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Everything posted by smedly

  1. well who knows some corrupt spoils are going belly up I hope it doesn't impact the baht but honestly I would prefer that certain individuals mentioning no names completely lost their ###
  2. I got a posting holiday for posting a video by Geert Vanden Bossche months ago
  3. you're missing the point entirely when people (even medical experts) use the word infected - they actually generally mean the virus has entered your body and been allowed to replicate to a detectable level, from then you are classed as having the disease COVID 19 caused by the virus, vaccines stop this process in the majority of people for now, it really is very simple to understand We get technically infected (a virus enters the body) with viruses every day - our bodies immune system defeats them before they have a chance to replicate and cause a disease so yes you could stop breathing or live in a sterile environment and never have a virus enter your body techically speaking but that is not what we are talking about is it
  4. the vaccine helps stop you developing the disease known as COVID 19 caused by the SARS CV 2, if you don't develope the disease with or without symptoms then you will be extremely unlikely to pass it on to someone else as replication in your body is stopped/surpressed and Viral Load remains low
  5. yes indeed but then comes along a dangerous CV that is quite deadly and kills a lot of people That is the problem right there and why this particular CV has got our attention
  6. you have to understand what the term "Herd Immunity" actually means, it also means the virus loses traction and dies out which experts are now saying is not possible with SARS Corona 2 Herd immunity and COVID-19 (coronavirus): What you need to know - Mayo Clinic
  7. maybe he restrained him with 6 plastic bags over his head
  8. there is only one person left as a witness the Swiss man threw the gun away - he didn't shoot the Thai I would have tied him up too once disabled What relationship If the Thai was involved in a plot with the wife then it could be they plotted together to murder the farang, still doesn't change the outcome except the wife might be charged with conspiracy to commit murder - either way the Swiss man still successfully defended himself
  9. what ? The Thai was armed with a firearm and made an unauthorised entry to the property to commit armed robbery and discharged the firearm when challenged, he was then disarmed during a violent struggle and incapacitated - the Swiss man should be getting a medal pretty clear to me
  10. other countries have been consistant in testing numbers making it a non variable in the overall data, Thailands testing numbers have been reducing making detection data unreliable not that testing has ever been in significant numbers to begin with - I think they reached a daily total of 76k several weeks ago which I now believe is closer to half that number. As for deaths and serious illness outside of hospitals - that one is anybodies guess as those that die outside of hospital care go up in a puff of smoke without any medical professional attending
  11. The Virus is SARS Corona 2 The disease it causes is COVID 19 Vaccines protect a person from developing the disease COVID 19 and help the body defeat the virus before it get a chance to replicate and lead to the disease I wish people would get on board with this before making missleading statements
  12. indeed, he seems to be reliant on google for his groundbreaking posts then makes a right idiot of himself trying to make himself relevant, these are the sort of quacks recommending 75% reduced doses and incorrect unapproved methods to administer the vaccines, I wonder what he will say in a few months when Thailands vaccine program becomes an even bigger failure than it is already - oh we thought these unapproved methods would work - too late when you are back into lockdowns in a few months with hospitals filling up again and a 4th/5th wave ravaging the country - stupid is what the stupid do
  13. I wish people would stop posting inaccurate information like this it not correct (for now) - there are breakthrough infections happening but boosters seem to negate that also, don't forget we are still very early in the evolution of this virus Vaccines do not stop a virus entering the body (the absolute definition of infection) They do prevent a person from developing COVID 19 (the disease) in the vast majority of cases and therefore help prevent spreading of the virus, Please do some research before posting incorrect information You can start here - it is a long video but well worth watching and pretty much covers everything there is to know about vaccines - SARS Corona 2 Virus and the COVID 19 disease it causes
  14. experts in the UK and US made this point weeks ago about herd immunity even though comparing it to tetanus is rather silly as has already been pointed out The reason they are saying herd immunity doesn't work is because the current vaccines are not 100% effective and on top of that fade after about 8 months or for some vaccines less effective less time like the Chinese vaccines It is why it is also believed that at some point everyone will get covid 19 vaccinated or not Herd imminity is a state were the virus burns itself out and dissapears - they are simply saying this will not happen what does it change - nothing, vaccines still protect against the spread and serious illness
  15. That is true of countries who have a high vaccination rate where absolute numbers of infections are becoming less relevant as a measure - Thailand isn't there yet
  16. deaths in hospitals were they are properly diagnosed and reported - not so sure in the rest of the country were recording of deaths is a grey area
  17. oh dear, lesson to learn here is never transfer money without seeing the merchandise especially on FB Market well done to the Thai police involved
  18. getting a much clearer picture now of what we're dealing with and it isn't good lets hope money doesn't come into play with this as it so often does in Thailand
  19. I doubt it, they are not doing enough testing and more important genome testing looking for dangerous mutations which Thailand is at high risk of developing because of their failed vaccine program - mixing stuff - 75% dose reduction - unapproved method of administration it is quite a catalog of failures and poor choices
  20. they just are not getting it are they - more red tape and hoops to jump through do they really want foreign tourists, it is hard to figure out because they keep throwing obstacles in the way First of all, they must agree to a period of quarantine, as part of the Public Health Ministry’s measures to contain the spread of COVID-19, and must show booking receipts from the hotels in which they will isolate. Then, they must show evidence of payments for their lodgings during their stay in the kingdom, which can be a rented house, a rented condominium room or a title deed of a condominium room. They are also required to have health insurance, with a minimum of US$ 100,000 cover for COVID-19 treatmentvalid for the entire period of their stay in the country.
  21. now if that is not a wind up baiting post I honestly don't know what is my ignore list is building from 2 in 10 years to 20 in 10 weeks I bet I sound like a broken record
  22. normally I don't bother with what they are doing stupid or otherwise because it rarely impacts on me ................but this does The fact is they dropped the ball on this and are trying to cover it up with lies and utter stupidity for all to see CCSA is a joke - they do exactly what one person tells them to do and we know who that is - nobody elected him to run the country - he was appointed by people who were also not elected - that is Thai democracy right there - the people thought they voted for something lol Just wait until this covid is out of the way - it won't be Red or Yellow it will be all - every Thai in this country that I know wants change and they will not stop until they get it IMO
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