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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. You got it. In order to cling on to his unelected position, Abhisit is willing to risk splitting the army, which could easily lead to a civil war.

    And we should recall that Abhisit's original justification for his unelected grabbing of power was that two people had been killed in the street fighting. He promised reconciliation.

    Now that over 20 people have died in exactly the same circumstances, we hear nothing from Abhisit as he cowers in his hole.

    He is nothing more than a self-serving hypocrite.

    Ahhhh another nutcase for the ignore list... they sure do seem to be coming out of the woodwork of late.

    Why are all the RED-farangs so bitter? Fresh supply of farm girls cut off?

    If you are ignoring him, why respond to him.

    He made a well considered post and you put in a snide kneejerk which included an insult. It rebutted nothing, offered nothing and was a pointless nah nah nah nah nah post, which indicates that he hit you with a truth and you couldn't answer it so decided to insult instead.

    And they you somehow think you are on a higher plane than him. Raise your bar and grow up.

    There was all that noise when two yellow shirts died and promisies of unification. If you don't remember or don't understand the issues, why not try another web site that may cater to your interests or areas of knowledge... whatever they are.

  2. Thailand needs national unity

    From: The Australian

    April 20, 2010 12:00AM

    The alternative is street fighting among political proxies

    THE army was back on the streets of Bangkok yesterday, sending a signal to the Red Shirt protest movement that they should lift their siege of the city and a message to the world that everything was under control. Neither is believable, Thailand's problems run much deeper than the damage done by a large and very well organised protest movement. The Red Shirts support former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, deposed in a military coup in 2006. They want an election, which the exiled Thaksin's side would be likely to win. Despite widespread claims of corruption against him, his policies, including free healthcare for all, make him the darling of the rural poor. But no matter how decisive an election outcome, a vote would solve nothing unless it was accepted by Thaksin's opponents, who despise his populism, sneer at his supporters and can put their own private army on Bangkok's streets. These Yellow Shirts occupied the airport for two months at the end of 2008, and there is talk of their taking on Thaksin's supporter.

    The stand-off in the streets places Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva in an impossible position. He was appointed, rather than elected, and has no credibility with Thaksin's camp. And the stand-off in the streets is a problem for the army, the usual arbiter of who governs. It seems the generals are loath to either shore up Mr Abhisit or, as they have often done before, take control themselves. The Red Shirts have too much popular support to be easily suppressed and there are suggestions there is sympathy for Thaksin's cause among rank and file soldiers. This was once the sort of situation solved by advice from King Bhumibol Adulyadej. But he is old and ill and shows no sign of intending to intervene.

    And so it is up to the politicians. Mr Abhisit wants elections at the end of the year but last week army chief Anupong Paojinda called for an early poll. Given his tenuous position, the Prime Minister has little choice but to agree. Yet unless the political warlords agree to respect the popular vote and unless the winning side undertakes not to wreak revenge on the loser, the results will not matter much.

    Without a government committed to national unity and an end to the existing entrenched animosities, Thailand faces the prospect of power going to the side with the toughest colour gang.

    I would expect better from The Australian. At least get some of the facts right.

    "including free healthcare for all" - not quite. It was Abhisit who made it free (only because it cost more than 30-baht to collect the 30-baht).

    "Yellow Shirts occupied the airport for two months" - 9 days.

    "He was appointed, rather than elected" - since when was he appointed?

    "can put their own private army on Bangkok's streets" - what's he talking about?

    "Mr Abhisit wants elections at the end of the year but last week army chief Anupong Paojinda called for an early poll." - failing to mention that the end of the year is 12 months early.

    "Without a government committed to national unity and an end to the existing entrenched animosities, Thailand faces the prospect of power going to the side with the toughest colour gang."

    There is very little chance of a national unity government. Unless the reds are in control, they won't accept it.

    What's this about "free" health care???? My TGF had to pay 15,000 bht the other day to the hospital. Doesn't sound free to me.

    Lets see the bill then. I suspect why, but if you post the detailed bill on here, we can help.. My wife works in a hospital.... when she is not go-go dancing!

  3. I think this is just part of an increasingly hysterical and desperate attempt by the Elite to force the Army to Kill its opponants.

    The Army are still reluctant and possibly could be the peace makers here. They are not doing their masters bidding by killing this week as they realise that the masters could be in for a change!

    The Yellow protesters are looking more and more like the flat earth society, pinning their hopes on some trumped up LM charges to give them something to rally around.

    They seem to think that if the Army just kill a few thousand people, their regime can survive. It can't and more and more of their backers are beginning to realise it. Hence the Nation sending in the shock troops with this drivel.

    Most of this is devisive propaganda and would be banned if it were as biased towards the Anti-Government side. Can't we raise the bar on this site and have less of it?

    exactly - it's the last ditch attempt by the desperate Elite to retain power - it's over - they are doomed

    doomed my foot,

    the government is backed by,

    the clerics

    the aristocracy

    the money,banks,stockmarket the casinos(yeah there are many of them now,owned by Chavalit

    the drugpushers and makers(illegal drugs)

    the industry

    the oilcompanys

    Obama Barracka

    etc etc.

    maybe the mafia and FBI and Fidij

    Yep, looks like just about everybody is backing them except the people. If you put all that lot together, it would be less than 1% of the population which makes them ELITIST!!

    You have just accepted and argued the point the Reds are making.

    OT This is getting tougher if you think about it and the Army can no longer consider propping up the Elite as their top priority.

    2006 it was easy for the Army, get Thaksin out, change the constitution, Ban TRT. The only action they were nearly involved with was when they were sent in to prevent the Police dispersing PAD.

    Then it got tougher. Samaak was harder to get out that Thaksin and the thing dragged on. PAD less effective and Army standing back thinking the Elite could sort it out in a way that gave them the some mandate, however tenous.

    Then the first Songkran protests. Army stand back for a while but do eventually do the bidding of the PAD. That is after trying to organise a militia which they dressed in Blue, to do the job for them. So Army move in and its a second coup and Somchai is gone.

    Surely, IMHO the Army must be thinking. Ok, we got Thaksin, Samaak and Somchai out for you. We got Abhisit in (with the help of a character that I can only asume the yellow posters on this site know nothing about) and the reds are put down. This give Abhisit breathing space to reconcile the country, bring about change, unify etc. Their future, must surely be in their own hands by now and I think the Army really expected that their role should be over.

    But no. They antagonise, persue opponants, squander money (think of the military budget increase) and prioritise consolidation of their own (masters) position.

    I think the Army must be wondering what else they can do to shore up this jaded lot and many (including the Army) must be out of options now.... other than hoping they can soften the stance of the Reds and turn the country over to the mercy of the electorate.

    What if they disperse the reds now? 2 years from now, they will be back, stronger than ever, more angry than ever and more popular than ever. Thailand is about to be hit by major financial problems due to the last 4 years problems, and death on the streets would make this ten times worse. In the meantime, there is the possibility of armed attacks by the loved ones and friends of all the people you have killed. Think they are going back to their farms to forget about their dead father, mother, son etc. Think it if you want.

    So now is 2010. The full aparatus of State, (Army, Government, Elite Backers and PAD) have failed after 4 years to kill the Red movement off. They going to be more successful in this modern era? An era where they are two or three generations older than the new voters and news savvy population. Even the Chinese can't control it and they are ruthless and seriously well organised and discplined in their approach.

    Meanwhile, the Elite is losing money (power) big style and may not be able to buy up the power as easily in the future. Add to this the prevalence of media still available despite the attempts of the powers to clamp down.

    I think if the Army continue to play this as a political problem that they are policing, it could be the breakthrough we need. It must be obvious now to the yellows backers that they are not going to be in power for another generation with only the Army supporting them.

  4. I think this is just part of an increasingly hysterical and desperate attempt by the Elite to force the Army to Kill its opponants.

    The Army are still reluctant and possibly could be the peace makers here. They are not doing their masters bidding by killing this week as they realise that the masters could be in for a change!

    The Yellow protesters are looking more and more like the flat earth society, pinning their hopes on some trumped up LM charges to give them something to rally around.

    They seem to think that if the Army just kill a few thousand people, their regime can survive. It can't and more and more of their backers are beginning to realise it. Hence the Nation sending in the shock troops with this drivel.

    Most of this is devisive propaganda and would be banned if it were as biased towards the Anti-Government side. Can't we raise the bar on this site and have less of it?

  5. "Kongkrit Hiranyakit, chairman of the Tourism Council of Thailand, said the government's move to declare some demonstrators as terrorists only worsens the situation. Many tourists have reconsidered their trips, since travel insurance does not cover acts of terrorism.

    "This message carries even stronger negativity for the industry than the internal political tension," he said."

    This from the Nation as well!!!!! I suspect that some of the Democrat backers themselves are loosing so much money now that they think it worth the risk or another election. At least they can recoup some money whilst they try to rig it :)

    Backfiring rhetoric from the Government, costing them even more money.

    It does, however show that it's the supposed higher end tourists (again) that are the most fickle. Backpackers and sex tourists still here in their number.

  6. More tourist dollars down the drain because of the reds' violent protests.

    At least they can choose to put them selves in danger. Unlike the time there was no Airport there for them to use.

    At least I can deduce from your post that no revenue was lost during the airport closure? I am relieved to hear it as many would have expected major financial loss and loss of face for the country if a group of middle class grannies were allowed(persuaded) to invade an airport with the consent of the military.

    All because of their Thaksinophobia.

    Poor Thaksin was never a threat to them. He was only ever a threat to a few elites who see their snouts as having a permant right to be in the trough.

    The article is a snide piece of propoganda as well. Right from the first words "pro-thaksin". This pamphlet is going to have a problem existing without it's masters millions as it will never earn money from it supposed core business of being a news agency.

  7. As I understand it, in about another nine hours, all the academic discussions will be over - and the piper will be paid.

    In all my life, I have never seen a government treat a virtual insurrection so leniently, for so long. But - the fuse finally ran short - and the end (of this act) is now rapidly approaching.

    Today, I decided it is about time to donate blood - because a lot will be needed by tomorrow. I searched out the location of the Thai Red Cross blood center - and found out - ironically - that it is located on Henry Dunant Road - basically across Rama IV Road from Surawong. Normal hours tomorrow are 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. I plan to contribute some AB+ - if I can get there.

    Tomorrow will be a sad day.

    Good idea. Donate 10 pints in one go.

  8. I sure am Mr Right tonight folks. Stuck a nerve there didn't I?

    Notice the knee jerk responses and total avoidance of confronting the issues. Shame boys, shame.

    With that, I'm off to bed to dream of waves of farmers driving ploughs down Silom.

    I could dream of a fair election where the winning party get to form the Government.... but that really would be a dream wouldn't it.

    Nighty night, don't let Thaksins bed bugs bite :)

  9. The Thaksin Anguish Network comes up trumps again.

    They should stick to the vacuous airheads promoting one of their friends range of coffees. 4 days after the murders at Phan Fah, TAN were airing a political debate which a normal person (and I don't even mean me) would expect to be current. But it was from a week before!!!

    Pattaya TV creams them. The advert for Crazy Dave's is a Documentary par excellance compared to anything TAN have come up with. Dave still alive Bob... Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah

  10. Nail on the head there peter. You inadvertantly made the point that ONLY the reds want elections. :):D:D .

    You also made the point that that is what it is about, elections. Nothing else, not ruin and damnation, not killing and not having the Army shoot all opponants. It is about elections... Democracy if you like.

    We have heard it live on TV from PAD and Democrats that Thai people who do not vote Dem, are too stupid and should have their votes taken away and the Government appointed.

    Thats how it is here. A self agrandising elite with a few deluded followers who unfortunatly had enough power over the Army at the time to make a difference.

    Elections seems like a fair request to me. Elections where any party can stand, even if they are opposed to the Democrats and their masters.

    You hang your hat on a hook that is not there.

    There is an election scheduled.

    Its just the timing that Thaksin objects to.

    Strange how the Thaksin fan club always want to forget this point.

    That they are instructed to riot re the timing of an election.

    The red cheerleaders are also instructed not to discuss Thaksin's reason for an election now.

    The army reshuffle.

    So they never answer this point.

    Including you.

    The reds have always been asking for a fair election.

    You might want to consider that a Coup is not in keeping with elections, but I am certain you won't.

    Perhaps there is somewhere that can offer help to Thaksinophobes. Seems really bad cases of it keep popping up on here.

    The victims begin by rambling on about corruption, despite the country always having been this way and still being that way now. Then there is the old, he was voted in by elected members. Thats the few elected members that were allowed to stand in the (rigged) election after the coup.

    Later, there is, Democracy must be defended type posts, as if Democracy was never forcibly removed by the PAD's masters and the Army in 2006.

    Then there are the nightmares where they see people going into polling booths and having choices.

    Then feelings of unreality. How can they possibly not like Mark?

    Delusions - We won the election fair and square.

    Hallucinations - Thaksin keeps appearing from the wardrobe, and under the bed in the middle of the night waving the ballot papers of the electorate that love him.

    Then Death - Not of them, but of a few more opponents at the hands of their (for now) servile army.

    The whole general tone is "we are the party of democracy, and apart from all those staged Demos at airports and Gov house (where the army only turned up to ensure the police didn't disperse them) a Coup, an imposed Constitution, an imposed Election Court comprised of elite puppets, an election so heavily rigged that it could only be won by the Democrats (which they still didn't win :D:D ) a couple of quick riots to oust two more PMS and maintaining that anybody born outside of Bangkok is too stupid to vote, we have been very fair in our conduct and views. It's pure Monty Python.

    It's considerred old hat to mention the Coup, but not old hat to prattle on about Thaksin in every post.

    A visit to the Dr's would help, but as Thaksin carries a Dr title, none will go, just in case.

    Best they hang out on here where they can do no damage. Worrying and posting every minute of the day in the belief that they are keeping Thaksin at bay.

  11. This is a nightmare!

    This is a NATIONAL crisis - get a MANDATE from the people - Abhisit should show some moral leadership - hold elections get a mandate.

    Reds fighting Yellows will spiral for years and years... Thailand does not need it - put oil on the water before it's too late

    When Thaksin apologists whine 'This is a nightmare', it means that they think they are losing.

    Bullies in retreat.

    But not without the synchronised mantra.

    To get Thaksin back to action the armed forces reshuffle.

    Before the scheduled elections.

    I didn't really catch any pro-red sentiment in that message, just a wish for this to stop. Nothing wrong with is there?.

    Elections is the only thing the reds are after, so it's a very pro-red sentiment.

    Nail on the head there peter. You inadvertantly made the point that ONLY the reds want elections. :):D:D .

    You also made the point that that is what it is about, elections. Nothing else, not ruin and damnation, not killing and not having the Army shoot all opponants. It is about elections... Democracy if you like.

    We have heard it live on TV from PAD and Democrats that Thai people who do not vote Dem, are too stupid and should have their votes taken away and the Government appointed.

    Thats how it is here. A self agrandising elite with a few deluded followers who unfortunatly had enough power over the Army at the time to make a difference.

    Elections seems like a fair request to me. Elections where any party can stand, even if they are opposed to the Democrats and their masters.

  12. I think the post title says so much about Thailand.

    It couldn't just have been Deposed Thai Premier now in Montenegro as they (PAD) have deposed so many recently that you just wouldn't know which one.

    Who knows, we might be talking about Deposed Mark soon.

    Why isn't parliament sitting? Too busy hiding in army barracks to get anything going.

  13. " "The military is very brutal," ranted a doctor from the seat of his BMW as he drove to work at a Silom hospital. "Why are these soldiers on the streets? This is power without reason -- they're protecting their assets." "

    An interesting comment. Based on the stereotyping in the press and this forum, I would not have expected this obviously well off man to make such comments.

    I wonder why that Dr. has not sold the BMW and moved up country to provide free health care to the poor he is so worried about. I mean clearly he is not concerned about "face" he drives the BMW as it's the best value car to purchase in Thailand... :)

    I think its an intellegence thing. The PAD elite are not you Bangkok middle classes, office managers etc, they are your seriously rich untouchable multi millionaires.

    I said after the Riots last year that the PAD supporters were nearer in social terms and have been oppressed almost as much. The middle classes are only a bit richer than the poor and are certainly not in a league where they should be providing support to the aging elites.

    The good doctor with his salary and BMW, knows he is a long way from being as rich as the people behind the scenes. He too will be closer in terms of wealth to the poorest farmers than he is to lovely Mark, Thuagsabon and the rest of their ilk.

  14. I'm pretty sure closing airports is more detrimental to trade and tourism than malls.

    I'm not sure which one is worse. They are both bad for the economy.

    All put together they are terrible for the economy and for future foreign investment and tourism in Thailand.

    And until Thais work out that the country can not be ruled by minority mobs, then the economy will continue to get worse, which will affect all Thais.

    I think we might be closing in on serious points here Peter.

    You are right in this.

    The problem IMHO is the polarisation. The Reds,(even though I think they have moral right on their side) are moving towards the Hugo Chavez end of the spectrum and the Yellows towards Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe autocratic rule. None but the minorities on either side (Red or Yellow) want this. For the Record again, I don't want Thaksin in, nor most of the current Red Leadership. Problem is, they are keeping the Mugabes out so what choice do people have?

    The middle ground is being lost and needs to be retaken, but by who?

    The english language portion on NBT actually threw up a Government spokesman from the Dems who looked like he could be moving to the centre. What was his name? I think he was Abhisits vice something or other... A fattish chap talking to Edward and his sidekick. Abhisit is too in the pay of the power brokers and can never heal this country. I hope he is not a voice crying in the wilderness!

  15. You didn't get it. Let's try again .."none educated"?

    Poorly educated should just about cover it.

    Che Guevara was an embarrassment to the Cuban government.

    Running off to indulge his infantile Third World fantasies.

    Failed. Died while on the run.

    He did leave a T-shirt however to be worn by the world's schoolboy bedsit revolutionaries.

    Now we have one here doing a rah rah for Thaksin.

    First time tragedy, second time farce.

    Third time Theater Of The Absurd.

    Uh.. try non-educated.

    For want of a dash the argument was lost.

    For want of an argument the protest was lost.

    Sit down guys. Could be the break through we are looking for.

    Che Guevarra was as evil and despotic a man as ever there was and people wearing his image are obviously very badly informed, if at all. And that is... wait for it, Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts, Commies, Capitalists, Students, anybody!!! A Che T-Shirt is a badge of ignorance!!

    He banned music in a Taliban style reign of terror and a great irony was pointed out to Carlos Santana a few months ago. He turned up in a Che T-shirt and had it pointed out to him by some cuban exiles that the real Che had actually had people killed for listening to Carlos Santana Music.

    How long we will be in agreement for is not sure!

  16. Hehehehe

    Nothing like a pic of Khun Thaksin to have the PAD falangs reaching for the keyboard. When he comes back:

    Wonder if he will close the bars earlier - oooooooooooooooooooooh say the mighty PAD falangs

    Ban go-go dancing in beer bars - ooooooooooooooooooooooh please not that say the PAD falangs

    Make visas harder for the low class sponging falangs who work with no permits and do jobs they are not allowed to do (work in bars, real estate, informal airport taxis) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh not us, we are doing good for Thailand by working here say the PAD falangs.

    Raise minimum wage for Thais employed by falangs as maids, skivvies and gardners to 1000 baht per day ooooooooooooooooooh, but how will we pay for our ladies of the night?

    Make every Falang not on a proper visa, return to their country of birth for a 3 month visa and only allow them 1 per year. 9 months in Cambodia eh?

    That is really why Thaksin is so unpopular with the PAD falangs on here.

    If you want to see corruption on a massive scale, you should come to the great Thaksin heartland of Phuket!! See life in a Province that truly has escaped the influence of thaksin.

    So according to your post, you would the rich farang, high class farang, who does not go to bars, does not need a visa, pays triple the wage, pays double the price for everything just to make sure that poor sellers have enough money?

    But if you are that rich and that high of a class, should not you be the yellow? may be you little color blind, so please allow me to clarify it for you

    The red are the poor, low class

    The yellow are the rich and the high class

    You have just taken the dumbest post of the year award! I wonder if you can beat your own record? :)

    Sorry that it went over your head. I know most of you never read or digest posts.

    Your simplistic observations are in line with the yellow ruling elite that also understand nothing but keeping their masters snouts in the trough.

    Sorry if this is also too complex for you, but issues usually are which is why this one has not been sorted out yet.

    Basically, it is a rearguard action by a ruling class that is on the way out. They are on the way out as there is a natural phenomenon that happens to us all in the end!! They cannot cling on for ever, because they will not be here forever nor will we. Their rule will end and their pampered offspring are not up to the job of keeping the power in as ruthless a manner as in previous decades.

    What will replace it depends on who gets the upper hand here. Abhisit has been on pole position since he was prised in by the army and they were hoping he would be able to pull off some sort of policy magic and perhaps be genuinely elected next time. This is not going to happen so they are consolidating their grip and calling muppets on to the street to pressure the army.

    An election monitored by outside agencies should clear it up, but they cannot run the risk of the Democrats being defeated in an election for the forth straight time!! which is what will happen.

    It is not much more difficult that this, but if you don't get it, why not do some googling instead of flaming and offering petty snipes.

    What if Abhisit stays and the red leaders are shot? Do you really think that is a pretext for a happy ever after in Thailand?

    Up to you if you do. You are entitled to your opinioin and that is part of free speach. Something that is lacking here now.

  17. Tail wagging the dog.

    That said, it must be comforting for some to know that these middle class fascists are back running the country.

    Well done PAD, you might get off with your airport charges if you can engineer a bloodbath for your masters.

    At least we are seeing the emergence of the true sheep in this country as they trot their little minions out.

    No policy, no resolutions, no party, no votes, no mandate, no brains. Go PAD go a and show what you can do.....

  18. Another hot spot that will benefit from the planned change is at the north end of the beach road, where vehicles turning right onto Phra Barami Road do so against oncoming traffic with no clear indication of who has the right of way.

    This is also wrong.

    If they reverse the flow, ALL traffic going to Kamala will have to cross ALL traffic coming from Kamala at the same junction. The loose filter system there now, kinda works. Again, Traffic lights will be required there 100%

  19. There is a thread on this in the news clipping section I know now why. I posted the following.

    This will not reduce grid lock, it will add to it. suggest you make a model of Song Roi Pee and try getting onto and off it if they reverse the flow.

    Anyway. The post

    You sir are right! All the other turkeys who scoff at the current system have missed this.

    Traffic coming in from Karon, will now have to cross the traffic coming out lane outside Anchalee hotel (juction of Song Roi Pee) This will need traffic lights as the outflow traffic coming from the beach will have to be stopped as well.

    The traffic coming out of Song Roi Pee at the Phra Baramee end will have to cross in incoming traffic. IE incoming traffic will have to go straigh ahead to the beach whilst outflow is trying to turn right accross it.

    Presently as you come into Patong from either direction, YOU DO NOT NEED TO CROSS ANY TRAFFIC FLOW! From Karon, you simply drive straight to the beach and from the other end, you simpy filter left onto Song Roi Pee from Phra Baramee.

    That is at least two new sets of lights they will need. It's true...

    If they try it, it will fail.

  20. Hehehehe

    Nothing like a pic of Khun Thaksin to have the PAD falangs reaching for the keyboard. When he comes back:

    Wonder if he will close the bars earlier - oooooooooooooooooooooh say the mighty PAD falangs

    Ban go-go dancing in beer bars - ooooooooooooooooooooooh please not that say the PAD falangs

    Make visas harder for the low class sponging falangs who work with no permits and do jobs they are not allowed to do (work in bars, real estate, informal airport taxis) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh not us, we are doing good for Thailand by working here say the PAD falangs.

    Raise minimum wage for Thais employed by falangs as maids, skivvies and gardners to 1000 baht per day ooooooooooooooooooh, but how will we pay for our ladies of the night?

    Make every Falang not on a proper visa, return to their country of birth for a 3 month visa and only allow them 1 per year. 9 months in Cambodia eh?

    That is really why Thaksin is so unpopular with the PAD falangs on here.

    If you want to see corruption on a massive scale, you should come to the great Thaksin heartland of Phuket!! See life in a Province that truly has escaped the influence of thaksin.

  21. Go Grandpops.go....

    Agree 100% and I cannot understand these right wing authoritarian types who fill these boards with their yellow lies based on Abhisit's propaganda...as they say, right wing nuts never let facts get in the way of an excuse of a massacre....

    I agree. Could you go with him?

    So all yellows are liars.

    Well what's your comment on the deliberate open lies told to the reds many times by jatuporn and his clan?

    In free speech, there is nothing wrong with lying.

    As you rightly point out, all the yellows are liars. So what. Let them carry on with it because they are proved liars again and again and lose credibility.

    So much credibility have they lost that they have to hide in an Army Camp. Remember other recent (elected) PMs being protected by the Army? Flown around by the Army?

    They have also brought scathing scornful reports by all international media on themselves and back tracked on numerous occasions.

    They have encouraged a mob to try and intimidate the Army into KILLING red protesters. With no policies or attepmpts to solve anything, the PAD is back to demonstrate just how unfairly Abhisit was put into power and how uneven handed is the definition of Mobster and terrorist.

    This mob at the Army base brought the country to its knees and members of the Government were at the airport with them. Now, they have called them into protect them from the rest of the country.

    Lie on I say. It's done them more harm than good.

  22. As a poster said yesterday.

    If the military were to split, it would be Colonels and Generals on one side and fighting soldeirs on the other.

    All we need now to set it off is for the Government to encourage the PAD and its grannies army out onto the street.. Wait, whats that we see at Army HQ? Why, its the PAD defying the same SOE, but with full backing from Abhisit.

    Sure they have sent them to the Army camp to try and pressure the soldiers into killing red shirts. Make the recruits think they should do something to uphold and protect their jaded regime. But all the while besmirching the good name of the one person in the kingdom who is their only rallying cry at the moment. No policies, no elections called for (they would lose them) and alas, still no understanding of the lives of people outside the wonderful yellow city of Bangkok! Go Toffs go seems to be the cry to arms - not for them to fight though, nor to try and resolve, but for the Army to kill the ones they fear will soon want their slice of the pie.

    At least some of us can see through this tactic. Some, however, will be on here to post in a minute to prove that they see and hear no evil when it comes to this tired elitist rearguard action.

  23. OK Animatic

    And a Pink mob rallying during the SOE of around 1,000 the other day is a valid show of unity of the Thai Nations 70million.

    Lets get this right.

    Yellow mob stages coup overturns three PMs = GOOD

    Red Mob try to press for ELECTIONS, thats ELECTIONS, not overthrow. = BAAAAAAAAAAAD

    Pink Mob try to stop reds from asking for ELECTIONS by rallying illegally outside Army base(with support of legislators who imposed said SOE) to withold status quo and maintaining that everybody that voted for them is too stupid to vote and Gov should be appointed (as the Election overseeing body and Courts are) by themselvese = :):D:D:D:D all together now BAAAAAAAAAAAD

  24. Re Ahhisit's fan page - was started many months ago, but until 2 or 3 months ago the number of fans was below 100,000. Looks like my previous prediction will come to pass :D

    Not as many computers in farmers living rooms. Usually their houses are full of farming things.

    But nice to show your elitist blindness with this post. Shows more the class divide than anything else.

    Yellows being the elites, have more money, therefore more computers, therefore more facebook members.

    You not related to Einstein by anychance are you :D

    We all Know your not. :)

    Great post from a great writer. Pity that you didn't think to proof read after you put your grammar nazi hat on.

    It's You're, not your. But C+ for a first attempt at humor. Or do you really know my not?... whatever that is :D

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