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Everything posted by lujanit

  1. The moral of the story is you just can't trust LB regardless of what field they 'work' in.
  2. Was it really 42 million in cash or was a large amount siphoned off (highly likely) before they declared the total of 42 million? You can't trust the BIB when money is found.
  3. There goes the neighbourhood .......... again. More zero baht tours and as keithkarmann says maybe new variants of covid.
  4. World electricity prices start at 10.16. Thailand is at the lower end for rates in the world.
  5. ^^^ Thanks. I thought they may be some sort of money laundry schemes.
  6. So 337.7 billion baht in the trough.
  7. I am always amused at these stories. The article says cash was discovered but not how much. Would some go missing when the BIB grabbed it? You can bet on that.
  8. If they carry insurance.
  9. Along with not being able to purchase alcohol between 1400 and 1700. There is also the ludicrous defamation laws. Thailands laws are way behind the current norm in western countries.
  10. Completely not true. The world energy costs are due to that war criminal Putin invading Ukraine. plus the fact that there is always a spike in prices in the northern winter. Russia is suffering a severe downturn in gas revenue because most of Europe (except for Hungary which has an exemption due to it being landlocked) is refusing to buy Russian gas. Not only that but the Nordstream pipelines have been blown up. As Russia delivered the vast majority of gas by pipeline, it has very little LNG capability. Russia is loosing revenue not only on gas but also oil as well. It has had to offer severe discounts to China and India to take its raw energy. Turkey has a deal with paying Russia on the never never. How can all this provide Russia with more revenue? Russia is on the point of economic collapse due to the downturn in revenue of oil and gas revenue.
  11. Idiot. Does he not know you can easily buy the stuff here.
  12. Forty billion baht is a lot of money. To drag it out to the never never appeal everything even on the flimsiest grounds. Obviously the BMA don't have the money.
  13. So am I. How can these companies sustain hundreds of millions of dollars a year? There must something else going on.
  14. I doubt the Cambodian street sweepers in our village get anywhere near 300 baht a day each. Maybe 300 split between the two of them. They are fortunate that this is a large village (over 250 houses) and that a number of residents regularly give them food.
  15. Do they actually have the money to pay the fine and compensation or is it just for show?
  16. His overseas piggy bank is not full so he will hang on until it is.
  17. At last a good story on TV.
  18. It is far more prevalent than reported in the news. One item that was reported was that recent trip to 'Korea'? when the Thais were informed that they owed more money once they got there. Those Thais just got a taste of what happens to foreigners in Thailand all the time. A lot of Thais make decent money picking wild fruit in Finland and return year after year. I hope that the two Thais involved here are not able to buy their way out and serve long jail times. The seized assets should be sold and the proceeds divided among the victims. I doubt this will happen.
  19. The accompanying story does not say how much cash was found. I'll bet London to a brick that the amount handed in was way less than that found.
  20. We bury all the biodegradeable food waste in the garden or put it into a recycling bag. There are lots of worms in the bag helping to break down the waste. It takes about 12 months for the waste to turn into fertile soil which is put into the garden.
  21. So the 27 under investigation might be increased? Chuwit may have painted a target on his back with revealing this information.
  22. The 40 or so party jumping are only interested in self interest, calculating the best chance of getting their snouts into the swill trough.
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