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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Are the sandos that bad you can get compo?
  2. bubba gunna lurve him big time
  3. all the used ones in Oz are sent to Amelika to make chewing gum so the story goes
  4. That's harsh.
  5. If they have any of this one left it's good enough to throw caution to the wind and break the budget
  6. Like the Queensland Premier Joh Bjelke Peterson (RIP) , Trump throws his chooks (reporters) corn (information) and watches them peck around the ground as the squable. Trump and Joh ....masters in manipulation
  7. if you weren't out looking for miss Rightfortonight and she wasn't working bar, how else were you going to meet?
  8. works for my mrs
  9. everything that youve written wont happen...how can you be so naive or is this your idea of a funny troll post?
  10. meanwhile they send Biden to deepest darkest Africa to be ridiculed as being late to the party after China has already been there and got all the good bits with football diplomacy.
  11. i give up...wots a two of them when its at home ?
  12. silly billy they are the only ones that can afford them
  13. ask any of the africans...they will sort you out ☻🙃🤣
  14. if you have Line this link should open showing whats available. If it doesnt open....sorry, i did try https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O9gaXJSPoxSzV5aSkF92vwgdMIUW7bEy
  15. why? seems like a good idea at the time?
  16. in a nutshell...old age sux donkey nuts
  17. Who on that list do you say are innocent?
  18. Best thing that could've happened to it the black mould covering it was a health hazard
  19. Old spice with lemonade is a good heart starter in the morning.
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