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Everything posted by wombat

  1. When she (round eye) asked me to marry her.
  2. Starmer is a trojan horse closet Tory
  3. i advise people to honeymoon in Pattaya...ive had no complaints when the husband returns after dropping the bride back in home country
  4. certainly do
  5. prey tell where this happened, your saying they exist?
  6. see...another one that put all the paperwork in his girls name...saves all the hassles and family can rent it back
  7. i guess she wasn't a cashier after all🙃
  8. 30 baht nuggets.. Hardish on the outside yet soft in the middle that mixes well when chopped...in a joint a more flavoursome taste as opposed to the 8 baht popcorn gorilla
  9. Long con by a born again cashier
  10. I got them online and had to ask for a menu before I got on their list
  11. Weed is not amphetamine Weed is a relaxer
  12. Newbie mistake... pro tip...smoke before you drink if you haven't smoked weed before.
  13. Like old mate says Never argue with an idtent,they wear you down and win with experience.
  14. Reality is boring 🙃🫠
  15. An acknowledgement of your writing and a word the botts didn't react to.
  16. With all due respect to the author I can't help the feeling that I was reading pretty much the same shock and awe pieces 50 years ago.
  17. You must have a feral mastabutorium bank for those special occasions 🤣🤣🤣
  18. Journalists credibility? when, since 1980,have journalists had any credibility?
  19. What happens to the lottery tickets that were confiscated from the illegal sellers?
  20. Goodness me, a deflector ...says it all. A simple question turned into a perso Al insult due to your inability to answer. So sad.
  21. To heck with the budget, go the whole hog @ 30 baht a gram.
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