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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Well that's thrown a cat amongst the pigeons. Personally I say good riddance...any leader who allows a female to be killed because she wasn't wearing a head scarf is not a leader. Allah must have thought so as well.
  2. More twists and turns than an eel hooked on a fishing line.
  3. All the necessary ones would be my guess but then again I've been known to be wrong
  4. I take a rice rat home regularly and release back the wild the next day.
  5. I like it ...coming through the turbulent fog he has lived in.
  6. Replacing the Taliban with the Taliban after how many years comes to mind.
  7. My guess is AI. I don't read the articles anymore ...just the comments.
  8. Soon to be renamed CAMELOT so I understand
  9. If they weren't here it wouldn't have happened
  10. Why does Portugal never get a mention?
  11. The elephant 🐘 pants uniform is my guess
  12. Let's face it if they weren't here it wouldn't be happening πŸ€£πŸ™ƒ
  13. April 1st 2025. The April fools joke that keeps on giving.
  14. April 1st 2025 is a long way away. 24 hours is a long time in politics.
  15. Rough trade is the PC gay term
  16. Isn't that a mirror of what America wants?
  17. Whose daddy just purchased all those shares in VPN companies then?
  18. The number of troll posts in this thread designed to trigger response just blows me away...don't feed the trolls.
  19. Ivan ain't backwards in coming fwd that's for sure and Thai quacks ain't used to being questioned as they are used to being treated one below God status coz they ",learnt up" Ivan's national id must have unsettled someone with clout to get a govt statement
  20. Poor bloke needs a girlfriend with a bank account and a debit card to leave it with. Deffo safe that way for sure.πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ€£ He should have passport with him at all times for identification like it says In the brochure.
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