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Everything posted by smedly

  1. very consistant numbers which indicates to me that the number of detections is being limited by the number of tests not infections
  2. totally agree This last 8 months has seen countless emergency budgets of billions and billions of baht - where did it all go ????????????????????? There is litterally no accountability - nothing, those in charge have exempted themselves from declaring earnings and assets - that's a big question mark right there My catchfraze for this is "where there is a budget they can fudge it"
  3. there will be a massive drop in sales for sure
  4. current reality depends on what country you are talking about and other factors - read my above post
  5. and expanded answer As I see it Thailand has 2 problems - vaccine rollout and early choice of vaccine some 32% of the Thai population has been fully vaccinated so they are not quite there yet the early choice of vaccine (sinovac) which likely at least 20% of the 32% have been vaccinated with are now entering a stage were the vaccine is far less protective so will require re-vaccination Other countries in the west rolled out "effective" vaccines much earlier and faster than Thailand, they are now at a point were the number of infections is less important and are now focused on people getting sick with covid 19 caused by the SARS CoV 2 Virus The actual disease that the virus causes is Covid 19 can cause symptoms that you notice or not and of course you can get quite ill if it is allowed to replicate in big nimbers, that is determined through a test that can again look for the virus in certain quantities "Viral Load" or the antibodies Viral Load will determine whether you are infectious with live virus Vaccines help the body neutralise the virus very quickly in most people "stop it dead" and prevent you from developing the disease known as Covid 19 and stop the Viral Load increasing to a point were you are infectious To know if you have already had the virus and your body defeated it without you knowing or without developing a serious illness "The Disease Covid 19" an antibody test can be performed This is how I look upon the whole situation - lets scale it 1-10 with 1-3 being Green and 4-6 being Amber and 7-10 being Red (and of course other factors like age and general health have an impact and create a group called "at risk") Green (Fully Vaccinated with effective vaccines) 1 - The virus entered your body and it was quickly removed, you never got infectious or ill which was helped with a vaccine. would test positive for antibodies 2 - The virus entered your body and it replicated slightly you never got infectious or ill which was helped with a vaccine. would test positive for antibodies 3 - The virus entered your body and it replicated in larger numbers you became mildly infectious had mild symptoms again helped with the vaccine. would test positive for antibodies and test positive for the virus if done while you had symtoms and would be classed as having Covid 19 at that time. Amber (Unvaccinated or poor vaccine administered several months ago) 4 - The virus entered your body and it replicated in larger numbers you became infectious had noticible symptoms again helped with the vaccine. would test positive for antibodies and test positive for the virus if done while you had symtoms and would be classed as having Covid 19 at that time. But not ill enough for medical treatment 5 - The virus entered your body and caused the disease Covid 19 with symptoms, you could be in an at risk group and vaccinated or unvaccinated and got ill enough to require medical assistance 6 - The virus entered your body and caused the disease Covid 19 with elevated symptoms you could be in an at risk group and vaccinated or unvaccinated and got ill enough to require medical assistance Red 7 - The virus entered your body and caused the disease Covid 19 with serious symptoms you could be in an at risk group and vaccinated or more likely unvaccinated and got ill enough to be admitted to hospital 8 - Seriously ill with Covid 19 and likely unvaccinated 9 - Very seriously ill with Covid 19 and on a ventilator unvaccinated 10 - Got extremely ill and died likely unvaccinated So were is Thailand on the above - IMO they are mostly in Amber/Red - a problem of their own making due to vaccine procurement failure and poor choice of vaccine.
  6. time to get the kindergarden schools open so we can have some clarity
  7. a few words that sum it up perfectly - and this man is running a country
  8. In the case of the Phuket “sandbox” project, over 40,000 tourists have arrived and 100, or 3%, tested positive for COVID-19 and the detail left out is that most of these got infected locally in Phuket - they did not arrive with covid, they really are good at twisting the truth and blame which is extremely unhelpful and the whole sandbox scheme has turned out to be a massive failure which they are now starting to realise as the bookings turn to a trickle since the start of Sept after exhausting the number of returning retirees expats and Thais - finally the penny is dropping
  9. sounds to me like blame the foreigners for any future covid issues - back to that again are we - it's not our fault it was the dirty farangs
  10. what ???? it won't make one bit of difference - there is enough covid already in Thailand how on earth are a few thousand fully vaccinated tourists going to suddenly increase covid in Thailand - more stupid nonsense
  11. wow no farangs involved - I will wager they were not fined or gouged 10k baht each
  12. if you can't open dometically how on earth do you expect foreign tourists just stupid nonsense from an administration on a power trip - either ## or get off the pot
  13. that is a stretch - I am pretty sure anyone arriving no matter what mode of thransport had contact with someone ......................................either open up or don't it matters not a jot where they come from they should all be treated the same
  14. what is the difference between this and fully vaccinated international tourists that you want so much ????? stupidity beyond belief
  15. Good for tourism and exports - what is not to like ???????????? oh maybe not so good for laundering money out of Thailand
  16. how many are you going to arrest for breathing Thai air
  17. not any that I have spoken too recently there are four people being targetted with extreme anger
  18. BT does not connect to a network and is range limited - it can connect to another device nearby but that is it
  19. that picture you are painting is far from normal - washing hands being the exception
  20. has it finally sunk in - people do not want sinovac, took long enough, plus the realism that everyone with 2x sinovac will need a do-over within a few months
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