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Everything posted by smedly

  1. all wearing masks - that is arrest especillay in Pattaya with a visit to police station and extorted for 10000baht welcome tourists
  2. why not 15 million since you have decided only a 25% dose is all that is required administered in a way that goes against AZ directions
  3. Investigate general wealth within the family circle - vehicles - property - banks - basements and all will be revealed do it for all senior officials in the country including politicians and reveal to the world just how corrupt Thailand really is - that would be a real shocker
  4. All Thailand has to do is look at the Green list requirements in the UK - simple If you want to invite people to your country then copy the UK and many others "GREEN" what is so hard about that, it was already defined for you across the world - Green are welcome take one test ....................enjoy your stay Either open or don't bother and if you can't even open to your own population then you obviously are NOT ready for Foreign Tourists
  5. Right now counting PCR + ATK Thailand has the highest daily numbers in Asia
  6. The UK (and others) approve a country as "Green" meaning vaccinated visitors from there are welcome with little to no red tape, Thailand decided to treat all visitors pretty much close to Red expecting them to come lol
  7. That is true many on here including myself have stated many times it was marginally better than ASQ but as a tourist project it failed and not sure if they understand why but the reasons for the failure have been posted here many times - in fact posted here pre-sandbox
  8. Well that was unexpected and will likely cause a bit of ## storm in Pattaya and Hua Hin with covid cases higher in Phuket
  9. So the zero quarantine proposed Nov 1st does in fact mean NO SHA hotel required would it not be prudent to tell people 4 weeks in advance
  10. Phuket started reporting bookings as room nights rather than actual tourists in order to make the numbers look bigger - - 10 tourists staying for 2 weeks was 140 room nights The indian numbers will look slightly different - 10 Indian tourists staying 2 weeks will be 14-28 room nights, they like to share lol
  11. OMG They really have no clue what they are doing very disturbing Mix them - administer them - any messed up combination, reduced dose administered against the manufacturors recomendations and unapproved
  12. Good luck with that and totally understand but it is not about the vaccine or where you got it - well at least in the UK If you came to Thailand fully vaccinated in the UK and went home now - it doesn't matter that you got your vaccine in the UK - you still have to quarantine
  13. no they haven't - these countries including Thailand are on red list, until that changes then it matters not a jot, until Thailand status changes then it doesn't matter what vaccine you have or where you got it
  14. well sure we can leave it at that - at least we agree on something
  15. 34,000ish total at start of Sept as I remember and that is it what exact point are you trying to make ?, sandbos was and still is a flop as massive failure and yet it seems they are intent on rolling it out to other places Nov 1st - that was the point of my previous post which still stands you can argue a couple of hundred numbers here and there and matters not a jot, sandbox failed
  16. really ? that is 8000 a month - I don't think so, the highest figure of some 34k has changed little in 8 weeks and you got this info from where exactly I have seen the total figure up to end of Aug and the total to middle of Sept and it has changed very little - certainly not 400 a day Plus they have stopped publishing the numbers recently because they are nothing to brag about
  17. not a chance in hell, they are dreaming Phuket has ground to a halt from the start of Sept and they still aren't getting it
  18. someone using that calculator again with the sticky buttons unless they dump the sandbox red tape including rip off SHA hotels and tests and all the rest plus open pubs and entertainment - nobody is coming How many times does it need to be repeated before these buffoons get the message
  19. 30 years later when the cluster has already happened and is impossible to do anything about - yes expensive
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