. name="RustBucket" post="8588586" timestamp="1414339341"]

    You're missing their purpose entirely & have outlined something that falls within the remit of the Burmese authorities & Interplod.

    Interpol has no jurisdiction. The Burmese men's lawyers could get samples though.

    So why havn't they and why have the UK authorities not requested they ask for them to be sent to the UK?

    Because they are being blocked by the RTP. That's why.

    International standards my a***!


    Yet another conspiracy theory! Yeay!!

    We don't know what the defense attorneys have done but we can be sure they have not been blocked by the RTP.


    There is a vast difference between logic and conspiracy.

    Logical = Lawyers request DNA samples of their clients.

    Illogical = Lawyers don't request DNA samples from their clients.

    Logical = UK police request lawyers obtain DNA samples from their clients.

    illogical = UK police are not interested in requesting lawyers obtain DNA samples of their clients.

    Fact = Lawyers have not been reported to have yet requested DNA samples from the clients.

    Logical = RTP refusing allow anyone to take DNA samples as it will destroy their fake DNA results.

    illogical = RTP allow lawyers to take DNA samples and allow it to destroy their own fake DNA evidence.

    No conspiracy there, just basing my opinions on what is logical and illogical.


    Flawed on so many levels. The major one being lawyers meet with their clients alone.

    To think that they would announce they had taken samples before they had results to disprove the RTP claim is insane. If the results do not disprove the RTP claim they would never mention running Independent tests. That is also why they would not involve the UK cops.

    You think the UK cops would be there if they knew via background DNA tests that the RTP were completely correct?

    Flawed indeed.

    The fact you said 'lawyers meet with their clients alone' I don't recall saying that and anyway whether they do or do not, can you please send us a link telling the public that lawyer visits are with or without the police presence. That would help.

    If you can't find that link, then you shouldn't really be posting it as a fact.

    Please do prit things and then call them 'my' flaws.

    Huh? Let me understand this. You can claim anything with no evidence that it is true (or even logic) but can demand links from me?


    I think the UK cops are there to slow the boil politically in the UK.

    So why would the defense announce they had taken samples before they could know the results would not put a needle in their clients' arm?

    ( I will look for the link as it was reported on TVF)

    I base my thoughts on logic, and I can't exactly supply a link to 'logic'. It is thee who is coming out with things that are based on supposed information on the investigation.

    By the way the UK coroner CAN request a copy of the Thai postmortem and the police reports.

    Also another postmortem was done in the UK this is only really done if the family is not happy with the initial investigation or any other extenuating circumstances.

  10. You're missing their purpose entirely & have outlined something that falls within the remit of the Burmese authorities & Interplod.

    Interpol has no jurisdiction. The Burmese men's lawyers could get samples though.

    So why havn't they and why have the UK authorities not requested they ask for them to be sent to the UK?

    Because they are being blocked by the RTP. That's why.

    International standards my a***!


    Yet another conspiracy theory! Yeay!!

    We don't know what the defense attorneys have done but we can be sure they have not been blocked by the RTP.


    There is a vast difference between logic and conspiracy.

    Logical = Lawyers request DNA samples of their clients.

    Illogical = Lawyers don't request DNA samples from their clients.

    Logical = UK police request lawyers obtain DNA samples from their clients.

    illogical = UK police are not interested in requesting lawyers obtain DNA samples of their clients.

    Fact = Lawyers have not been reported to have yet requested DNA samples from the clients.

    Logical = RTP refusing allow anyone to take DNA samples as it will destroy their fake DNA results.

    illogical = RTP allow lawyers to take DNA samples and allow it to destroy their own fake DNA evidence.

    No conspiracy there, just basing my opinions on what is logical and illogical.

    You say 'we can be sure they have not been blocked by the RTP.' Please, will it be too much to ask you to please tell everyone here exactly WHY we can 'be sure'. You must have some very tangible evidence for us all to 'be sure'. Or re you just basing your opinion on the fact that we all know that the RTP have a glowing history of competence and non-corruption that is the envy of the entire policing world.

    Thought the coroner could request the samples not the UK police or Lawyers?

    The UK coroner has no standing to initiate any requests.

    See the information JLCrab's posted regarding the limitations of what the UK can do. All from gov't sources.

    What about Thai Coroner? He will have all the samples when they completed the autopsy?

  11. You're missing their purpose entirely & have outlined something that falls within the remit of the Burmese authorities & Interplod.

    Interpol has no jurisdiction. The Burmese men's lawyers could get samples though.

    So why havn't they and why have the UK authorities not requested they ask for them to be sent to the UK?

    Because they are being blocked by the RTP. That's why.

    International standards my a***!


    Yet another conspiracy theory! Yeay!!

    We don't know what the defense attorneys have done but we can be sure they have not been blocked by the RTP.


    There is a vast difference between logic and conspiracy.

    Logical = Lawyers request DNA samples of their clients.

    Illogical = Lawyers don't request DNA samples from their clients.

    Logical = UK police request lawyers obtain DNA samples from their clients.

    illogical = UK police are not interested in requesting lawyers obtain DNA samples of their clients.

    Fact = Lawyers have not been reported to have yet requested DNA samples from the clients.

    Logical = RTP refusing allow anyone to take DNA samples as it will destroy their fake DNA results.

    illogical = RTP allow lawyers to take DNA samples and allow it to destroy their own fake DNA evidence.

    No conspiracy there, just basing my opinions on what is logical and illogical.

    You say 'we can be sure they have not been blocked by the RTP.' Please, will it be too much to ask you to please tell everyone here exactly WHY we can 'be sure'. You must have some very tangible evidence for us all to 'be sure'. Or re you just basing your opinion on the fact that we all know that the RTP have a glowing history of competence and non-corruption that is the envy of the entire policing world.

    Thought the coroner could request the samples not the UK police or Lawyers?

  12. That is another thing the victims friends have not spoken about this at all (or have I missed this)

    I also read that Sean had given a Sunday UK paper a story/interview and this as not been published.........now I am using a theory, I will put my hard hat on! Is this because the British police now something different to what the RTP know?

    quote name="BoristheBlade" post="8587382" timestamp="1414321586"]Very true, but there is the problem for the Thai Nation.

    The Brits have the DNA of the victims, the accused and probably from the real culprits.

    They have one thing that the RTP sure don't have....witnesses, the deceased friends...hence they have a motive and the names of the real culprits.

    When they get back to the UK they will give a full report to the victims family and the British PM.

    The PM will make the findings public

    Now the difficult bit....do Thailand disagree with this report and risk the rath of the International community or do they agree and arrest and convict the real perpetrators, bringing great relive to the victims family's, the genuine people of Thailand and the respect of the International world

    OVER to you GENERAL

    • Like 1
  13. He may have interests and people on the island but I doubt an expat would have much clout.

    AND thats where the "posting" crap makes "browny points"............thumbsup.gif

    I do have friends there. I have no financial ties to the island.

    People that actually live in Thailand tend to have friends here. My friends tend to be professionals but a few on the island are Thai dive masters.

    There are no browny points.

    What do you your friends on the island think about the situation?

    I am waiting on a trial

    I have only spoken to one friend on the island and she is disgusted by the pictures of the victims being online. She is not sure if the police has the right suspects and is waiting on a trial as well.

    Thanks, also I would like to know how can pictures like that be uploaded as they are part of the investigation? Surely the person that took them are officials? So how do they get on the internet?

    They were posted by one of the RTP who was at the scence onto his facebook page then they went viral and everyone shared them

    Is that legal? I am amazed once again

  14. He may have interests and people on the island but I doubt an expat would have much clout.

    AND thats where the "posting" crap makes "browny points"............thumbsup.gif

    I do have friends there. I have no financial ties to the island.

    People that actually live in Thailand tend to have friends here. My friends tend to be professionals but a few on the island are Thai dive masters.

    There are no browny points.

    What do you your friends on the island think about the situation?

    I am waiting on a trial

    I have only spoken to one friend on the island and she is disgusted by the pictures of the victims being online. She is not sure if the police has the right suspects and is waiting on a trial as well.

    Thanks, also I would like to know how can pictures like that be uploaded as they are part of the investigation? Surely the person that took them are officials? So how do they get on the internet?

    They were posted by one of the RTP who was at the scence onto his facebook page then they went viral and everyone shared them

    Is that legal? I am amazed once again

  15. He may have interests and people on the island but I doubt an expat would have much clout.

    AND thats where the "posting" crap makes "browny points"............thumbsup.gif

    I do have friends there. I have no financial ties to the island.

    People that actually live in Thailand tend to have friends here. My friends tend to be professionals but a few on the island are Thai dive masters.

    There are no browny points.

    What do you your friends on the island think about the situation?

    I am waiting on a trial

    I have only spoken to one friend on the island and she is disgusted by the pictures of the victims being online. She is not sure if the police has the right suspects and is waiting on a trial as well.

    Thanks, also I would like to know how can pictures like that be uploaded as they are part of the investigation? Surely the person that took them are officials? So how do they get on the internet?

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