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Everything posted by smedly

  1. Prayuth better have a word with this idiot because he is obviously playing from a different Hymn sheet Yuthasak Supasorn said ........ The Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has moved to douse expectations after the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday night by explaining that quarantine will remain for at least one day even for fully vaccinated arrivals from five initially approved countries. He also was adamant that there is no going back to the old model of Thai tourism with crowded pub scenes as his agency plans a shift to a higher quality, higher spending, family orientated sort of tourism in the future.
  2. Will European tourists return to Southeast Asia? not if TAT have anything to do with it
  3. if he is referring to Chinese and Indian tourists, even from the middle east then he is quite correct - they are not interested in the bar/nightclub scene and for them it wouldn't matter if they never opened again but they need to be prepeared to cut loose tourists from Europe Russia Austrailia USA etc because they are never coming to Thailand without the nightlife
  4. is this the intention for good ??? lol they really have lost the plot very plain to see that this crowd of nutters are determined to destroy tourism in Thailand for good very plain to see now that they are trying to wipe out pubs and nightlife in Thailand and will keep it closed for as long as they can - they really have no clue
  5. more appropriate name "Pass (on) Thailand" they still just aren't getting it are they
  6. Thailand is clearly not ready for opening anything while bans curfews and restrictions continue locally
  7. The last time you replied to me was to tell me I was talking nonsense and hungry hippo was closed - at the time I was reading the post in ....................................................you guessed it - hungry hippo lol Pattaya city has been condenced to an area around one 7/11 across from treetown - if you call that open then you obviously don't travel too far from Diana Estate
  8. don't forget to take some educated experts that actually have a clue
  9. sure why not just give everyone a big double dose all at once - I am sure Thai doctor would endorse the idea if told to do so and think of the time it would save getting everyone double dosed - just give it in one shot - yippie
  10. the moment you set foot in Thailand you should have the same status as a local - this is the stupid error they keep making - one test before departure and that should be it done and dusted
  11. they are not ready for that lol that is pretty much how stupid this is and something I have said many times If they cannot open up to locals how on earth do they think they are ready for foreign tourists 90% of Pattaya city is shuttered and in darkness with no alcohol in restaurants and a curfew still in place - with the virus raging across the country - it is stupidity beyond comprehension fully open locally first
  12. and nearly all of the 32% currently vaccinated got sinovac which means by now they may as well consider them as unvaccinated
  13. the test before departure is a given and at that point if you happen to test positive you are safe in your own country so no big deal If you test positive on your arrival in Thailand what then ? - in fact the test in Thailand should be done several days after arrival for it to be of any use
  14. I wonder how many foreign criminals there are that don't like this - there might even be few posting on this thread
  15. and money laundering - criminals from various countries launder the cash they got from criminal activity buying bars condo's etc
  16. From November 1st, foreign tourists from 10 “low risk” countries, who are fully inoculated and pass a COVID-19 test prior to arrival in Thailand, can enter the country without being quarantined but, during their stay here, they must be screened to make sure they are safe Pitty you don't apply the same for your own, seems to me you got this backwards, shouldn't you be screening the Thai people that will come into close contact with these foreign tourists you are inviting instead of rinsing them
  17. not to mention the rest of the people on the plane who could also face quarantine
  18. yes all the money flowed into their pockets in bonuses and wages - now they have pocketed the money the business will be declared bankrupt - very common scam Sell a policy or a service (gyms life membership is a good one) then once you have a ccumulated enough money and paid yourself most of it - disolve the business
  19. hope he doesn't work at my fav restaurant - can we have 2 cokes without the foreskin
  20. some probing questions need answering and this is what happens when you ban sex toys in Thailand - people will restort to the next best thing lol
  21. very consistant numbers which indicates to me that the number of detections is being limited by the number of tests not infections
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