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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Seems to me it's only the politicians who were involved that don't want an inquiry and to hell with what the voters want.. Again.
  2. Certainly makes for less hassles
  3. may i suggest this unnamed place is not suited to your temperament wants or desires, i feel your pain and relish in it. thankyou for posting. ☻👣
  4. Is it true you will be teaching him to use a spoon next? Asking for a friend 🙃
  5. So the bloke that owns X isn't allowed to have an opinion? That may wash in your dystopian world...it doesn't wash in mine. Publish and be damned.
  6. Ladyboys is the term to use in Thailand. Please do not disrespect the ladyboys of Thailand by misgendering them as transgender.
  7. I guess it depends on what the owner of X defines as negativety ?
  8. Obviously not enough cuddles as a baby left him socially confused
  9. he could of at least tried to pull him out
  10. best i can make out its a Nigerian scammer with ugly feet and a ginger whingeing lap dog
  11. has it helped you? can you notice any difference?
  12. she lost me when she first wore the boyfriend shirt, virtue signalling to her harpie mates, look who I'm doing.
  13. I'm curious why the Nigerian scammer with ugly feet and her ginger whinger lap dog get air time?
  14. It's a very broad brush stroke when painting a picture of wowsers and w/anchors.
  15. Or rip them out like you are starting a victa mower...up to you!
  16. as a farmer who used nitro pill as a fertiliser by the ton on crops, all it takes is some diesel and a det cap and i would have rained down as mince onto the quickest made largest dam made in the state
  17. i think i dont believe the media from either side going by what has been published historically on other conflicts
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