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Everything posted by lujanit

  1. Prayhoot and Anutin wants Thailand to be like this all for sake of a few baht. Greed and madness.
  2. Not wasted in the wallet of corrupt people who benefited.
  3. When I first suffered with sciatica I was under the care of a doctor. She had me take a MRI which showed a collapsed disc between L4 and L5. This compressed the sciatic nerve. She said that there was no treatment (at that time) and all I could do is pain management coupled with certain exercises. She prescribed Tramadol. Walking and riding a bicycle seems to help. I know what sets it off. Twisting my back repeatedly like when using a whipper snipper is sure to cause a flare up. Sleeping in a bad position results in pain. I'm too old to have 'experimental' surgery and I wouldn't want it anyway. I am fortunate that I don't suffer withdrawal symptoms when I don't use it. So I self medicate when necessary. No addiction or denial here.
  4. After purchasing a condo the Chinese owner will immediately list it on Airbnb. There goes another neighbourhood.
  5. Australia also. Remember that China requires a negative PCR test to enter China too.
  6. Prayhoot will shift the goal posts so that he can be PM for as long as he likes.
  7. Can you post citations that Sinovac saved some lives in Thailand. The CCP have admitted their vaccines are useless against covid which is why they now import anti-covid meds from the west. Pfizer to be exact.
  8. I won't be surprised if more and more countries require a negative PCR test for people to enter their country. When the Chinese spread the new sub-variant all over the world governments will be forced to act. Remember that China requires a negative PCR test before people enter China.
  9. The speed limit for trucks over a certain size is 80 kph.
  10. It would be hilarious if the Union Thai Nation Party rejected his application. Talk about a major loss of face.
  11. Yes there seems to be a lot of stories lately saying the BIB have arrested some gang or other along with a whole heap of goodies. Maybe the BIB is conducting a campaign to rid themselves of opposition. After all the traffic of all drugs is solely the BIB's right.
  12. TR, have a look on Youtube particularly a channel called China Insights. There you will find the evidence you are looking for.
  13. China are doing what China always does. Threats based on lies. From the article quoted by ezzra above is this gem: "It is unclear what the reciprocal measure would be as China already requires a negative PCR test for anyone entering the country." The CCP are a bunch of hypocrites and nothing proves it more than this statement by their Foreign Minister: "China’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning told reporters on Tuesday some of the measures taken by the international community are “disproportionate” and “simply unacceptable”. “We do not believe the entry restriction measures some countries have taken against China are science-based,” Ms Ning said." What is more science based than a PCR-RT test for covid? Thailand once again exhibits the mai pen rai attitude. All it cares about is money, to hell with Thais and other people catching covid and dying.
  14. We went to Hua Hin for xmas. The trip back was okay until we hit Rama 2. Then it was deadlocked. Took around an hour to travel 1.5 k. Then again this might be normal for Rama 2.
  15. A coverup has been underway since the ship sank and the men responsible for the death of so many innocent sailors will not be charged. Those in higher places will blame scapegoats. This is the Thai way.
  16. No, they have extortionists dressed up as police.
  17. So he is openly admitting the Chinese will bring covid into Thailand putting us all at risk not just drivers, receptionists etc. This man is an idiot! The Thai government is full of idiots. They only care about money and to hell with the health of the people who live here. They are expendable.
  18. It is stupidity to let the Chinese into Thailand without testing them on arrival. Then again the entire Thai government is grossly stupid only caring about how deep they can get their snouts into the trough.
  19. If the BIB do pull you over you whether you are driving or walking you are targeted as a ATM. god I hate the BIB, they are nothing but Thailand's mafia in a brown uniform.
  20. If the Thais do get them today they will be engineless and without the weapons system now available. They may get them in 2035 when the technology is well advanced beyond today. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/chinese-national-admits-stealing-sensitive-military-program-documents-united-technologies China does not invent anything, they steal it. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/sep/3/deceiving-sky-reveals-how-china-steals-tech-secret/ All readers should read the article. The Chinese are well known stealers of western technology. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/06/china-technology-theft-fbi-biggest-threat A simple search reveals dozens of articles on the same subject.
  21. Yes. Any individual travelling from Thai to India, no matter nationality. The Indian Government must be serious about this. Not long ago when coming to Thailand it was policy for almost everyone to have a negative PCR test conducted no longer than 48 hours before boarding their flight. Thais did not need to provide a negative test. This may have to do with a nation's citizens natural right to enter their own country.
  22. The Chinese themselves have admitted their SARS based vaccines are useless against covid so having had three sinovac jabs or whatever else they peddle is useless.
  23. What percentage of BIB on traffic duty were looking at their phones? 98.5%?
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