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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Definitely good solid squatocracy stock there, that's for sure.
  2. i find your comparison between polar opposites to be confusing
  3. curious asks....the conclusion you draw from that is....?
  4. When do we see them... the non redacted set?
  5. Personally, I'd have nothing to do with this at all. East meets West and never the twain shall meet.
  6. overseas funding is a big stretch of anyones imagination
  7. I'm curious why, if the ginger whinger wasn't truthful on his visa application, hasn't anything been done about it?
  8. The hardest thing I have ever done was withdraw from nicotine
  9. Nana plaza hotel wins hands down for artsy fartsy area fir sure
  10. The only $@$ i know stands for $hort @$$ $yndrome.
  11. Getting a lapdance on 6/1 and denying what they feel on top of their lap would be my guess. I could be wrong of course
  12. I wouldn't envy her hubby when PMS kicks in this cycle
  13. A BiB, relation husband or boyfriend would be my guess.
  14. No...not at all...the existential threat comes from those trying to brand him as an existential threat.
  15. I don't know why peeps are getting their panty in a wad. Historically Hamas will break the agreement as soon as they regroup, rearm, re-tunnel ....the photos of them celebrating had a mob of blokes well armed calling it a Muslim success. My bet says it'll be back on for young and old shortly. I could be wrong but I don't think so.
  16. I would say yes going by what I read.
  17. Beats me why the Nigerian scammer with ugly feet and her ginger whinging lap dog get airtime at all.
  18. P4P works well for me. No complaints at all...I come they go. It's all transactional like it is with any female regardless of race colour or creed.
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