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Posts posted by spiderman2

  1. As a non-Brit I'm pretty happy about it because it will serve to keep away a lot of the British riff-raff running around town giving Farang a very bad name. The more afluent Brits will continue to enjoy life in Thailand as usual.

    The people you really need to be sorry for are the Aussies whose dollar has dropped about 30% in only a few months.

    OK Brits, fire away! :o

    For a single Brit thug on a 2 week holiday he only needs 1000GBP to live like a king, for him to keep the high life up he will only need 200-300gbp more this year then he needed last year, however those hiso polite British families with their sweet little kiddies that spend a lot of money on day trips, indigenous goods etc...will now be needing a good 1000-2000GBP more in spending money and flights, hence its these ones that wont be coming.

    Us blue bloods will be upholding the bad name of farang males in Pattaya for many years to come.

  2. is it worth joining both? tonys has the bags and open 24 hours to so why join cal wow....although there are a few more ladies to look at there :D . if you do join cal wow then say you went to tonys first and was a lot cheaper or speak to a farang sales manager first as the sales people would have to go and ask him if can discount anyway

    wow 4 to 5 hours a day training,thats a lot. :o save some energy for the ladies.

    you must be one of the lucky ones if you have to limit your sets and do higher reps to avoid hugeness,us ectomorphs have to eat bucket loads ,train heavy and still not put on a pound a year :D

    good luck staying off the beer in party town.

    Unfortunately i just need to look at heavy weights to blow up to the size of a roidhead which can interfere with trying to keep a low profile, besides lifting lighter weights is better in the long run.

    Be nice to have a bit of luxury which is why im thinking of going to Wow as their machines will be better for legs and back exercises then what Tony's gym offers, the plan is 30-60 mins cardio when i wake up, then have a rest for an hour or 2 then 45-60 mins legs, 45-60 mins upperbody then in the evening 1 - 2 hours on the punchbag, pads, shadow boxing and situps................sounds dead easy when i write it.

    The comment about catching an eyeful of fit Thai girls getting trimmer then they already are is a bit of a clincher.

  3. I was meant to be having a 3 month holiday in LOS shortly, i have been planning this for the last 6 months when the GBP was worth 65BHT now its down to 54BHT this holiday is now down to 2 months, if it drops another 10% which seems possible this holiday may get cut to 1 month.

    Now im a single guy with no responsibilites ie. kids/ wife/ mortgage/ debt and have enough money to fritter away on a longish holiday without it bankrupting me, but as i'm 35% poorer then last year when it was 72HBt - 1GBP the thought of having to be careful and not being a 2 month millionaire certainly makes LOS look less desireable.

    Now i'm not looking for Thailands projected tourist stats or interested about the world imploding there is enough of that on the news, but on a microlevel will the GBP going as low as 50BHT make you decide its not worth the while travelling 1000s of miles to LOS as tourist essentials such as beer and restaurant food are now a similar price to what is is back home.

    I believe the Aussies and Kiwis have suffered similar drops so same rules apply.

  4. Thanks tattooed Rob for taking the time to ask at California Wow, think if the GBP is still low 50s i'll have to get tips on bartering from a backpacker and get it cheaper then 3000bht, though as it has no bags which are essential to my plan i'll probably join Tony's aswell.

    I will be looking to train 4 days out of every 5 and for about 4-5 hours a day for the month im in Pattaya, then i'll go somewhere else in LOS and do the same for another month. Reason being im 33 fairly fit and want to get superfit whilst im still young enough to do so, and because its easier to work out in a warm climate, also because in 3-4 months i'll be starting a new job which means i wont be getting any long holidays for a while and finally its something ive always wanted to do. Plenty of people come to LOS to do these Thaiboxing courses, i personally dont like Thai boxing its too brutal (sport shouldnt be about trying to maim someone), i used to box (well i did for 1 year when i was 15 but it makes me sound hard to say i used to box) and can train myself better then what i'd get at one of these schools.

    Never done steroids for the cynic on this thread, i do about 15-30 reps and 2 sets at a time to avoid looking huge its fcuken hard work, reason i intend to stay off the beer is it'll not hurt for a couple of months, besides with all them pretty young girlies who needs alcohol for a good time.

    Anyway im coming with good intentions but will probably end up drinking and fighting most nights, falling in love with one of the girls from Lolitas, get 4 henna tattoos, have my hair beaded, update my Bad Boys go to Pattaya t shirt collection and bore everyone i speak to about how great Thailand was before them horrid tourist started coming.

  5. While I am not an economist.

    Thats a good start.

    IMO the present situation is only to be expected, as the long awaited "financial correction" has at last arrived. Personally I wish it had waited another year, but there you are.

    Can't speak for any other country, but the UK has been pursuing policies that could only lead to disaster. Basically encouraging growth by getting as many people into massive debt as possible. Banks almost giving money away, even to people that were bad risks. Mortages of over 100 %. Housing vastly overpriced. Then the incompetent policies of new labour, allowing as many unskilled people as could get into the country to stay, but not making them work or train. Allowing more people to claim larger benefits for longer. Spending vast sums on illegal wars overseas. Taxing the lower and middle classes till they no longer had sufficient to spend on non essentials. Allowing the industrialsts to export most of the real jobs to cheaper countries so they could make even more profits ( well, they won't be happy now, when no one can afford to buy their imported products- factories already closing in China ). Allowing all essential industries to be taken over by foreign owners who only want to make a profit; fewer and crowded public transportation, electricity and gas too expensive for pensioners to use, airports become huge shopping areas at expense of passengers comfort. Public services underfunded, the NHS only functions as they have poached trained staff from overseas prepared to work for low wages ( haven't seen any English people training as nurses in London for years; in fact, hardly any English people work in London hospitals ).

    Then, when it all goes wrong, the authorities dither, till finally they give the very people that caused the crisis vast sums of taxpayer's money, but without even stopping them rewarding themselves with huge bonuses for incompetence. To add insult to injury, the Chancellor now claims that giving the Americans billions of £ for a new Trident system will stimulate the economy! We need more people doing real jobs, not buying better ways to kill millions of innocent people.

    After the crisis really started to take effect, I was shocked when, on going into my bank, I was approached by a staff member who had been assigned to try and get customers to take on a new credit card. Just what we need, even more debt!

    As for the Osbourne affair, it's just a smoke screen to take people's minds off the farce going on in Parliament.

    The last time the world was in a really serious financial crisis, it took a world war and millions of dead people to recover, hopefully it won't get that bad this time.

    The most perfect description about the UK and its economy, exactly what the indigenous British worker has been saying for a while now.

    Yet politicians/ journalists/ liberals/ university educated folk call them racist, nationalist, uneducated, xenophobic or whatever names they use to shield their lies and incompetence.

    PS - We know the Polish work hard.

  6. My point is that the the UK economy is no worse state than most at the moment but the gbp has taken big hits due to comments made by our goverment.

    We have far greater debt per person then any other country in the G7, our banks have higher debt then any other country in the G7, we've an economy that is almost wholly reliant on the financial service industry which at the moment is F*&k%d, the housing market which is totally F*&k%d and people buying Chinese/Indian/Cheap goods on the high street on credit this industry isnt looking good.

    Apart from having high interest rates which we can lower to get the markets moving again i cant see any plus points.

  7. £ rate has crashed down 3 baht since this morning. This evening (October 24, 2008) 52 baht = £1

    Ive only been away for 5 days and its quoting 54 bht to the GBP on xe.com, a drop of 10% wit interest rates expected to drop considerably in the coming months in the UK this may get worse.

    This is going to separate the men from the boys and wait and see who can financially last here.

    I was going to be coming for a 2 month holiday soon, when its the equivilant of 2GBP for a small Heineken and 30% more for a meal then last year, it certainly means i wont be ringing any bells.

    Will keep a view on ThaiVisa and see who`s panicking.

    Tourists like myself wont be panicking, we can stay in farangland and keep the money in the bank until the sun comes out again, but Thai people who rely on exports to the UK, EU, AUS will be.

  8. This is s "Must Win" game for Spurs.

    If they cannot beat Stoke away...then it must be assumed that they can't beat anyone away !!

    Only saw the last 30 minutes of the game but Spurs didnt win any balls in the midfield and that midget they paid 17 million quid for, for having a couple of good games v England was useless.

    Still i cant see them going down, Spurs players are supposed to be in their prime.

    Anyway on a lighter note Spurs are throwing a party in May 2009, everyones invited -


  9. Sorry that happened to you Unomi, i lost the sight in one eye in a similar totally unprovoked attack, 11 years later and ive just had another operation.

    Unfortunatley its all part of the risk of going out drinking taking drugs in city's and towns throughout the world.

  10. Kevin Keegan should be well up there on the list..

    You dont know what youre talking about, he took Newcastle from being relegation certainties to the old 3rd division to the top of the old division 2 in one year winning the league, with what at the time was a record points total, and playing fantastic football.

    Then in his first season in the Premier league he took them to third on a limited budget, playing the best football England had seen for a long time, he got us into Europe for the first time in 20 odd years, we fnished 2nd twice and 6th under Keegans reign.

    Last season we'd have possibly gone down if Allardyce had stayed they really were that bad, but by the end of last season Keegan got the team playing good football again, at the start of this season the team looked organised and possibly being able to get into Europe, but then they sold Milner from under him and dumped 2 unknowns onto him, IMO and everyone elses he had every right to leave.

    If it wasnt for Keegan there would be no 52,500 seater stadium filled out almost every week, and theyd probably still be yoyoing between divisions.

    As a player he got NUFC promoted to Division 1, the crowds went from 22,000 to 36,000, he was entitled to a share of the gate receipts as part of his contract, but as it was too much money he was too embarrassed to take it and let the club keep it.

    He done a good job at Fulham getting them promoted, done well at City getting them promoted at the first attempt and keeping them in the premier league, finishing in respectable positions aswell as getting them into Eruope, and walked at England when he shouldnt have.

    Now for you to compare this to Graeme Fcuken Sounmess or Glenn Fcuken Roeder tells me youve be on the waccy baccy or probably something stronger.

  11. Yes, I will say I have had a great three years, but refuse to go into any details as too many people are hovering here waiting to rip people to shreds. Maybe thats why you dont get the good stuff posted

    I had a 6 month relationship with a BG when i was 28, i never once paid her a dime as i couldnt pay someone to stay with me for an extended period of time, she was at the time waiting to go to Belgium to be with some guy she wasnt overly sure about.

    Of my next 2 gf's in England, one was the daughter of a UN diplomat the other the daughter of a wealthy property developer. The Thai BG had more honesty, kindness, decency and intelligence then the other 2 could ever dream of having. Sometimes i would look at them and think that if they new a poor village Thai prostitute was without doubt better in every human way imagineable then them, it'd blow their delusion of grandeur right out the water.

    Anyway 5 yrs later she is in Europe, is happily married, hasnt been back to LOS in 5 yrs and is planning on having a family, im sure she'll be as perfect a mother as a kid could wish for.

    Thing is when i met her i knew nothing about BG's and their lies and games so i was open minded, now im probably a bit up my ass as i know a little more about LOS and dont trust any BG enough to have a relationship.

  12. http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,1...4347190,00.html

    No hard feelings, says jubilant Jol Martin Jol, top of the Bundesliga with Hamburg, does not hold any grudges against Tottenham despite his acrimonious exit from White Hart Lane.

    Twelve months on from his departure, Jol has steered Hamburg into top spot in Germany while Spurs are propping up the Premier League under Jol's successor Juande Ramos.

    The portly Dutchman told Sky Sports News: "They have got probably a worse situation than I had last year.

    "I had to play with Chimbonda at left-back, Tainio at right-back and Kaboul - they have got Woodgate and Gareth Bale and all these players, they are star players - it is a totally different situation from a year ago."

    Jol does admit it took him a little time to get over his dismissal but admits he has no hard feelings.

    He added: "I wish them all the best, but of course it took me one or two months.

    "They won the Carling Cup with that team, which was good I thought but they changed it - and that is their responsibility but as I said I wish them all the best."

    The likeable Dutchman also refused to rule out the prospect of returning to work in England.

    "I still have my house in England and maybe in the future I might go back," he concluded.


  13. Apart from 2 or 3 teams in the premiership, i think anyone of the rest of the teams would jump at the opportunity to sign him up.

    If he was a horse his owner would be debating whether to shoot him or not.

    The man has zero self awareness,

    Yeah right. That's why he's got 107 England Caps, playing for G0d knows how many different England Managers. I'm a Man City fan, so have no particular legiance to Beckham but i cannot deny his talents, no matter who he played for.

    Im not doubting that he was very talented, IMO he was overated as a player by Hello magazine but under-rated by real football fans, but his legs have gone he has not got even a little pace anymore he has none whatsoever, we get American Soccer on some obscure Sky channel and he looks finished to me, he is nothing more then a one trick pony that can cross a ball.

    As for the 107 caps i read an article comparing him with Moore and Charlton, these players got their 107 caps as starting players, not as a marketing gimmick to come on for the last 5 minutes of a game that is already won.

    SWP and Walcott should both get a game on the right hand side before Beckham does.

  14. when Everton are in the process of selling the club

    Are they? I've missed that one. I might let the Abu's know. We could use them as a feeder club :o

    They gadgy thats arranging the sale of Newcastle is selling them.


    Keith Harris, chairman of investment bank Seymour Pierce, has revealed he is hopeful of finding a buyer for Everton.

    Chairman Bill Kenwright has indicated he is willing to sell and has asked Harris to help conduct the search.

    Harris said he is "quietly confident" over Newcastle's proposed sale and told BBC Radio 5 Live that he was similarly optimistic about Everton. He said: "Bill is passionately clear it is is going to be someone who really does care for Everton in the future."

    Harris added: "Bill has been very straightforward. First and foremost he is the most enormous Everton fan."

    Kenwright admitted at a recent EGM called by fans who were unhappy about Everton's proposed ground move to Kirkby that the club needed to find a new billionaire owner.

    Harris said: "It is not going to be hot money or people who want to do all sorts of strange things with it. It is somebody who is going to carry on the tradition. "A big talking point has been the ground and you have heard Bill come out on that. It is very difficult for clubs to compete at the highest level if they can't get 55,000 or 60,000 people to come to watch them."

  15. How can you resolve a problem that has been around for centuries? Return land to another country? Would the US be willing to return some of the land that is took from Mexico?

    They need that land to accommodate the millions of Mexicans living in America a country that enables millions of Mexicans opportunites to work and make money and get education and health services all far better then they would have had should they have remained on Mexican land not claimed by Americans.

  16. I dont know what Capello has done but this England team looks way better than Svens and McCraps Era

    Yes he does seem to be able to get a team not playing well in the first half to look like a completely different team in the 2nd half.

    He is showing Sven and Mcclaren to be the money grabbing, publicity seeking, celebrity culture, no knowledge of football charlatans that they are.

    When reporters/journalists are interviewing him on a one 2 one basis they seem petrified of him and he mocks their stupid questioning, highlighting the lack of football knowledge that most journalists have.

  17. He hasnt spent much money and is the only manager to get a team in the top 4 in the last however many years.

    Whilst he isnt a great manager he isnt a bad one, however a 5 year contrct when Everton are in the process of selling the club is a strange move, maybe the extra couple of years is what he was holding out for.

  18. I would be in favor of a neutral third party leveling the temple and distributing the rubble equally to representatives from each country.

    Another option would be to get all the children of the politicians from each country arm them with more weapons you can shake a stick....................but prior to battle give them 1 minute to see if they can come to an agreement, im betting they would.

  19. A KLEPTOCRACY is: "Government by those who seek chiefly status and personal gain at the expense of the governed."

    A KAKISTOCRACY is: "Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens."

    These 2 fit the bill for all countries, apart from the fact those that govern are always very well educated at the best schools throughout the world, always the same few schools.

    If someone knows of a country that isnt like this please PM me i can keep a secret.

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