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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Loondingle - "The coroner has carried out a meticulous forensic examination of the 2 deceased victims. They have found serious differences between the RTP pathologist's report and what is actually there for them to see. They will also have swabbed for DNA.

    So different is there findings they have had to send the reports to the defence and the court. Included in this was the cause of death was not consistent with the RTP's findings I believe... on the info I have.

    Just wait and see what comes out. It will I am sure"


    A few the first one was the case officer in Norwich who told me in all cases they will do a meticulous forensic examination which in murder cases will include DNA swabs. Unless for example the condition of tbe body does t allow. Say burnt for example. Whilst he couldn't comment directly on Hannah he assured me they leave no stone unturned.

    Happy now?

  2. Out of "likes" but many good posts on the last two pages.

    I think the Norfolk report is going to have to do with either the cause of death being different from the Thai report or, They were able to collect DNA and from the body that is not the B2's. I have to also agree with Bulldozer Dawn, authorities in Thailand don't give a toss what people outside of Thailand think as long as their bottom line isn't effected... Tourism is a bit shaky these days with all that's going on but not shaky enough to scare these people. I won't be shocked if the B2 are found guilty after this farce, sadly.

    Can I add to this its BOTH reports of both victims. Differences in the findings. Trust me on this.

    You know, I hadn't even thought of the coroner having David's report as well... Completely didn't even think of it, Thank you. That makes it a double-whammy for the prosecution because for sure, David's report will blow the RTP's theory both victims were killed with the hoe out of the water in court. The evidence against the accused is all but sunk as it is and conflicting pathology reports are another major issue for the court moving forward. Unbelievable, it's all that keep springing to mind. Like some kind of old Twilight Zone story.

    I'm hoping 'Madaussie' will also see this post, because he seems to be privy to some very pertinent information. You are talking about the UK Coroner's reports having been handed to the Samui judge(s), intimating discrepancies when compared to the Thai findings, limited as they are. I'm pleased the UK Coroner has released the reports, but of course they are still' sub-judice' as the UK inquests have not been held yet.

    My concern and question to you is at what stage of the trial process will they (UK Coroner's reports) become of use, if any to the B2. It seems the judge(s) have been handed a potentiall 'time-bomb', but if they chose to they could simply ignore it and pass a guilty verdict, to keep their paymasters faces smiling. At some stage or other the UK Coroner's reports are going to be made public, and if they reveal a miscarriage of justice after the B2 are found guilty, then the defence are left with a long appeals process and the B2 a prolonged incarceration.

    I read that further defence witnesses include specialists in the field of forensics/pathology, so are we to expect the 'discrepancies' to be aired in open court for the world to see, or are the discrepancies now only for the eyes of the judges to consider in private before a verdict is announced? IMHO I think that if it's the latter, then I would welcome a 'leak' of the contents of the Coroner's reports to the media 'post-haste', because IMHO it has been the 'people-power' that has so far been instrumental in giving the B2 a chance of justice. Leaking the contents of the UK Coroner's reports may cut across political protocols and the feelings of the deceaseds' families, but at the very least it might offer a chance of justice being seen to be done.

    Very good points raised in your post.

    I think the defence are playing the long game. They have more expert witness's. One a former UN forensic examiner and currently on contract with the MOD.

    I would like to think the defence knows its case. They have a wealth of help. The solicitors at LeighDay in London. Reprieve and of course expert witness's. They will not go down without giving it there best and by Christ is the sh! Te goner hit the fan if they are not given justice.

    Khun Nakohn is quite meticulous I think. He has already stated he has enough to prove the case.

    I wonder what the RTP Pathologist is going to say when the findings are released cause he is going to look so incompetent.

  3. However, if the Norfolk coroner finds that neither DNA sample A nor B belongs to either individuals, that would be a "difference" in findings. So I'm tempted to believe that there were semen samples found in which the DNA does not match either of the two accused

    Impossible! The Norfolk coroner has no way to compare DNA samples gathered from the body with the DNA of the accused individuals.

    Are you joking or is that a hope or yours? Defense can send DNA typing of defendants to whomever they want (but admittedly, they can't readily send DNA typing from Mon or Nomsod or their tough-guy friends). RTP can try as much as possible to misdirect proceedings, but they aren't all-powerful. Just as Mon tried as hard as possible to snuff out any indication of his nephew taking part in the crime, he missed erasing/burying the Running Man videos. I bet he rues that miscalculation in an otherwise blanket multi-faceted cover-up attempt.

    ehhh Boomerangutang, of course it's NOT my JOKE nor a HOPE! Don't be silly.

    1.) The Norfolk coroner would not ask Thai Defense Team to send them DNA typing of the defendants (especially before the official inquest)

    2.) Thai Defense Team didn't have - officially, the defendants DNA (relaible) available until just recently

    3.) See the Loonodingle post of Today, 05:31. THAT is pretty much what is it about!

    For the rest of your post, I must but wholeheartedly AGREE with you!

    I'm ouf of Likes for today, so thank you instead.

    The coroner has carried out a meticulous forensic examination of the 2 deceased victims. They have found serious differences between the RTP pathologist's report and what is actually there for them to see. They will also have swabbed for DNA.

    So different is there findings they have had to send the reports to the defence and the court. Included in this was the cause of death was not consistent with the RTP's findings I believe... on the info I have.

    Just wait and see what comes out. It will I am sure

  4. However, if the Norfolk coroner finds that neither DNA sample A nor B belongs to either individuals, that would be a "difference" in findings. So I'm tempted to believe that there were semen samples found in which the DNA does not match either of the two accused

    Impossible! The Norfolk coroner has no way to compare DNA samples gathered from the body with the DNA of the accused individuals.

    The coroner has found David didnt die from drowning I believe amongst other things and Hannahs injuries are not the same as the RTP pathologist report.

    So different are the findings that they have been made available ahead of the Inquest.

    Watch this space..

  5. Not very surprising though, that was the missing evidence from the prosecution case so far.

    As for the defense not wanting to retest it, to me it is rather telling. If as they claimed they have evidence that contradicts the results I don't see why they would refuse to have the retest done, either it would come back as a no match and that would put the prosecution case in disarray or it could come back as a match and then the defense could show their evidence proving it as being wrong, either from an error in the investigation or due to actual malice, either way it would again be extremely damaging to the prosecution.

    Their refusal to have a retest tells me that whatever they card they may have to play is not enough to counter the DNA evidence of the prosecution, hence the refusal.

    You keep repeating this but it is totally illogical. Let me try to make it simple. The BiB have 2 DNA samples ( x and y) from different parts of the crime scene. They say they are a match and are one of the defendants (z). For the prosecution x, y and z all need to be the same and need to be what they say they are. The defense only needs to show one of these is incorrect. They don't need to test all 3.

    Let him have his fun..

    We will get ours next week when the defence take the stand. Bet he/she goes quite then... On Vacation...

  6. More BS.... I worked on trying to gain evidence who the phone belonged to. I have a copy of the file.

    It is a mute point that the phone did or didn't belong to David, lets assume that it did, then there will be up to 4 peoples DNA and finger prints on it, the first is obvious Davids, then if the testimony is true it will also have the DNA of the guy who dumped it and at least one of the accused, I have heard nothing reported by the police that they tested this phone for anything, the police claim they found it smashed up in the bushes - how convenient

    This is direct from my source within the court yesterday and I quote ok...

    "The phone was apparently returned from UK as UK refused to examine it. Police said yesterday IMEI number said to be David's. No written conf. Phone not presented as evidence in court. Just arrived at court in box."

    Then a later update:

    "First time phone was in court, 12 days into the trial. Prosecution say it is David's but no conclusive proof yet."

    So the Thai police sent it to England and they returned it without an answer. and they will not answer as it beaches protocol in death sentence cases.

    I worked on trying to get the info from the phone company and they kept kicking it back to the police. Despite the importance of finding out.

    I for one want to know if they done it. I am not 100% sure if they had NO involvement in the case at all. There is so many theorys ... remember also that their mate worked in the AC bar. They left the guitar in the AC so they have a link to the AC bar. They are obviously known to the AC owners I don't doubt.

    What I don't believe is these 2 guys did this on their own. The evidence I have seen and heard so far suggests they didn't.

    You must also remember that they don't dispute they where on the beach. If the was closer to the AC and David and Hannah left there following a bust up and started to run whats the first thing you loose.

    Your sunglasses hanging on your shirt and the phone bouncing around in your pocket??

    Just an idea, What I cant believe is the absolute silence coming from the island.

    No witnesses to the altercation in the bar. Nothing.... somebody has something to hide without doubt.....

    Anyway <deleted> do I know?? perhaps a few things about evidence and UK witnesses. A little about the autopsy procedure as told to me by the case officer for Hannah without being specific about her case. Just procedure.. The location of Sean McAnna...Not enough to judge 2 men and whether they should die for this crime.

    You shouldn't really be too surprised at the silence from the expat community on Koh Tao, as a great deal of them are there without the correct paperwork to be there, and to be working, no work permits or visa, this is a very small community who will watch over each others backs, in other words, play nice, and play ball, you will have no dramas.. upset the apple cart and it's a long way to the mainland. I met a reiki masseuse, who had been on Samui for a couple of years, and was looking to relocate to KT, I asked he about the WP's and Visa, and she smiled wryly, it's all about who you know.

    The inhabitants of Koh Tao share alarming similarities of the inhabitants of Pitcairn Island, and the Orkney Islands once the child abuse cases hit the mainstream media, all of a sudden people knew nothing.. I don't blame them really, self preservation is pretty evident.

    I always thought it was a really nice island, and it seemed to have a pretty "friendly" atmosphere, I was quite surprised however about just how the Island was run, outside it looks quite idyllic, inside, I do believe there's a genuine fear amongst some of the expat community down there.

    I said this yesterday, this is nothing more than a sideshow, a token trial, if this is the best the RTP and the prosecution could come up with after the case being submitted 4-5 times, then it's very obvious of the outcome, the blanket ban on reporting is also pretty disgusting, as it's not about justice for Hannah and David, it's about maintaining the image of the Island in the name of tourism, and that folks, is going all the way to the very top.

    This isn't a murder trial, this is face saving, damage limitation at it's very worst, the lives of these two young people mean nothing to Thailand, but the revenue lost to bad publicity in the name of tourism means so much more, especially in a wobbling economy.

    Very Good Summary........... Hannah and Davids lives mean nothing to the Thai's who have vested interest. It means not a lot more to the UK authority's in the bigger picture of PC behaviour.

    Approx 360 Brits die in Thailand every year by various means. Many I would say under suspicious circumstances but who cares?? Not many.. only a few.. and we have a concentration of them on this forum.

  7. You don't need to be a brain surgeon to work out the prosecution have the items for nearly a year. Stacked in a trolley somewhere?. They have had every opportunity to add substances to gain a positive result on a re-test.

    The defence had the DNA taken in court upto Bangkok last Tuesday on the last flight out of Samui. Friday they had their results. Then announced we do not need anything else. We can prove our case.

    As for David's phone my source tells me and their words.... Today

    "The phone was apparently returned from UK as UK refused to examine it. Police said yesterday IMEI number said to be David's. No written conf. Phone not presented as evidence in court. Just arrived at court in box. First time phone was in court, 12 days into the trial. Prosecution say it is David's but no conclusive proof yet."

    So as I said to YOU Ali G.. No evidence to confirm its Davids phone and you don't have it do you. if the court don't neither do you. Unless your mystic meg with a glass ball..

    Actually perhaps you are?

    Until such time as someone comes up with a logical explanation on how a phone would banish from one of the victims, an identical phone appeared on the hands of the accused on the same night and subsequently rather than doing the rational thing of keeping or attempting to sell that expensive phone they smashed it up and threw it away, any person whose mental faculties are, shall we say, present, will derive the conclusion that the phone was the same and their actions spell out getting rid of incriminating evidence.

    Of note though is that you, like IslandLover, show no inclination whatsoever to actually see the provenance of said phone verified; that is not the stance of someone looking for the truth in a quest for justice, that's the stance of someone that would gladly see relevant evidence being ignored because it would run contrary to a certain outcome.

    More BS.... I worked on trying to gain evidence who the phone belonged to. I have a copy of the file.

    It is a mute point that the phone did or didn't belong to David, lets assume that it did, then there will be up to 4 peoples DNA and finger prints on it, the first is obvious Davids, then if the testimony is true it will also have the DNA of the guy who dumped it and at least one of the accused, I have heard nothing reported by the police that they tested this phone for anything, the police claim they found it smashed up in the bushes - how convenient

    This is direct from my source within the court yesterday and I quote ok...

    "The phone was apparently returned from UK as UK refused to examine it. Police said yesterday IMEI number said to be David's. No written conf. Phone not presented as evidence in court. Just arrived at court in box."

    Then a later update:

    "First time phone was in court, 12 days into the trial. Prosecution say it is David's but no conclusive proof yet."

    So the Thai police sent it to England and they returned it without an answer. and they will not answer as it beaches protocol in death sentence cases.

    I worked on trying to get the info from the phone company and they kept kicking it back to the police. Despite the importance of finding out.

    I for one want to know if they done it. I am not 100% sure if they had NO involvement in the case at all. There is so many theorys ... remember also that their mate worked in the AC bar. They left the guitar in the AC so they have a link to the AC bar. They are obviously known to the AC owners I don't doubt.

    What I don't believe is these 2 guys did this on their own. The evidence I have seen and heard so far suggests they didn't.

    You must also remember that they don't dispute they where on the beach. If the was closer to the AC and David and Hannah left there following a bust up and started to run whats the first thing you loose.

    Your sunglasses hanging on your shirt and the phone bouncing around in your pocket??

    Just an idea, What I cant believe is the absolute silence coming from the island.

    No witnesses to the altercation in the bar. Nothing.... somebody has something to hide without doubt.....

    Anyway &lt;deleted&gt; do I know?? perhaps a few things about evidence and UK witnesses. A little about the autopsy procedure as told to me by the case officer for Hannah without being specific about her case. Just procedure.. The location of Sean McAnna...Not enough to judge 2 men and whether they should die for this crime.

  8. Yes, to some extent, but i don't have the full picture, maybe tomorrow but my understanding is DNA evidence does link the two accused to the crime, this was a driver behind the defence not wanting a retest, profiles do match.

    Not very surprising though, that was the missing evidence from the prosecution case so far.

    As for the defense not wanting to retest it, to me it is rather telling. If as they claimed they have evidence that contradicts the results I don't see why they would refuse to have the retest done, either it would come back as a no match and that would put the prosecution case in disarray or it could come back as a match and then the defense could show their evidence proving it as being wrong, either from an error in the investigation or due to actual malice, either way it would again be extremely damaging to the prosecution.

    Their refusal to have a retest tells me that whatever they card they may have to play is not enough to counter the DNA evidence of the prosecution, hence the refusal.

    You don't need to be a brain surgeon to work out the prosecution have the items for nearly a year. Stacked in a trolley somewhere?. They have had every opportunity to add substances to gain a positive result on a re-test.

    The defence had the DNA taken in court upto Bangkok last Tuesday on the last flight out of Samui. Friday they had their results. Then announced we do not need anything else. We can prove our case.

    As for David's phone my source tells me and their words.... Today

    "The phone was apparently returned from UK as UK refused to examine it. Police said yesterday IMEI number said to be David's. No written conf. Phone not presented as evidence in court. Just arrived at court in box. First time phone was in court, 12 days into the trial. Prosecution say it is David's but no conclusive proof yet."

    So as I said to YOU Ali G.. No evidence to confirm its Davids phone and you don't have it do you. if the court don't neither do you. Unless your mystic meg with a glass ball..

    Actually perhaps you are?

    Until such time as someone comes up with a logical explanation on how a phone would banish from one of the victims, an identical phone appeared on the hands of the accused on the same night and subsequently rather than doing the rational thing of keeping or attempting to sell that expensive phone they smashed it up and threw it away, any person whose mental faculties are, shall we say, present, will derive the conclusion that the phone was the same and their actions spell out getting rid of incriminating evidence.

    Of note though is that you, like IslandLover, show no inclination whatsoever to actually see the provenance of said phone verified; that is not the stance of someone looking for the truth in a quest for justice, that's the stance of someone that would gladly see relevant evidence being ignored because it would run contrary to a certain outcome.

    More BS.... I worked on trying to gain evidence who the phone belonged to. I have a copy of the file.

  9. Breaking News

    Police: We didn’t beat Koh Tao murder suspects to confess

    12:11 28 August 2015

    Sarah Yuen in Thailand


    The Burmese men accused of the Koh Tao backpacker murders were not threatened or beaten to confess, says a senior Thai police officer, who was present at most of their interrogations.

    However, earlier in the court testimony, another police officer had said that a doctor was called for defendant Wei Phyo, after his first questioning session on the mainland, before he was taken back to Koh Tao, but one was “not available to examine him”. He apparently had bruising on his face.

    Wei Phyo’s co-accused, Zaw Lin, was taken to hospital by prison officers in Koh Samui, after being transferred from Koh Tao, because he was complaining of chest pain. A cellmate of both men testified in court that he had personally seen the injuries on Zaw Lin’s body.

  10. Can you give more details?

    Yes, to some extent, but i don't have the full picture, maybe tomorrow but my understanding is DNA evidence does link the two accused to the crime, this was a driver behind the defence not wanting a retest, profiles do match.

    Not very surprising though, that was the missing evidence from the prosecution case so far.

    As for the defense not wanting to retest it, to me it is rather telling. If as they claimed they have evidence that contradicts the results I don't see why they would refuse to have the retest done, either it would come back as a no match and that would put the prosecution case in disarray or it could come back as a match and then the defense could show their evidence proving it as being wrong, either from an error in the investigation or due to actual malice, either way it would again be extremely damaging to the prosecution.

    Their refusal to have a retest tells me that whatever they card they may have to play is not enough to counter the DNA evidence of the prosecution, hence the refusal.

    You don't need to be a brain surgeon to work out the prosecution have the items for nearly a year. Stacked in a trolley somewhere?. They have had every opportunity to add substances to gain a positive result on a re-test.

    The defence had the DNA taken in court upto Bangkok last Tuesday on the last flight out of Samui. Friday they had their results. Then announced we do not need anything else. We can prove our case.

    As for David's phone my source tells me and their words.... Today

    "The phone was apparently returned from UK as UK refused to examine it. Police said yesterday IMEI number said to be David's. No written conf. Phone not presented as evidence in court. Just arrived at court in box. First time phone was in court, 12 days into the trial. Prosecution say it is David's but no conclusive proof yet."

    So as I said to YOU Ali G.. No evidence to confirm its Davids phone and you don't have it do you. if the court don't neither do you. Unless your mystic meg with a glass ball..

    Actually perhaps you are?

  11. It's certainly possible the green towel was introduced to the crime scene after the perps had fled but it is also possible that it was used by the murderers to cover the victim's face, so they could rape her posthumously without having to look at their handiwork. Given that there is no evidence that the towel was introduced later and the crime scene was deliberately left unsealed by police, a complete forensic examination of the towel should be essential.

    I thought the towel may have just been used to cover her injuries, an act of dignity from someone given the horrific nature of the attack.

    Yes, but there is no evidence of this.

    None that's been presented -presumably that's why the defence questionned it. BTW - you are responding to a minor of 15 years (if her profile is true) and that's dangerous territory on this thread..

    Unfortunately there's probably a few who are more than happy to..

  12. Breaking News

    Koh Tao murder trial: Defendents did not have representation during interrogations, court hears

    Thai Police have confirmed the two defendants in the Koh Tao murder trial did not have any legal representation when they were confessing to the killings of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridg.e and fellow British backpacker David Miller.

    Police Colonel Prathoom Ruangtong, who initially took charge of the investigation, after the bodies of the pair were found on Sairee Beach in Koh Tao, last September, confirmed the two Burmese immigrant workers had not been provided with their own lawyers.

    Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo, both aged 22, are alleged to have confessed separately to the crimes, but they both maintain they were threatened and tortured to admit their guilt. They both retracted their confessions after they were charged.

    Trial judges on the neighbouring island of Koh Samui, have been hearing evidence from prosecution witnesses since early July, and it will be the turn of the pro-bono defence lawyers to present their evidence from next week.


    Good post, another glaring contradiction is that an RTP witness a few weeks back claimed to have not checked the pier CCTV whereas this other RTP witness yesterday claimed they did check it and it showed nothing.

    This is outrageous, which one is it? Either one or both of them are lying, also I agree with some later posts about david's phone. Just a verbal claim that it was from a nameless person who can't be contacted to verify. Pathetic

    Its called keeping your options open.

    Remember only 50 % is a lie. So its not all so bad.

  13. I can picture the senior police inspector explaining to the judges what's going on. Something like. ......

    Officer on video: "Raise your arm, Wai"

    (suspect on video raises his arm)

    Officer in court: "you can now plainly see the suspect raising his arm as if he had the murder weapon hoe, and is about to hit David with the sharp end."

    Officer on video: "Wai, make a threatening noise."

    suspect on video: "Arghhh!"

    Officer in court: "You can now see, your honor, the suspect is very aroused by seeing two farang kissing, and he's about to bash in the head of the farang."

    Judge: "But you say your forensics found none of David's blood on the hoe."

    Officer in court: "Everything is mutable, your honor. We're all Buddhists here. Use your imagination."

    And the sad thing is if it wasn't about justice for 2 people dead and 2 more who may die then it would be funny.

    Only in Thailand?....never ceases to amaze me.

  14. Come on its a bloody murder trial and the evidence is well I made a phone call. Really how low can this case sink to before someone says hey I have had enough of this?

    And where is ALeG when u need him??????? Hellooooooo r u there AliG

    What sort of a prosecution are ya mates running where they think they do not need documentary evidence to confirm what they say in a murder trial.

    Crikey I couldn't even get married in Thailand without a certified copy stamped and signed in the embassy and then down to chang wattana I think to legalise it (should remember I have done it 3 times now) yet the system is so rotten that they just turn up and say yep I called this guy and he said it was David's phone and sim card.

    God Give Me Strength...

  15. Your breaking news is 11 months vintage. That they didn't have a lawyer during their first interrogation has been known since that day or thereabouts.

    The only new information in that report is the confirmation that it was David Miller's phone the one found near their lodgings and which the defendants admit of having since the night of the murders. You must be feeling relieved I didn't humor your wager over that.

    I think until we see written confirmation or hear someone from Britain say it was David Miller's phone then it is just hear say.

    Why is it you accept everything the RTP say as fact even if there is nothing to back it up.

    The NCA only accepts requests in writing. It responds in writing. Its not done by a phone call..

    Can anyone prove otherwise??? I don't think so

    But the nice police man said it and AleG believes him.

    Kinda sums them both up.

    Oh Yeah Solly Nah... I forgot he like thai polee mun Vely much.

    You want evidence hey!!!!!!!!

    Yeah I called them up I did.. Trust me.. I called them and they said yep its his.... I said well that's good enough for me.. Would you like it in writing a fax and email. Perhaps on embassy paper. Signed as certified like I do for the other papers... I said Nahh it ok M8.. I will tell them its all sorted.

    Yeah right PMSL if it wasn't so serious

  16. Your breaking news is 11 months vintage. That they didn't have a lawyer during their first interrogation has been known since that day or thereabouts.

    The only new information in that report is the confirmation that it was David Miller's phone the one found near their lodgings and which the defendants admit of having since the night of the murders. You must be feeling relieved I didn't humor your wager over that.

    I think until we see written confirmation or hear someone from Britain say it was David Miller's phone then it is just hear say.

    Why is it you accept everything the RTP say as fact even if there is nothing to back it up.

    The NCA only accepts requests in writing. It responds in writing. Its not done by a phone call..

    Can anyone prove otherwise??? I don't think so

  17. Breaking News

    Koh Tao murder trial: Defendents did not have representation during interrogations, court hears

    Thai Police have confirmed the two defendants in the Koh Tao murder trial did not have any legal representation when they were confessing to the killings of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge and fellow British backpacker David Miller.

    Police Colonel Prathoom Ruangtong, who initially took charge of the investigation, after the bodies of the pair were found on Sairee Beach in Koh Tao, last September, confirmed the two Burmese immigrant workers had not been provided with their own lawyers.

    Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo, both aged 22, are alleged to have confessed separately to the crimes, but they both maintain they were threatened and tortured to admit their guilt. They both retracted their confessions after they were charged.

    Trial judges on the neighbouring island of Koh Samui, have been hearing evidence from prosecution witnesses since early July, and it will be the turn of the pro-bono defence lawyers to present their evidence from next week.


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