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Everything posted by wombat

  1. I give them a week, then Ginger and the Gingers Whinger will issue a statement about how his grief is so much worse than everyone elses' and the attacks on the royal family will escalate because "they kept them apart from Granny". Got to justify the paychecks from netflx.
  2. RIP Old Girl. How will MM bounce with this one?
  3. wing it...fly in and see what happens.
  4. i mean seriously ...how hard is it to throw a seed in a pot?
  5. has it been suggested bite the bullet and splurge on a new one?
  6. It's now seven hours later...stones worn off and the 2nd for the day is being made. Value for money its won me.
  7. daylight robbery ...lol
  8. Take one for the team for us please. Splurge on one of each and let us know how you get on????
  9. No complaints about value for money. Cranked up the first for the day so not to be biased...chops ok smokes ok ...I'm not going to see the Fabulous Fury Freak Brothers on the wall from it, however, it's a nice functional stone that does the job. I entered the phone number into Line and there is a profile. Sent a text can I order from this profile and included a pic of the GC logo with phone number. Text has been read but no reply.
  10. sadly that link is now dead. I ordered from it before it went dead...@ 219 baht for 10 grams wadaya got to lose? This is what arrived
  11. My suggestion is do like the fireman do produce a calendar
  12. ????goodness me you'll adding morals to that list next. This is TV rebooted????
  13. and yet Churchill could say that ''Islam in a man is worse than rabies in a dog'' with no consequence?
  14. i messaged old mate for how to do that...this is what he sent back...sage advice for sure
  15. Have you done due diligence about CBD drops/oil? CBD could be what you need
  16. they weren't produced in a back yard shed.
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