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Posts posted by spiderman2

  1. In my opinion Levy has experimented with the DOF system for a long time now...it must be about 7 years and it just hasn't worked in the way Levy wants it too. Either bring in a manager who has control over transfers or if you stick with teh DOF system let the manager choose who that DOF is.

    I could understand giving someone who has a proven track record in the transfer market the job as DOF and the 100s of millions theyve got to spend, but all these DOF seem to be people who just couldnt cut it as a manager when they had total control of everything.

    From the point of view that Spurs have made good money selling players its worked for them, but even a lot of that is more to do with the transfer market constantly going up and up.

  2. OK in this situation its best to do as the above posts points out, ie pay up the 170bht and let them know youre not coming back.

    But there are a significant majority who are so petrified of Thai males that theyre well aware of it and can take liberties accordingly.

    Im no internet hardman i just dont have the ability to turn the other cheek when people rip me off or take liberties.

  3. Corona is not such a bad beer, and it's a piece of lime, not lemon.

    He probably didn't tip, either.

    Corona? - Is this a game of Chinese whispers.

    Granted its not always best to argue, but i dont get you people that seem to lack any kind of spine and will do nothing about getting ripped off. Still at least youve your dignity..................haha.

  4. I had a possible business partner already lined up in an established business and even the possibility of romance and more.

    I'm sure there are many established business's in LOS that would gratefully accept an investor. There are many established business's in England that are looking for investors, if you invested last year, you'd now have next to nowt...these established businesses are called banks.

    And the 2nd easiest thing to find in LOS is romance especially if youre viewed as relatively wealthy.

    Why not take things slowly rent your flat out for a year then move with your eyes open, im surprised you could find a buyer for it in todays market.

  5. The second half performance wasn't too bad but it was too little too late as we were 2-0 down by half time.

    What terrible defending by both Collicini and Taylor maybe they were trying to out do each other.

    The thing is weve had no midfield to protect the defence for years and its just the same now, Butt's 5 seasons past being a decent player. I'l give Duff some credit he is about the only one he seems to want to put some effort in.

    Id sooner Ashley started from scratch now by getting rid of Wise etc... as opposed to getting some Nigerians, South Africans, Arabs to buy the club as much as he's fcuked up and by god he's made mistakes like no other chairmen before......but i believe he does have the best interests of the club at heart and its better the devil you know.

    Id sooner be crap with some integrity (if any can be salvaged) then to be like Chelsea or what Man City are about to become.

  6. Coloccini may well be good but he is playing alongside Steven Taylor so that makes him look average. Spiderman impressed in his first couple of games but then got injured playing for Argentina.

    Couldnt agree more about Taylor no matter how many of his Churchill esq speeches he makes, he has never had more then 2 good games on the bounce, That was a disgrace the other night v Spuds.

    I just cant see how we can beat Blakcburn in at 3pm today, not long to find out if im wrong, it can be viewed on the following link - http://www.myp2p.eu/broadcast.php?matchid=...amp;part=sports

  7. Ahhh FIFA isnt that run by a certain anti English corrupt racist called Jack Warner.

    The Serbs couldnt do anything about racism in Croatia, so i dont see how FIFA can.

    no, fifa is run by a swiss national, sepp blatter. jack warner is head of concacaf.

    ignoring your ridiculous serbs comparison, fifa can fine the croatian fa a sensible and substantial amount for failing to control supporters within a ground and / or for inadequate policing of an international football event.

    Jack Warner is vice-president of FIFA.

    The Serb analogy showed that serious hatred of others is existent in Croatia.

    A fine of 1 million euro wouldnt change the way people think in Croatia about others disimilar to themselves, but it'd be a good way to push it under the rug.

  8. i wonder if fifa will ever one day pull its finger out of its collective arse and bring fines for this type of neanderthal behaviour into the twentieth century? how can you take a game remotely seriously when its regulatory bodies are so pathetic?

    Ahhh FIFA isnt that run by a certain anti English corrupt racist called Jack Warner.

    The Serbs couldnt do anything about racism in Croatia, so i dont see how FIFA can.

  9. I can understand not liking Wise, but can't understand the ill feeling towards Ashley. He more or less saved the club from sliding into deep shit and put more time and money into the club than anyone else was willing to. But because Keegan had his usual sulk, the fans turned against him. He's the best thing that's happened to Newcastle for a long time and you're going to lose him because he won't let Keegan squander his millions on has beens.

    Keegan was told he had control of player recruitment for the first team, then Dennis Wise took control over this and bought players without Keegans consent, IMO this wasnt a sulk he had a genuine right to walk away as if the players dont impress he'll take the blame. The article that Keegan wanted all them superstars was leaked by Wise, Jiminez and was probaly b0110x

    I think Ashley has had a major over reaction against him, but he shouldnt have got his mates who have no experience in running a football club doing so from London and on a PT basis, theyve sold Milner and not replaced him, how about bringing a player in for Milner then selling him, looks as if we need him now with all these injuries. - http://www.physioroom.com/news/english_pre...njury_table.php

    Why was Michael Owens contract offer released to the press? a publicity stunt maybe, how about getting him to sign a contract then releasing it to the press, instead of trying to force a true professional by media.

    Why cant they get Terry Venables then release his signature to the press instead of creating anohter mess by telling the press about the meetings only to be turned down by him 24 hours later.

    Why couldnt they manage to sell Shola Amoebi when plenty of teams wanted him, before he got his monthly injury, this guy is as bad a player as you can get in any league.

    Why have we got the smallest squad in the Premier League after 3 transfer windows of Ashley.

    Ashley as good as a businessman as he must be, just doesnt seem to have a clue about running a football club.

  10. What is going to happen, are they likely to stand back and wait for the boys in blue or queue up in a line to take the chap on one by one or are they not all going to kick the cr6p out of the guy as they don't want it to be them next time invariable with hammers and scaffold tubes used for puttting the stall up?

    10 - 1 isnt the English way, we have our good points and one of them is a sense of fair play, 10 - 1 is the way with many of the East End of London immigrants though.

    I know of football suppoters meeting up for a ruck and as the numbers were too uneven the team with more fans thanked the other mob for turning up for a ruck and not running but were told to come back with more numbers next time.

  11. Dont give me this <deleted> Thai men never start fight with us, theyre usually the instigators, and if we dont constantly turn the other cheek to their rudeness and mild intimidations there would 10 times as many fights.

    Id prefer not to get into trouble and dont drink too much but there is no way im taking cr4p from anyone in England or Thailand.

  12. I'll be keeping my Newcastle shirt on.

    As for the current crisis, maybe this is the all time low they need to reach before things really do get better.

    Despite having some good players were playing like relegation certainty's so IMO they can still sink a lot lower. We need Spiderman, Beye and Obi back, Nzogbia isnt the kind of player id want in the trenches with me sooner he clears off the better.

  13. Surely if Dennis Wise had an ounce of decency in him he would resign so the club can take one small step forward, there would be a riot if the pensioner beating thug put a foot anywhere near St. James Park, you cant do a job when it is impossible to go to your place of work.

    The gobby midget cockney is hanging around for the big pay off.

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