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Everything posted by lujanit

  1. If you cannot get sh!tfaced or get a whore by midnight you are a sad person.
  2. MSG is a much hated ingredient for no reason. Do some reading upon the subject. CRS was a joke. Here I'll help you start. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monosodium_glutamate
  3. I get a notice when using Wise to transfer money to my Thai bank account every time about transferring amounts in excess of 50,000 baht to other the main banks. SCB, K Bank are okay. Never looked at the other banks on the list as my bank is in the first two.
  4. Yes they are 5g antennas. A search reveals lots of similar images.
  5. Hope the attendees like sugar and salt in excess. These make up most Thai dishes.
  6. Thais gutless position on world view again. Just following Xi. Remember the letter that wasn't delivered to the US in WW2?
  7. My soon to be SIL received his Masters Degree and was promoted in the school where he was employed. His fellow teachers all told him now he was eligible for a cut of the school finances. He quit in disgust. He had no trouble in finding another position in a reputable school.
  8. I dare say high ranking members of the army are also involved.
  9. I wonder how many of the 'fathers' actually know they are the father of a certain child/children. Those that do know usually do a runner to avoid their responsibility, they don't want anything to with their child. It goes far beyond money, they would be tied down which is the one thing they don't want. Respect to the grandparents who take on this onerous yet vital task. Also to the parent(s) who go to the big smoke to make some money to send home to help the grandparents raise the child. Not all parents are tarred with the same brush.
  10. The fat watch collector has access to plenty of baht, albeit illegal to bribe members in the hope they will stay in his party. It's not his money that he is 'spending'.
  11. Funny how Thais arrest farang and not Thais involved in importation and selling of drugs. Immigration police and army people are way more likely to participate in illegal drug running than foreigners. Fat brown packets helps. Anyway good that they caught another drug runner.
  12. PT won't go through with it due to the enormous loss of votes.
  13. Dictator, murderer of women and children, destroyer of hospitals and homes of the innocent Putin would not dare to leave Russia. In Thailand he would be killed to the betterment of the world. Let him come if he dares.
  14. Very large kickbacks for those generals, admirals etc.
  15. Does the Thai government guarantee deposits up to a certain amount like lots of other countries?
  16. He is going to besieged by 'friends' he never knew he had.
  17. So far so good here. The pumps seem to be doing their work. The canal is very full. We will see at the end of this month when high tide is 3.9 m on the 29th. 27 through 31 are all around the 3.9 m. This is about 60 cm higher than today's high tide. Hopefully it doesn't rain upcountry and that the flood peak has passed by then.
  18. and not a single kingpin was even arrested let alone charged, convicted and spent time in Jail. Too many 'kingpins' are members of the RTP and the military.
  19. Maybe no rain atm. Have a look at this. https://www.accuweather.com/en/th/national/satellite-enhanced The intense storm currently over the northern Philippines is headed our way.
  20. The problem is if a credit ban is introduced people will turn to loan sharks. My suspicion is that a lot of people requesting a debt restructure are already in debt to loan sharks.
  21. I have been stymied. The Village head has decreed that the village will not flood. I tried to order sandbags and was told it was not necessary. Considering the highest tides won't happen until the 28 -31 Oct I am not so confident. The water from the north was predicted to hit BKK from the 16th onwards. I really hope I am wrong. I tried arguing that if the canal overflows during the spring tides, it is very high already, we will be flooded out. Then again I am a stupid farang.
  22. Proactive is a good idea. Not much good if the toddlers are sleeping and the perpetrator is using a knife to kill. RIP children.
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