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Everything posted by smedly

  1. they insist on testing the most unlikely source for the virus - fully vaccinated foreign tourists - I think they found a total of 3 out of 30,000 that were not infected through community spread in Phuket - I said weeks ago covid was rampant on the Island
  2. Thais rarely accept blame for anything - it is infantile, from RTA's to vaccine procurement there is always something or someone to blame - in Phuket the buck stops with the Governor, he is ultimately responsible for everything that goes on - no one else
  3. The low numbers are exactly what this government wants to see regardless of actual numbers that can only be found through testing - the low counts make them look good and fits the agenda - unfortunately it may not be indicative of the actual true status of covid in Thailand
  4. does that include other data like test numbers and vaccine numbers or is Thailand a one off if all data was looked at
  5. All they care about is getting as many bus loads of Chinese lemmings as possible and fleecing them to the bone - Sandbox 101 The whole SHA hotel experience is exactly what they did with Chinese pre covid excluding of course the mandatory multiple expensive PCR tests which they are ditching Western independent free minded tourists - forget it for now unless you like looking at flowers temples and shopping Malls for 3 weeks
  6. yep, taking unproven shortcuts to overcome their failings again I would like to hear what AZ says about this or even the WHO, surely if it is effective then why is the whole world not doing this with quadruple the shots from current supplies
  7. Registration at BPH is no longer available ThailandIntervac.com : The Office of International Cooperation, Department of Disease Control ,Ministry of Public Health Thailand
  8. I have a question - anyone know what type of visa is required for getting the jab - must it be a 12 month extension, a friend is on a tourist visa does he qualify
  9. no symptoms means nothing - you were just lucky, wouldn't worry about it
  10. it explains a lot about Thai policing - I don't think there was ever any doubt
  11. they should be looking back 10 years - I have absolutely no doubt they would uncover more than a few mysterious deaths and disappearances, Nakhon Sawan police station will have many sordid tales to tell
  12. and you are right down there with the rest - be under no illusion that you're not
  13. I recently looked at retirement options in the Med, countries like Spain Greece Portugal - they are quite inviting
  14. many people who have been living here for a prolonged period (10 years +) some more than 20 years have spent a considerable amount of money, importantly it is money that flows into Thailand and not out. What do they get in return ?............nothing, in fact if anything the authorities seem hell bent on introducing more and more hurdles and red tape, they seem to get some sort of infantile sick pleasure of shafting the tens of thousands of expats and retirees - it is shameful
  15. more delusional stupid nonsense I didn't even read the article only the headline - that's how confident I am in knowing it's a pile of dung
  16. while Thailand keeps treating foreign tourists as "Red" this will fail what about green - you want tourists - then green is it fully vaccinated foreign tourists are not the problem - they are green the real problem is that Thailand is red - both internally and externally
  17. they want tourists thats the difference - the UK invites tourists from green listed countries not red or amber - green generally equals no restrictions i.e. fully vaccinated tourists
  18. This is no change - it is applying the same rules as Phuket - restrictive red tape SHA's and multiple tests - still just as stupid as it was 8 weeks ago If you want foreign tourists to come here then adopt the UK Green Rules just as the UK does for fully vaccinated people coming from those countries - as it stands you are treating them as near enough the UK Red certainly no where near Green
  19. well what do they expect when every visitor coming to Thailand is treated like Red - stuff them People on here have been telling them for weeks to drop the stupid red tape but they won't listen, all they are interested in is gouging money If Thailand wants tourists to come here then they need to treat them exactly as UK Green defines it
  20. Thailand has a right cheek - they complain about being put on the UK Red List and yet every foreign tourist arriving into Thailand is being treated near enough as defined by UK red - who is going to accept that when going on vacation
  21. what you posted was incorrect - Brits returning from red or amber zones have to quarantine if vaccinated from amber no quarantine - if I misunderstood your post then do forgive
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