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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Defense no longer want DNA tested, (another news source)


    The defense always wanted transparent, independent DNA testing. In the end, it appears they could not achieve this, and having the RTP control another round of testing did not seem a good idea.

    this completely confuses me

    the defense have requested to independently retest the dna but are now saying that there is no point - either

    - prosecution/police are interfering (will be testimony for defense)

    - or they have been told that the dna evidence from the victims is tainted spoiled or inaccurate (will be testimony for defense)

    - or that the tests came back as a match

    the great thing about forensics is that they can tell exactly where a sample came from

    if we do not now hear testimony from the national forensics lab in Bangkok to say that tests were not possible or that the samples were untestable or that they couldn't perform their duties without interference - then this case takes a swing towards guilty

    I suspect we will hear more about this if a certain forensic person is still called as a witness - if so her testimony will be a shocker, if she isn't called by the defense then that raises some serious questions for me

    Its split into 2.

    DNA from the B2 is STILL being tested. Results passed straight to defence.

    its the Hoe etc they dont need it now. The profiles have been submitted already in case files. They dont need to argue it.

    The DNA evidence being discussed is the rape kit DNA taken from inside the victim's body, and which was said to match the suspects. If real DNA evidence exists that cannot be contested or discredited, showing that the two Burmese left DNA inside the victim's body then the two will be, and probably should be, found guilty.

    It is this evidence which has to be shown to be wrong for the case to be thrown out. Furthermore it is usual in western courts for prosecution to argue that if retesting of DNA samples is offered to the defence and not taken up, then the defence cannot justifiably contest what the prosecution say that the DNA evidence shows. One of the main reasons for believing that the defence were convinced of the innocence of their clients was their insistence on having the rape kit samples retested, and now this has gone. This is a reversal that is very hard to understand: there is almost no good reason not to retest unless you are afraid the result won't help your case.

    As others have pointed out, expecting that evidence apparently gathered by personnel in the UK weeks after the bodies left Thai custody (if this really exists) will be admissible or accepted in the Thai court is probably unwise. No country's courts would be likely to accept that after remains have been completely forensically examined, released to the families and have been out of the legal jurisdiction of the country for weeks, that new evidence apparently gathered by workers in another country would be admissable, since no verification at all that the bodies weren't contaminated or tampered with is possible.

    So the idea that evidence gathered like this will somehow trump the Thai forensic evidence is very unrealistic indeed.

    Your missing this as well. I am sure youve all been on the Leo and skim read the facts.

    Thai forensics institute has tested the 2 suspects from DNA taken in court. I bet it left that night on the last flight and has been processed.

    So they will rely on this and the police submissions as they conflict with each other..


  2. Defense no longer want DNA tested, (another news source)


    I would not want the testing done under the conditions imposed either. Totally pointless if you don't trust the authorities which clearly no one associated or familiar with the case does.

    Very wise move by the defence although quite why they didn't see it coming I don't know.

    The prosecution would never allow independant transparent testing as that may demonstrate that it was a fit up.

    actually I would have given a cautious trust to Porntip Rojanasunan, like I said above if she still appears in court then she will have something shocking to say about this case, if the prosecution call her as a witness then all bets are off

    Smedly you are missing the point here.

    Pornthip will still test the B2 DNA. I think its done already. She will still testify for the defence.

    They dont need the Hoe Dna etc as they already have results that kick the prosecution case into the ditch. Remember there was DNA printed profiles for the hoe already in the files m8. It obviously conflicts with what they have so job done.

    IMHO... ?

  3. Defense no longer want DNA tested, (another news source)


    The defense always wanted transparent, independent DNA testing. In the end, it appears they could not achieve this, and having the RTP control another round of testing did not seem a good idea.

    this completely confuses me

    the defense have requested to independently retest the dna but are now saying that there is no point - either

    - prosecution/police are interfering (will be testimony for defense)

    - or they have been told that the dna evidence from the victims is tainted spoiled or inaccurate (will be testimony for defense)

    - or that the tests came back as a match

    the great thing about forensics is that they can tell exactly where a sample came from

    if we do not now hear testimony from the national forensics lab in Bangkok to say that tests were not possible or that the samples were untestable or that they couldn't perform their duties without interference - then this case takes a swing towards guilty

    I suspect we will hear more about this if a certain forensic person is still called as a witness - if so her testimony will be a shocker, if she isn't called by the defense then that raises some serious questions for me

    Its split into 2.

    DNA from the B2 is STILL being tested. Results passed straight to defence.

    its the Hoe etc they dont need it now. The profiles have been submitted already in case files. They dont need to argue it.

  4. Also remember the defence set them up to get the B2 profile tested. They had people from forensic sciences in the court waiting to ambush the prosecution. That was planned. They didnt just happened to be passing. Chain of custody is approved. This was planned and they have what they need now. Thai Columbo... at work.. hats of to them all.

  5. Defense no longer want DNA tested, (another news source)


    I would not want the testing done under the conditions imposed either. Totally pointless if you don't trust the authorities which clearly no one associated or familiar with the case does.

    Very wise move by the defence although quite why they didn't see it coming I don't know.

    The prosecution would never allow independant transparent testing as that may demonstrate that it was a fit up.

    This is only the DNA on the Hoe etc. NOT the DNA from the B2 which is still being processed as they can verify the chain and ist being done by Pornthips lab. She is due to give evidence for the defence.

    They have enough other evidence to disprove the case. They are playing a smart game here.

  6. Defense no longer want DNA tested, (another news source)


    The defense always wanted transparent, independent DNA testing. In the end, it appears they could not achieve this, and having the RTP control another round of testing did not seem a good idea.

    This is the first piece of news that I have read that, if true, suggests maybe the Burmese have a case to answer after all.

    On the Contary. They dont need the hoe tested. All they need is the 2 profiles from the B2 which they will get. They have enough other evidence to win the case. Job done in the bag.

  7. Thank you, Jimmy and Loon... Hadn't seen those.


    Having helped Andy Hall and Nakhon in the Uk in the first six months and been party to many emails that went between Reprieve and others I am absolutely sure 100% that if they knew the 2 where guilty they would tell them to plead for mercy.

    It was mentioned many times and the whole theme of the defence is to get justice. Not only for the B2 but For David and Hannah and their family's.

    Because of some agreements they had to sign I do not know what's in the bag. I have a good idea but I cant say.

    But its going to light the light internet up I think. Having spoke to the case officer for Hannah i am sure a thorough detailed forensic autopsy was carried out. This will include X-rays along with and trace DNA they could recover. Technology is very advanced now in the UK. We don't hear to much but they achieve far more than the Thai's I think. Well they are more thorough.

  8. One of the Andy Hall propaganda machine have already said that Andy's words were taken out of context in the above news article keep up Einstein

    Tony or who ever you are. You could be a Jane or a Joe but anyway I fail to see why you wish to assassinate Andy Hall's character.

    As far as I can see he has only done good for the MWRN.. For the Rights of Migrant workers in many cases. He has helped to raise funds so as Hannah and David's family can get a better and just result in the effort to find the killers of their children. He has sought support for some fair justice along with Chris Harkins and his petition. The defence lawyers and their support staff. Heidi Anna and her help as well as the ladies who have taken the B2 Mothers under their wing.

    If the B2 are guilty so be it and a fair trial will prove without doubt if they are guilty.

    Trying generate some animosity towards a selfless man only goes to lower your place in the human race doesn't?

    Comments Welcome Below:

    Reading in the Daily mail today it seems the two Burmese have suddenly changed their story and are now saying that they thought the woman was being raped and beat off the man to help.

    ​It sort of now makes a mockery of all those claiming to be a stitch up

    Link here


    I think we are going to find that this is what the video confession had them claiming. If, instead, they gave this testimony themselves in court during the prosecution phase of the trial, I will be surprised. I agree, in that case, it would put a whole new complexion on things.

    You know I think this video clip is very good. Its the defence lawyer saying if he thinks they did the crime he would tell them to confess. If there was evidence to suggest they did it. However the facts are they have uncovered crucial evidence from the UK to suggest the prosecutions case is flawed. To such an extent that they are pursuing a not guilty verdict. I think the lawyer is a straight forward guy. If he thought they did it he would tell them seek mercy and admit it. Watch the top video


    <iframe frameborder="0" width="698" height="573" scrolling="no" id="molvideoplayer" title="MailOnline Embed Player" src="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/embed/video/1142499.html"></iframe>

  9. I'm assuming then that this screenshot they pinned on the confession document is taken from the video they showed?

    I fail to see how anyone can sign a confession when they cant read what they are signing.

    I also wonder how many posters on here could with stand a round of torture before you would confess to anything? Something that's worth considering when we dismiss their retractions and say Oh Well They Confessed so they must have done it.

    Confessions from Torture should always be removed from a trial proceedings and reliance should only be on evidence. Hard Evidence inc DNA if it has a chain of custody that is traceable and verified.

    Unfortunately this case is lacking isn't it, in all those area's. With such a high profile case, you would have expected better. I guess the Prosecutors rue the day they took this on as so far the system has failed miserably and a face saving effort is taking place. No Tv coverage or Very Little News creeping out.

    What they don't know doesn't hurt them in Thailand?

  10. No Einstein. A court of law trumps the confidentiality. Especially if the confidentiality agreement states it can only be disclosed to the court.

    Do you know what the agreement states? Thought not.

    One of the Andy Hall propaganda machine have already said that Andy's words were taken out of context in the above news article keep up Einstein

    Tony or who ever you are. You could be a Jane or a Joe but anyway I fail to see why you wish to assassinate Andy Hall's character.

    As far as I can see he has only done good for the MWRN.. For the Rights of Migrant workers in many cases. He has helped to raise funds so as Hannah and David's family can get a better and just result in the effort to find the killers of their children. He has sought support for some fair justice along with Chris Harkins and his petition. The defence lawyers and their support staff. Heidi Anna and her help as well as the ladies who have taken the B2 Mothers under their wing.

    If the B2 are guilty so be it and a fair trial will prove without doubt if they are guilty.

    Trying generate some animosity towards a selfless man only goes to lower your place in the human race doesn't?

    Comments Welcome Below:

  11. "Hall said the defense team would present evidence from British authorities at odds with the findings presented by Thai investigators.

    He did not characterize the nature of the evidence and said they were under a strict confidentiality agreement not to disclose who provided it. British investigators visited Thailand in October to review the case, but no information from that was made public." http://www.chiangraitimes.com/trail-of-murdered-british-tourists-resumes-in-koh-samui.html

    under a strict confidentiality agreement not to disclose who provided it.

    So the evidence isn't under the confidentiality agreement just who provided it ? If it is going to be used in court it won't be confidential anymore.

    and they have all ready claimed it comes from british authorities thus breaking the confidentiality agreement ? clap2.gif

    This news report has misinterpreted Andys words.

    It will all be revealed In court.

    The confidentiality agreement was in respect of publishing information outside of the court room. As they did with the first Met Police letter.

  12. It may be underhand but It Is a trial to ascertain if they comitted the crime and if they are truely innocent then it will shine through the illusion the prosecution are trying to create.

    None of us know 100 percent what happened.

    I am just waiting for the defence to take the reins.

    Andy has always said to me this is about a fair trial. Not getting 2 criminals off a charge of murder and I think he is sincere about that. They have something up their sleeve to for the prosecution so what goes around comes around in this case.


    (Copier) Broken? Not allowed? B/S. It's dirty, underhand, and immoral. Desperate and blatant measures to foil any attempt of a fair and just trial. Bar-stewards. Hope the world's media kick up a real storm over this disclosure failure.

  13. None of us know who committed this terrible crime. And despite their height or appearance that doesn't exclude them from the crime.

    However if we base this only on the evidence submitted so far its heavily weighted to an acquittal. And this is before the defence take control of the case.

    Then watch the sparks fly. These guys are on the ball. UN crime scene investigator. UK forensic evidence that will counter the prosecutions theory.

    If they are cleared I want to know what justice is going to be served out for David and Hannah though... I will not hold my breath though.

  14. It seems the Witheridge and Miller families were wise in their decision to not attend the trial this week in light of what has happened in court so far. No doubt their grief would only be exacerbated in hearing a solicitor testify to the admission of guilt of the two Burmese men when it appears that the solicitor was not present for the admission. How much worse can this get. Hopefully the families will be present when the defence takes the stand and some truth is shed on their devastating losses.

    Eh, is that right? He wasnt there when they confessed?

    I thought his evidence was that they told him they did it.

    I've missed something, or some posts. Can someone enlighten me?

    The Polee had previously stated they had confessed without a solicitor and because they didn't ask for one the Poleee didn't tell them they are entitled to one. Now the Polee says there was one present.

    Amazing Thailand.

    And further

    They said they had confessed to Mr Roti Seller and they had not been present when they made the confession. The roti seller came out from the safe house and said they had admitted it.

    Safe House my Backside......... What they mean is a torture chamber away from the prying eyes of the press who couldn't hear the screams. Last thing they needed down the Cop Shop. 2 Young men crying and balling as they beat them.

    As for why the doc couldn't tell the court how his rib cage was damaged well why would he? unless he had been present. The fact he admits there was damage is sufficient to prove they had been injured. It reinforces their claims of torture.

  15. The incident is played up in the hope that it will inhibit donations to the defense funds, especially the one administered by Andy Hall.

    And we already know theres 3 or 4 posters who take every opportunity available to them to discredit the defense or Andy Hall.

    What amazes me is that they are allowed to continue to call people like Andy Hall (who is a decent person) "A ScumBag" without any instance of moderation. In fact if I was Andy Hall I would be sticking one right into these posters.

    This is how the Samui Times actually reported the "incident" (note the name "Andy Hall" is missing from the OP in this thread):

    The forlorn mother of Zaw Lin arrived alone at the court house to support her son supported by two friends, one of whom led her up the steps to the court when Human Rights Activist Andy Hall declined to help or even acknowledge her, an incident caught on a local TV camera.

    Caught on a local TV camera? Well, has anybody actually seen it?

    This has gone unreported everywhere, apart from the Samui Times. Even CSI MM, who are financially supporting the mothers of the accused, has failed to mention it. It's starting to look more and more like mischief-making by people who have it in for Andy. Perhaps his own forthcoming court case has something to do with it.

    Actually |Island lover this included those references but its been edited to remove them now. Earlier on it included that statement but I complained to the higher beings in our presence. The almighty ones ;-)

  16. 2 men could be in jail for life and may be put to death and this is all you post about?

    Wow, a real big 'incident'. How this is an incident is beyond me.

    The incident is played up in the hope that it will inhibit donations to the defense funds, especially the one administered by Andy Hall.

    And we already know theres 3 or 4 posters who take every opportunity available to them to discredit the defense or Andy Hall.

    What amazes me is that they are allowed to continue to call people like Andy Hall (who is a decent person) "A ScumBag" without any instance of moderation. In fact if I was Andy Hall I would be sticking one right into these posters.

  17. Thai solicitor says Burmese man admitted murdering Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

    A Thai solicitor has said that he was present when a Burmese man admitted raping and killing Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge and Jersey back packer David Miller.

    Pittaya Yaipetch, explained in court, during the ongoing trial in Koh Samui, that one of the 22 year-old suspects from Myanmar had freely admitted following Ms Witheridge and Mr Miller in the early hours of September 15 2014, and raping and killing them.

    “The suspect told the investigating police officer that he was with the co-accused on the beach at about 3am when the victims walked past them. He said they went to a place further along the beach and started kissing,” said Mr Yaipetch.

    “Zaw Lin said he hit Mr Miller with a garden hoe while he was lying on top of Ms Witheridge but his victim jumped to his feet and tried to fight him off. That was when he hit him again and he fell down.

    “The suspect said his friend, Wei Phyo, was punching Ms Witheridge until she fell unconscious and then he proceeded to rape her. Zaw Lin told the police that he hit Ms Witheridge in the face with the garden hoe when she began to regain consciousness, before raping her himself.

    The solicitor said Zaw Lin admitted hitting her a second time with the hoe “so she could not survive and identify us.”

    But no blood on hoe from David Miller?

    From the above article

    'The family of Ms Witheridge and Mr Miller were not in court to hear the detailed description of their deaths'.

    Shameful reporting from the local paper, which should say 'were not in court to hear the detailed description of the alleged confession which was later retracted'.

    Nor any of David's blood on her despite him being struck while on top of her. Also no explanation for the stabbing type wounds. Even the roti-seller knew/knows the story makes no sense so added the bits about a wine bottle being used. Oh and there's no way Ms Witheridge was only hit twice.

    This whole scenario is only likely if you believe that the victims were engaged in a romantic liaison on the beach when they were attacked. I don't, I'm afraid. I won't go into the reasons why I don't believe it as it as been discussed ad nauseam on this forum already.

    We are being asked to believe Hannah met a Thai person in the Bar. Had a bust up row etc and then skittled of down the beach for a quick one with David??

    Don't think so somehow. More like pursued down the beach as they headed home to their rooms which where adjacent in the same block. David having helped her leave the Bar and the problem.

    The pack followed and we see the results. A death of the person who helped her and an awful rape of the young women they couldn't have by consent so they took they anyway. Feeling they have the power to destroy lives at their whim and the support of their local Plod to avoid conviction.

  18. Isn't it insane how little coverage the trial is receiving? I know it's still the prosecution court at present I just wonder if people already made their conclusions and moved on until the trial is over. Hopefully not because people are utterly clueless coming to Thailand and things aren't getting rosier. Another day tomorrow, let see what this obviously dark "translator" has to say.

    A definite hush up has taken place with this case. Poss orders from high up. Pressure on websites and newspapers Also most Thai people are impotent in cases like this. As is the rest of the world and also the Familys in this case.

    It appears Hannah's family aren't in Thailand? despite donations in the region of £15,000 for them to attend as well as a charity who was donating money/tickets etc to help them. Just highlights their helplessness they must be feeling. IMHO

  19. Thai solicitor says Burmese man admitted murdering Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

    A Thai solicitor has said that he was present when a Burmese man admitted raping and killing Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge and Jersey back packer David Miller.

    Pittaya Yaipetch, explained in court, during the ongoing trial in Koh Samui, that one of the 22 year-old suspects from Myanmar had freely admitted following Ms Witheridge and Mr Miller in the early hours of September 15 2014, and raping and killing them.

    “The suspect told the investigating police officer that he was with the co-accused on the beach at about 3am when the victims walked past them. He said they went to a place further along the beach and started kissing,” said Mr Yaipetch.

    “Zaw Lin said he hit Mr Miller with a garden hoe while he was lying on top of Ms Witheridge but his victim jumped to his feet and tried to fight him off. That was when he hit him again and he fell down.

    “The suspect said his friend, Wei Phyo, was punching Ms Witheridge until she fell unconscious and then he proceeded to rape her. Zaw Lin told the police that he hit Ms Witheridge in the face with the garden hoe when she began to regain consciousness, before raping her himself.

    The solicitor said Zaw Lin admitted hitting her a second time with the hoe “so she could not survive and identify us.”

    But no blood on hoe from David Miller?

    From the above article

    'The family of Ms Witheridge and Mr Miller were not in court to hear the detailed description of their deaths'.

    Shameful reporting from the local paper, which should say 'were not in court to hear the detailed description of the alleged confession which was later retracted'.

    This all goes out of the window if traces of a shot is found in the autopsy though.

    As reported by the Times Newspaper who claim they have information to suggest this is the case. As well as Andy Hall describing some Fantastic revelations from the Forensic's will be disclosed.

    I suggest they are allowing the prosecution to dig themselves a hole so deep that they cant see the daylight.

    Then The defence will fill it in on their heads. LOL...

  20. 2 Suspects DNA Taken in Open court.

    DNA swabs of two Myanmar defendants were retaken at the Koh Samui court yesterday, as the defence continues to contest the physical evidence against the pair, who stand accused of murder




    The trial of Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo, who deny the charges against them, has resumed overnight.

    The move was initiated by their defence team who are keen to have all DNA samples re-tested as DNA evidence linking the two Burmese migrants to the murders of 23 year-old Hannah and fellow backpacker David Miller from Jersey, is key to the trial.

    It followed testimony by a police officer who took DNA from the two men admitted a number of errors and said he had only ever taken samples in training before.

    Read more at http://www.heart.co.uk/essex/news/local/dna-re-taken-during-hannah-witheridge-murder-trial/#1BZI2Dya2aZUFYBl.99
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