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Everything posted by smedly

  1. Thai media are told what to say - they are not independent nobody will ever know what the truth is sad really
  2. It has been obvious for a long time what the vaccine priorities are in Thailand both in what they procure and who gets first priority, hiso and tourism is top - saving the lives of those at risk is bottom of the pile
  3. I believe only recently and 100% agree that Thailand is not offering Green rules yet it wants foreign tourists and still doesn't understand why they are not coming - if they drop all the money gouging red tape they might just get some interest, in saying that, are they ready ?, the country is far from open
  4. I don't know, read the manufacturer advice on how it should be administered, I believe AZ fully Vaccinated = 2 full doses 14 weeks apart injected into a muscle, going by that one dose of AZ doesn't meet the requirements and sinovac is not approved in the UK, IMO that means you do not meet the requirements and a futher dose of AZ may not either. Your questions would be better directed to the country you wish to travel, I am sure they will be able to advise what you need to do in order to meet their requirements as fully vaccinated if you don't already, nobody here can answer that just give an opinion
  5. might be an idea to stop flooding this thread with pun's and sarcasm, it just creates confusion and deflection more commonly known as trolling This is a serious topic
  6. I was just using it as an example - does it really matter, the point is the rules would apply 500m away or 5km away which is the point I was making - you don't seem to have got it
  7. as advised by many on here you would have been better to stay clear of sinovac if you plan to travel - getting an approved vaccine not only means the brand but also what constitutes fully vaccinated which means how it was administered and in what dose
  8. once you have the certificate or vaccine passport issued by the correct authority in Thailand it is then up to the destination country to accept it - as already mentioned in the UK an NHS registration is required which has nothing to do with Thailand - same applies in EU countries
  9. many would not be choosing a 4+ star hotel which is currently the situation and also being forced to sleep there even if you have your own house 500m away, a ridiculous situation
  10. I don't think that is quite correct - vaccine mixing meaning one of the two vaccine doses being sinovac approved vaccine will be a full dose of a recognised vaccine which in most cases fully vaccinated is 2x doses of an approved vaccine administered properly as recommended by the manufacturer including the full dose and administered properly - "not" 25% dose administered subdermally as Thailand is now doing
  11. I agree, I fail to see the logic in requiring airline tickets, why does Thailand always spoil sensible process with a nonsense requirement
  12. I would expect this process to be made a lot easier - perhaps with an online application, as it stands it is unacceptable to have to go in person to Bangkok
  13. actually I think we will see a huge exit from Thailand, I know a lot of people that have been waiting for this and will now be making travel plans
  14. I would now be expecting Thailand to dump the Sandbox style rules for UK travellers and treating visitors exactly the same as UK Green
  15. There is confusion regarding the meaning of the terms used it may help to understand what the differences are In absolute terms "infected" means the virus entered your body and your body reacted to it, this could go unnoticed or noticed, that can be detected through a test that looks for the virus and is measured in Viral Load The actual disease that the virus causes is Covid 19 which can cause symptoms that you notice or not and of course you can get quite ill if it is allowed to replicate in big nimbers, that is determined through a test that can again look for the virus in certain quanaties "Viral Load" or the antibodies Viral Load will determine whether you are infectious with live virus Vaccines help the body neutralise the virus very quickly in most people "stop it dead" and prevent you from developing the disease known as Covid 19 and stop the Viral Load increasing to a point were you are infectious To know if you have already had the virus and your body defeated it without you knowing or without developing a serious illness "The Disease Covid 19" an antibody test is performed I suppose you could scale the whole thing from 1-10 1 - The virus entered your body and it was quickly removed, you never got infectious or ill which was helped with a vaccine. would test positive for antibodies 2 - The virus entered your body and it replicated slightly you never got infectious or ill which was helped with a vaccine. would test positive for antibodies 3 - The virus entered your body and it replicated in larger numbers you became mildly infectious had mild symptoms again helped with the vaccine. would test positive for antibodies and test positive for the virus if done while you had symtoms and would be classed as having Covid 19 aat that time. 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 10 - The virus entered your body and it replicated in huge numbers you became very infectious got extremely ill and died This is my inderstanding of SARS CoV 2 Virus and the Disease Covid 19 and the impact of vaccines - there is no definative answer to the OP's question - it is determined on a scale of stages defined by tests with levels set by experts
  16. like I have said before - how Thailand records deaths outside of a hospital enviornment is a very grey area, in developed countries all deaths are certified by a medical professional - no so in Thailand
  17. he will have no problem getting into government elected or not, he will just be appointed a senior position like the rest - democracy Thai style - vote in an election for who you want to run the country then get leaders you never voted for appointed anyway
  18. they treat women as property and inferior big problem in the west hope this gets resolved correctly
  19. lack of testing lack of gnome testing vaccine choice mix and match without proper study dose reduction of 75% and unapproved admin without proper study manipulation of data that fools nobody
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