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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Those that subscribe to the it happens to other people not us brigade. Until.it does?
  2. Poor bloke mistook it for a roof rabbit and was tenderising it for the wok.
  3. Your first time doing missionary work outside the Bible belt is it?
  4. Am I allowed to say the health Minister opposes anything he doesn't make money from? With the logic he uses to justify his actions it must be the elephant ???? in the room.
  5. I was going g to ask if the statute of limitations had run out on the alleged crimes?
  6. I had a black mamba sent from UK which is similar to that...I didn't like that i couldnt inhale deeply nor get any taste from the smoke...another toy gathering dust in the cupboard I would like to read your experience with yours...maybe I was doing something wrong and missing the point.
  7. Looks like Kief ...wouldn't touch it with a barge pole...hash to me doesn't have airholes in it. I got some proper hash months ago that promo'd like this...it was nice and it was real...sadly it was a one of and they never re-upped
  8. with the number of lend lease agreements been signed in Europe of late could it be the other way round but then thats not taking into account the other 46 wars that are happening globally?
  9. Bring it up on puter screen then use the Google translate function on your phone
  10. I thought the GT's (gunga tourist) would have given the economy the Kickstart it needed?
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