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Everything posted by wombat

  1. i keep saying my unvaxed blood is for sale on social media...havent had a msg.
  2. bring all the industries that bailed for o/s back and start again
  3. inflation started when manufacturers took industry to other countries with cheap labor so the same product could be sold in America for more money and more profit while the closure of American factories began the unemployment spiral.
  4. Starmer the trojan horse closet Tory
  5. Sounds on the money to me. Just one more reprehensible act to add to the list of reprehensible acts by the Biden/Harris team.
  6. er...confused asks...they have a copy of his passport, dont they?
  7. Not wearing the right amulet would be my guess
  8. You ask why? Do you read any media?
  9. So in essence you are espousing that I as a guest in Thailand resort to fraud with deception to gain advantage? Pass.
  10. Curious asks...what part does a Thai friend play in me getting unlimited 15 Mbps? 3100 for how many months?
  11. as produced by the fantasy factory?
  12. Skippy, put that thing back in your pouch please 🙂🙃🫠
  13. its got me beat why.... i am phobic islam. i fear islam. islam is bigot me,
  14. an AI rehash of perenial articles is how i read it
  15. or one of these grow tunnels that fit the evap explanation?
  16. find a loophole in the system and drive a semi through it...kudos lady
  17. i can never find a sarcasm emoji when i need one
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