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Posts posted by spiderman2

  1. I never understand why the EU lets countries such as Thailand and China export their goods to us without tariff's when these same countries place huge tariff's on EU goods.

    It shows these governments care about keeping job for their people and is a fantastic way to export much needed British manufacturing jobs which we so need at a time when they 3 industry's our economy is made up of are failing.

    If believe our nations should started putting like for like tariffs on their goods theyd stop this practice, time for a slightly more even playing field.

  2. Rivalex

    The games just after Xmas are pretty much the hardest games to get tickets for as everyone needs an excuse to get away from the family.

    Ive never not got into a game when going without a ticket apart from England away in the WC, but you'll have all sorts of scumbag touts putting the prices up for this game, and you generally have to leave until 3.05 before they are reasonable prices.

    This is the actual prices - http://www.manutd.com/default.sps?pagegid=...8-010E3CA3A129}

    And this link says theyre on sale from Friday 11th Nov, give them a call and find out exactly what time you should get one -


    OR Google - manchester united tickets

    Websites such as this have them but they seem 2-3 times the price.


  3. For the enitre 2 months training i'll be doing less weight training on the upper body, but boxing is an upperbody workout. Im disproportionally stronger upperbody then on my legs (due to having knee tendonitis for ages) or what i can do cardio wise and on the punch bag, hence i'll focus more on these, i find lifting upperbody weights relatively easy whereas the 3 other things (legs/cardio/punchbags) are hard work.

    Eg of 1 activity - Bench Press drop sets - 80KG x 12/15 reps, then drop to 60KG x 12/15 reps, then drop to 40KG x 12/15 reps. (1 set)

    Eg of 1 activity - Barbell pull up to chin - 40KG x 15/20 reps, then drop to 30KG x 15/20 reps, then drop to 20KG x 15/20 reps (1 set).

    It'll be 30 minutes cardio rising to 45 minutes per day after about a month.

    (Rest for an hour then)

    About 45/60 mins legs per day.

    About 30 minutes upperbody

    (Rest until 9PM then)

    60/75 mins punchbag/shadow boxing/ pads/ boxing with 4kg weights.

    And 500 sit ups everyday.

    It will be 3 days training then 1 day off as not to burn out.

    All this when i could be out getting drunk and chasing pretty young girls like any normal person in Pattaya does.

  4. Do protein shakes, Creatine and amino acids actually work.

    I am looking to buy some L Glutamine, Creatine Ethyl Ester , Whey Protein, Dextrose Glucose, Ultra Fine Scottish Oats (porridge) and maybe some Acetyl L-carnitine, from here -


    Ive taken Creatine Monohydrate and am not too sure about its worth, but the Creatine Ethyl Ester is meant to be far better.

    Does anyone know anything about these type of products and if they actually work or if theyre potentially bad for you, as in from personal experience not from what you may have read somewhere.

    I only eat English and Italian food which isnt always the best in Patts, and the amount of food id need to train 3.5/4 hours a day would just make me fat, hence the need for a helping hand.

  5. Cheers i will pop along to check it out, a gym with a brothel could offer a great way to relax at the end of a hard workout.

    As for the excessive training schedule, ive shaved the cardio down to 30 minutes per day and will take it easier on the upperbody weight training ie only doing 5 different activities per day with relatively light weights doing 1 drop set per activity. Piece of p7ss.

  6. Sorry did i miss something has world peace finally broken out, are all religions finally living in harmony, has someone put pay to inequalities in health and education, and do the worlds starving all have full stomachs tonight.

    Because all ive seen on the news in the last 24 hours is a very good public speaker, who had a fantastic marketing campaign, who had a privelleged upbringing being elected as president in a 2 horse race where the opposition kept on falling over.

    Give it a few years at least before turning into Americas cheerleader.

    PS Some of us were bright enough to realise the average Yank just goes to work and gets by the best he can like the rest of us.

  7. I am looking to use any Tonys gym purely for boxing, i will be staying at Pattaya Bay Resort behind California wow, im going to join California WOW for cardio machines and free weights, i need another gym with a variety of punch bags.

    Which one would you recommend that is close to where im staying and which is cheapest as im a tight c..t.

  8. Im sure the prices are in this thread but i couldnt be arsed to read about Thai/Farang pricing.

    So can someone tell me the definite prices for 1 month membership at Tony's gym on 3rd Rd., on another thread Tattoodrob asked and found out it is 3000BHT per month at California WoW.

    I was paying 200BHT a time at Tonys last year, on here people are claiming it to be 100BHT, which is right.

  9. However many over 60s there are in the fascist superstate that is the EU have full rights to retire to the UK.

    In total 600 million EU citizens have full rights to move to England and have free use of schooling, healthcare, solicitors, claim social security and get free housing.

    Anyway its good to see common sense prevailing and NuLiebour are finally stopping the masses of Non EU over 60s coming to the UK, i can only see the UK prospering with laws such as this.

  10. BKK is pretty grey and dull. No, really.

    As well, many expats here are of a different breed than in other Asian cities/countries where I have been expatriated. But I guess they are a byproduct of girls & booze.

    You must be referring to the Singapore Expat. Heaven knows that that group of tea toddling, stand me up at a bar on Orchard Road with my latest Jamie Oliver haircut to impress the Chinese gals kind of guys, should be something we all aspire too.

    I like the way you see the bad in everything it reminds me of myself, i refer to this kind of haircut that my brother sports as a "Londonboy haircut".

    To describe Bangkok in one sentence would be, its the only city other then my own where i get a tingle in my stomach when arriving at the airport and driving to my hotel.

  11. Thought Atletico defended well tonight and did very well to come to Anfield and play the way they did...I always feel we are going to get something in those last minuets in all our games this year... but that was a real gift at the end LOL. Well done Stevie G to step up and finish.

    That referee should be taken outside and shot for that decision, truly shocking.

    Pass the pringles Gerrard was complaining they didnt get earlier penalty decisions, the only ones i could see were possilbe penalty's would have gone to Athletico.

  12. Highly skilled economic migrants are good for an economy, uncontrolled economic migrants with low skills such as what has been happenning in England for the last 30 years is of absolutely no benefit to the working classes in terms of more competition for work such as building which forces wages down, higher cost of housing, overcrowded schools and hospitals, and to feel like a foreign citizen in ones own country, try moving to Brixton as a white English male

    you'll soon find out what true racism is.

    But low skilled migrants are fantastic for the Bourgeois.

    To the OP your partner can and will get citizenship to Australia in time provided youre a suitable spouse, or do you believe one quick flick through of her application form should enable her instant access to an Australian passport with use of all health and social security benefits in place aswell as being able to bring unlimited members of her family across to Australia or otherwise youre going to start spouting off using the race card.

    Besides if someone has skills and qualifications that are needed in Australia, is fluent in English, is young enough, is willing to move to certain areas they will get the correct amount of points needed to get an initial 4 year work permit no matter what colour, creed or religion they are.

  13. I hope Maradona is over his many personal problems but this appointment smacks to me as the same as Paul Gascgoine being made the next manager of England !! :o

    Id sooner have Gazza for England manager then bumbling Traylor who dropped Waddle when he was Players Player of the year, Sven or his fellow money grabbing charlatan Mcclown, when Gazza talks about football he can be articulate and he definitely knows what he's going on about.

  14. I can recommend one used by many farangs and local business men - Pinky Tailor. It's located near Ploenchit BTS, between sumkhuvit soi 2 and 0, at the end of Mahatun Plaza block. Cheapest suits go for 4000-6000thb with the most expensive being 60000thb. Very high quality and fast too. Pinky himself said you should invest at least 8000-10000thb in order to get one with reasonable fabrics. There's room for bargaining though. If you go there, look for the manager himself, middle-aged not Indian looking man.

    My first post btw :o

    I went to Pinky's about 2 yrs ago after having him recommended on this site and other forums.

    I spent 25,000 BHT which included a few shirts and an extra pair of trousers, i am not suit expert and hate wearing the things but this one seems terrible to me.

    Whilst the fabric is of good quality, he put the thickest shoulder pads in imagineable, when i have as broad and heavy set a pair of shoulder a man can have, it makes me look like a steroid freak in a cheap suit on his way to court.

    If i ever buy another one it'll be off the shelf as at least i know what im getting and can then take it to a tailor to get altered to fit.

  15. The little brats are starting to go right over the top about halloween in England, when i were a lad it were just about causing a nuisance, id like to ban it along with Xmas, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Valentines day and any other event were someone expects me to wish them a happy day or buy them a card or present.

  16. Yeah, absolutely we need more international food chains in Thailand, we don't have enough. Stop with the real restaurants and the homemade food!

    But the homemade pizzas at most places in Thailand including real and chain restaurants are disgusting, so long as its tastes good and is freshly made then i couldnt give a shyt if its a chain or not.

  17. there you go again,just shaded it,bit of a understatement.

    Your manager said and i quote -

    "It was tight in the second half and it probably needed something special to win the game, thankfully for us one of our players did it. We edged the game in terms of chances. We were under the cosh at the end but we got through it.

    IMO the Dick Dastards mob were better for the first 20 minutes of the first half then newcastle were better for the 2nd 25 minutes of this half, that was clear to see.

    The second half you were just better but to say you dominated or controlled anything is delusional, you were panicking on the back foot for the last 15 minutes, as the 2nd half was played in typhoon conditions no team is going to be capable of playing dominating total football, but think what you want.

    as for the money i agree with you a little on this one,4th bottom would be a failure considering whats been spent some money will be recouped in january when the squad gets trimmed {we will sell ya chopra back)

    Keane will want more players in January he copies Ferguson with his crying if he doesnt get all the players he wants, the difference is Fergies club have the means to afford it Sunderland dont, dont get me wrong i want Sunderland in the top division and wouldnt want them to get done up like Leeds, its usually 4-6 guaranteed points. For Keane to buy Chopra for 5 million shows he doesnt really have an eye for talent, he's even worse the Amoebi, Keane seems to pay above market rate for blatant mediocrity.

    but what a hippocritt look at the 100s of millions you lucky,rich,upperclass,snobby,superior beings from the chauve,sopisticated,chic,classy big city have squandered in the last 15 year,to end up where you are now,2 saleable assets owen and given,no maybe one,ya wouldnt get 5 million for any of the rest.
    Id say Souness squandered ludicrous amounts, Roeder a bit but wasnt trusted with too much, Dalglish actually bought quite well (such as Given, Solano, Speed), Keegan bought very very well, Robson wasted some on the likes of (Shambles, Bassedas, Carr) but got success and Gullit bought crap like Marcelino. Yep theyve wasted a lot like Peter Reid and Mick Mcarthy

    Though the net amount spending at NUFC in the last 10 yrs is 10 million GBP per annum - http://www.nufc-finances.org.uk/

    As for saleable assets Given, Guiterez(top player), Collicini looking ok, Taylor (is shit but worth money) Martins and Nzogbia, id bet someone would pay 6 million plus for Barton, the rest including Owen as his contract is running out are worth in the 5 million bracket or less.

    The thing with Newcastle is they can generate money through merchandise sales are usually in Europe and get 50,000 people a week paying big bucks to get in, which is why theyve not gone out of business depsite wasting millions and having 15 years of crooked chairmen with their fingers in the till, plus they own the stadium and some prime land worth $$$$$ next to it.

  18. What I would give for a real New York pizza! :o

    Itd have to be less then the price of a flight and 20 hours on a plane.

    Im surprised a really good tasting pizza chain hasnt been set up yet, there is definitely the market in tourist areas for it.

    Pizza Express in the UK is the best chained pizza company here, several of them would fit right in in LOS.

  19. I think consistency with the refs would be a nice welcome too. IMO, it was never a penalty and then it ruined the game. In the first half, we out classed and out played them but couldn't put one in the net. You would have thought we were the home side. Oh well, roll on weekend.

    What goes around comes around, you got a very bad decision go your way to get a penalty and an opposing player sent off the week before.

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