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Everything posted by smedly

  1. because the Mayor keeps spending Millions piling sand on the beach blocking the only escape route the water has lol
  2. I think people have lost fight with this pandemic in Thailand due to the prolonged social imprisonment primarily due to the extreme negligence of this government to procure effective vaccines when they became available - a fact we should not forget
  3. also they don't break down the ATK numbers by City or province which is unfortunate and unhelpful
  4. There is no incentive to test and find cases in any provence since the goal is to reduce case count and not virus spead and public health The goal should be to find as many infected as possible and isolate, that can only be achieved through increased testing not reduction and hiding no wonder Thailand is on red lists
  5. It seems the CCSA are members of the anti alcohol lobby so you have no chance - Prayut is another member it seems
  6. no need for SHA Hotels then which were a form of quaratine Fully vaccinated tourists should be able to leave the airport free to travel where they like Right ?
  7. yes it seems that way making this another post pulling deceptive headline and 4 pages of pointless discussion
  8. Just thought about this again Since they don't regard the Phuket Sandbox as quarantine (which it is) and they don't regard SHA hotels as Quarantine (which they are) then I am afroad to say I jumped the gun a little with my previous statement. I now believe that when they say no quarantine for fully vaccinated foreign tourists it still means implimentation of all the sandbox rules I hope I am wrong about this but if I am correct then the only thing that has changed is the date .................. 1st OCT is now 1st NOV If true then they can say goodbye to any foreign tourism while these stupid rules/restrictions continue - SHA -COE - Multiple tests - covid Insurance etc, it is not very clear at this time what is meant by "No Quarantine for fully Vaccinated Tourists"
  9. The mayor added that he understood that some of the restrictions, like staying in SHA+ hotels only or having to stay in the same area for 7 days, would still be restrictive for some tourists. If there is to be no quarantine for fully vaccinated foreign tourists then what is the function of a SHA Hotel, surely that ends on 1st Nov also
  10. someone is listening so I assume that brings and end to the SHA hotel nonsense also
  11. what ?, let me throw this in there for you when Thailand was testing 60k a day the positivity rate was about 25% so based on that you can work out the number of tests not the other way round, they stopped reporting test numbers a while back I wonder why
  12. you don't need stockpiles you need effective vaccines in arms, it serves no purpose sitting in a box doing nothing
  13. That is the fail right there along with entertainment remaining shut either open or don't bother dump the red tape - COE - SHA - Quarantine and multiple mandatory forced uncessary PCR tests that only target foreign tourists, the stupidy is astonishing
  14. So you operate price fixing which flies in the face of fair competition then blame the authorities for your stupidity, authorities are capping your prices in an attempt to stop you ripping customers off but doesn't stop you reducing prices, the people are now wise to it Serves you right for your greed and stupidity
  15. pretty much the same as the rest - zero they appoint themselves and relatives based purely on privilege not proven ability
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