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Everything posted by wombat

  1. all I know is the Thai stick/Buddha stick that came in cellophane wrapped packages of 80 and 120 sticks that were allegedly with the benefit of hindsight imported into Oz by Terry Clark AKA Mr Asia. the smell the blocks gave off as they were rehydrated on a stand over steaming water in an electric frypan I would love to recreate.
  2. I've just done mine...it took 6 weeks. IMHO do it now don't wait.
  3. Scuze my mirth....close bars early to save electricity? That'll keep me going all day.
  4. Fruit bat's are a delicacy as they only eat fruit their meat is sweet. Remember the adage I am what I eat and I'd like to be you tomorrow.
  5. Now that weed is legal I expect to see many more headers like this one. I am curious why I never see cocaine busts?
  6. Er...once again... The injection does not stop you getting covid it is not a vaccination that imunises it only lessens the severity if you catch covid. Am I wrong?
  7. In case he wanted to pull the pin?
  8. the old in the covers of the cushions one...pfft...these guys obviously don't watch Border Patrol.
  9. of course they are. if they weren't here they wouldn't have happened.
  10. in Oz no-one actually owns land its all leased from the govt for 99 years. is there any reason this wouldn't work for the 1 rai blocks? the Oz govt can resume your land if it decides its needed of course.
  11. I stand to be corrected here but if those 2 buds weigh 6 grams id be wary they weren't PGR'd
  12. Everything shuts at 2..why were they there at 3. ?
  13. In the land of "up to you" wouldn't it be better if it was "up to me" what hours I wanted to open my business?
  14. With the zero covid thing happening in China and the borders closed (allegedly) Where are all the Chinese coming from to go to the Chinese owned clubs that have been prominent in the media of late?
  15. I have to agree. Juvenile behavior at its dummy spitting worst.
  16. And let this be a lesson TG's don't like surprise visits from sponsors...they never end well
  17. Clean up in aisle 6 please DD had a premature celebration behind their screen.
  18. Goodness me ...all these people being upset behind their screens? Pro-Tip for you... Get out more.
  19. Er...No...Wrong... The statistics have always been lowballed prior to June 9th. now the real numbers that were always there are coming out
  20. RIP Bloke. I guess that showed her, huh?
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