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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Theres only 3 authorities to receive information from I think. Police FCO and the Coroners Office.

    If it's anything to do with DNA, the obvious source is from the Coroners Office. The pathologist's report, perhaps?

    You're on the right track today Stephen.

    All the lawyers statements are coded. He makes a statement with omissions. The omissions are the thing he cannot tell you due to the case being in court.

    Like the DNA last week. He got his results and then promptly said you know what we dont need any further testing we can prove our case on what we have.

  2. You are all forgetting as well the report in the newspaper. .. The Times... which is a respectable broadsheet. One that David Cameron reads, which suggests that they have seen evjdence to suggest Hannah Was Shot.

    If this is true and I dont know if it is....... then the confessions are worthless. Because thats not what happened. It would rei forcd the suggestions that they had to repeat what they had been told over hours and hours of training. Still I did notice they had to still take prompts from the Polee on the beach. Along with Roti torturer and his sidekick.

  3. http://www.chiangraitimes.com/solicitors-from-international-human-rights-group-banned-from-taking-notes-in-koh-tao-murder-trial.html

    Solicitors from International Human Rights Group Banned from Taking Notes in Koh Tao Murder Trial

    Well I guess if the prosecution get a judgement in their favour despite loosing the case on the evidence then a robust appeal will be fought. Theres a lot of people involved in the case not just Andy Hall. Andy is just an accessory and not the main player. Despite what some people think on here he is a volunteer who has added value to the defence case in light of the allegations of torture and using the B2 as scapegoats.

  4. Considering they don't know the reason for the bombing. Who it was or what organisation it was. The nationality of the person.

    But did I read it wasn't terrorism?

    I viewed the pictures on documenting reality and having seen the results I can assure you it was terrorism. If that wasn't designed to instill a sense of terror into people well the word should be scrubbed from the dictionary

  5. Linky read the actual statement by Khun Nakhon.

    But Mr Chomphuchat said: “We think the case we have built is strong enough on its own.”

    Fresh DNA samples were taken from the two defendants in the court on Tuesday of this week. The test results on those samples is being returned directly to the defence team.


    The DNA retests they don't need is from the clothes hoe etc.


    From the article:

    "Defence lawyers had won the battle for the retesting of the DNA. The court had ruled that Thailand’s Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS) should double check the Thai police’s findings."

    The CIFS is independent of the police, directed (and co-founded) by Porntip Rojanasunan; after 11 months of demanding independent DNA testing and having Porntip do it they say they don't trust it or her.

    This about face , IMO, indicates the defense doesn't want to touch the actual DNA evidence with a ten foot pole.

    Actually it doesn't say that does it. Why dont you EVER write things how they have been spoken. A twist here and a twist there.

    Firstly with regard to Pornthip theres no mention of her personally.

    Secondly the lawyer stated:

    "Nakhon Chomphuchat intimated that control of the re-testing procedure was the issue, as the results would not be directly returned to the defence, but to the police and then the court."

    “This is a very sensitive issue,” said Mr Chomphuchat.

    “The lawyers cannot speak of it. There is also a lot of debate in the lawyers’ team on this issue. But if they retest it we have no control over that testing process.”

    Thirdly with regard to the DNA from the B2 they have control and this is what they said:

    Fresh DNA samples were taken from the two defendants in the court on Tuesday of this week. The test results on those samples is being returned directly to the defence team.

    “We need to give this information to our experts so they can use it to do their own analysis,” said Mr Chomphuchat. The lawyer did not elaborate on what analysis might be carried out on those samples, or what they might be tested against.

    So its very clear that they do not want to be fourth hand with the results. They don't need the results its now irrelevant to the case because


    But Mr Chomphuchat said: “We think the case we have built is strong enough on its own.”

    So He doesn't need them.... its irrelevant... They have everything they need to prove their case. His words not mine.

    I am sat on the fence watching the show with an open mind. At the moment it seems to heavily in favour of the defence case. The prosecution have put together a jumble of people who cant read or write or speak the language.

    You want to hope you never end up in a Thai jail cell AleG as you could possibly end up on trumped up charges..

    P.S. What they cant control is if fluids have been introduced to the items in the last 11 months. Better to stick with the current results. As they don't match IMHO

  6. http://www.samuitimes.com/koh-tao-murder-trial-reconvenes-in-koh-samui/

    Quote from above paper

    The forlorn mother of Zaw Lin arrived alone at the court house to support her son supported by two friends, one of whom led her up the steps to the court when Human Rights Activist Andy Hall declined to help or even acknowledge her, an incident caught on a local TV

    This plus backing down on the DNA something tells me its not going that great for the defense,

    Umm ok lets look at the video you posted and what you posted.

    1. Andy Hall declined to help or even acknowledge her......where is Andy in the video showing that?

    2. Backing down on the dna.?....what backing down? They only said they dontbwant new dna evidence to be potentially tainted by rtp. They dont trust them.

    If u are to be judged by only police evidence would u trust it or want your lawyer to ensure they never got their hands on it.

    But more to your point, answer this...

    Why would you think police dna results and interpretaion is more reliable than defence results and interpretation?

    These are rhetorical questions as I do not wish to feed trolls.

    Linky read the actual statement by Khun Nakhon.

    But Mr Chomphuchat said: “We think the case we have built is strong enough on its own.”

    Fresh DNA samples were taken from the two defendants in the court on Tuesday of this week. The test results on those samples is being returned directly to the defence team.


    The DNA retests they don't need is from the clothes hoe etc.


  7. http://www.samuitimes.com/koh-tao-murder-trial-reconvenes-in-koh-samui/

    Quote from above paper

    The forlorn mother of Zaw Lin arrived alone at the court house to support her son supported by two friends, one of whom led her up the steps to the court when Human Rights Activist Andy Hall declined to help or even acknowledge her, an incident caught on a local TV


    This plus backing down on the DNA something tells me its not going that great for the defense,

    HEY TONY!!!!!!!!!!

    What am I missing here??????

    I see a video cut into several pieces.

    1 piece shows the mother holding someones hand as she walks up some stairs.... Correct???

    1 Piece cuts to the mother standing at the top of the stairs... Correct???

    I FAIL to see her walk past Andy Hall and be ignored. What do you want the man to do ???? run up and kiss her. Its a court setting .<deleted>.Sake

    As for Backing down on the DNA........ The defence got what they wanted. The DNA from the B2 taken in front of the judge and whisked off to Bangkok Tuesday night. Those results are what they needed and now they have them.

    They don't need anything else.

    A reasonable person with half a brain would read this as well they must now prove that the B2's profile doesn't match the file profiles submitted by the prosecution.

    Working the way you do and see the mother left to walk upstairs alone and be ignored by Andy Hall all from this clip I suggest even you could come to the same conclusion as I did when the defence announced Friday afternoon. Its ok now we do NOT need any further DNA we have the DNA from the B2 and we have enough to disprove the case.

    Job done and in the Bag.

  8. Yes this thread is much clearer now but anyone is entitled to their opinion, imo no need to even discuss trolls siince some of you think all who is not 100% sure B2 are innocent are trolls in your eyes. I always said 50/50 regarding B2 . Just accept it instead of insulting other members with a different opinion.

    Wrong, nobody here claims to know 100% one way or the other, we're going off probabilities because most of us come from a place where the Police and justice system are fair and transparent, making it easier for us to smell a rat, a big nasty rat hailing from Tao someplace, most likely not a migrant, but a well connected local... Add to that the blatant incompetence in the investigation from beginning until, well, now... And things start to add up.

    Sometimes Balo you seem rational, and sometimes (in the Koh Tao threads) you're far from it. Not to worry, thing are drawing to a close and within mere months we will know much more.

    Hang in there.

    I don't know 100% either.

    Like you I have remained sceptical based on reports and evidence produced. I wasn't there and neither was any other posters I guess. Well they might have been which is why the don't want justice?.

    My theory about the DNA and the other evidence being produced from UK is that. A theory based on what I have had knowledge of. Personally I think Sean McAnna was also around when it kicked of. But anyway lets see what happens.

    If anyone does know 100% please post the murderes names on here if u dont mind. Thx.

  9. http://www.samuitimes.com/koh-tao-murder-trial-reconvenes-in-koh-samui/

    Quote from above paper

    The forlorn mother of Zaw Lin arrived alone at the court house to support her son supported by two friends, one of whom led her up the steps to the court when Human Rights Activist Andy Hall declined to help or even acknowledge her, an incident caught on a local TV

    This plus backing down on the DNA something tells me its not going that great for the defense,

    Dont feed this Troll.

    He couldn't tell the time let alone what's going well.

  10. This new thread slipped under my radar. I can't bring myself to read all 17 pages, but if anyone is feeling in a sharing mood, would they be able to pinpoint any new tidbits that I wasn't aware of 2 or 3 weeks ago?

    I have seen that the defence team has stated it no longer requires the DNA testing.



    - Video shows the confessions of 2B with accurate details.

    - The defense gave up producing the results after informing the results. Probably because these new tests confirm those of the prosecution.

    - The majority of Thai Visa members cry conspiracy as usual.

    Incorrect statement.

    They never received results and gave up. Produce proof if u can.

    They had the B2 tested last Tuesday. They hijacked the court at the end of the day with staff who have taken DNA from the B2. The prosecution fell for it. The judge agreed to it. They had it out of Samui ASAP and upto Bangkok. Since they have most likely got the results they desired they have said forget abkut the rest we have what we need to win the case.

    I bet a pleasant phone call was received Friday afternoon. Its doesn't match the file profiles.

  11. This new thread slipped under my radar. I can't bring myself to read all 17 pages, but if anyone is feeling in a sharing mood, would they be able to pinpoint any new tidbits that I wasn't aware of 2 or 3 weeks ago?

    I have seen that the defence team has stated it no longer requires the DNA testing.


    Bahhhhh. .. suffer like the rest of us... LOL.

    Just read the last 3 pages and u will be sorted.

  12. Defense no longer want DNA tested, (another news source)


    After reading the article I think the defense is correct in their assumptions. They have no control over the process. With this in mind the retesting could just solidify the prosecutions case.


    The problem with the Sky report is its factually lacking in substance. Read the full report from Sarah Yuan who is at the trial. I have included a link and a few paragraphs to get your teeth into.


    Mr Chomphuchat said:

    “We think the case we have built is strong enough on its own.”

    Fresh DNA samples were taken from the two defendants in the court on Tuesday of this week. The test results on those samples is being returned directly to the defence team.

    “We need to give this information to our experts so they can use it to do their own analysis,” said Mr Chomphuchat. The lawyer did not elaborate on what analysis might be carried out on those samples, or what they might be tested against.

    Mr Chomphuchat said that the alleged murder weapon, a garden hoe, which had never been properly forensically examined by police, and some clothing found at the scene, had already been retested by government forensic officers but no results had yet been forwarded to the defence lawyers.


  13. Loonodingle is very clued up on all of this and if all the posters posting here, he appears to be the most credible and reliable source of information.

    I don't see anyone setting themselves up for the ultimate humility if he's wrong, personally I believe the bombshell for the defence is still to be played.

    Keep up th good work sir!!

    Thanks Fat Haggis for your words of support. Not everyone has that opinion but I offer a toast to them anyway.


  14. All your posts will not change the fact that they simply will hang and burn the B2. Too much money has been paid, too many "facelosses" are at stake. Mon and Nomsod will open an "Hit me with your love" dating service franchise, unsolved rapes and murders on KT will continue as will any possible mafia business competitors find their investments in smoke and ashes. Does anyone seriously believe that "justice will be served" in the KT case? You are all discussing a lost case, still theorizing at what happened, with the clever and out of the box thinking ones unravelling all the cockups of the RTP, while some complete nutcakes try to back up the official story of the rotten to the core RTP... What will you guys achieve in the end? Nothing! Why? Because law and order does not apply to people who own whole cities and islands and more money than they could possibly spend in a hundred lifetimes.

    Sadly most of what you have said is true.. However if there's been sufficient evidence submitted to the court in support of a not guilty verdict I don't care how much money has been paid they will never convict them. The eyes of the world are upon them however much they try to stifle news etc. If Nakhon puts damning evidence that proves they didn't do it, they walk.

    Other than that what you say is sadly correct. Its long forgotten on Koh Tao already with respect to new tourists.

  15. article from yesterday's Eastehrn Daily Press. . . .

    (defense attorney) Nakhon Chomphuchat intimated that control of the re-testing procedure was the issue, as the results would not be directly returned to the defence, but to the police and then the court. This is a very sensitive issue, said Mr Chomphuchat.7

    The lawyers cannot speak of it. There is also a lot of debate in the lawyers team on this issue. But if they retest it we have no control over that testing process.


    Boomer's spin: By mentioning how the re-tested DNA data will be handled by the RTP, the defense lawyer is sensibly doubting its veracity. The RTP has already shown, in a hundred examples, how it has a thick agenda in this case, and how it can't be trusted. Just the act of transferring data from one place to another is questionable. This is the same RTP who don't know how to save digital photos and who don't know how to find a photocopying machine in a city.

    Here's how Thai officialdom's assertions make sense, re; DNA evidence. It boils down to two announcements RTP made at press conferences last year:

    1. When officials announced, "DNA from the Burmese suspects match DNA found on the victim" ...a simple lie.

    2. When officials announced, "DNA from Nomsod does not match DNA found on the victim" ...it was a lie.

    It's as clear as glass. Who's going to argue with or challenge the chief of police? You? Me? a reporter? A lower ranked policeman? a lab techie?

    The defense, by saying they don't want RTP-managed DNA results, are saying they don't trust anything RTP do with DNA. I think it was a smart move.

    Yes, it's a clear-cut indictment of the RTP's practices by a Thai attorney. Don't trust the bar-stewards.

    Do you think he woke up Friday morning and said Hey!!!! I wonder if they might tamper with the results..???

    Come on Stephen. ..think about it... Something happened that day...they have fought for months and months for retest. They had it agreed to be done at the institute for forensic sciences. Exactly what they wanted.

    What the done was hijack the trial with an irrefutable test in front of the judge. Something that he couldnt ignor. In his face. 2 days later...

    Oh we dont need anymore testing of the items. We have enough to prove our case....!!!!

    I would put my house on line and say the profiles where processed Thursday/Friday and they dont match the profiles submitted by the prosecution.

    Anyway we will see but they are so confident.

    Loon, where I was coming from is that they wouldn't give the RTP a chance to contest what they already possess to disprove the case. Maybe I didn't make myself clear, but your scenario seems reasonable - and if that's factual, the B2 have no case to answer...and more to the point, whose profiles did the prosecution submit? I wouldn't put it past the RTP to submit any old profiles, and said it matched.

    Hi Stephen, I have made some suppositions here and read through the lines. He cannot show his hand so to speak but I bet he has a straight flush.

    As for who's profiles well lets wait and see. I maybe well of track but if we are to believe the scenario that's been suggested and they are scapegoats well it could be anyone hey.

    What we do know is that they have resisted at every attempt to get the DNA verified. that's not just the scene samples its the B2 as well. They kept the tests in house, only police forensics had access. They never showed the DNA profiles to anyone except they had to put the graphs into the evidence disclosure file before the trial started. So they are fixed in stone now as far as the prosecution case is concerned.

    Anyway you reap what you sow as they say. if this is a cock and bull story you couldn't keep it up all the way through without difficulty. They have shown they have had the difficulty part from the reports we have seen. The defence has a team of lawyers and forensic experts inc Pornthip on their side. I do believe they know exactly what they are playing at. This isn't one lonely lawyer doing this on his own as a freebie.

    But hey what do I know?? If this wasn't such a horrific sad case I could laugh at it. In the circumstances though my heart goes out to all the familys caught up in this situation.

    Especially we should remember David and Hannah have lost their lives having been brutally murdered on a beach in Koh Tao whilst having a fun holiday.

    May they rest in Peace.

  16. I am very surprised , the defense team should know from the start that another DNA test would be performed in Thailand , in a Thai DNA lab. And they have asked for a retest, not only one time but repeatedly.

    Suddenly they change their minds. Why ?

    It's a smart move by the defense. The re-testing results would be channeled to the RTP who, in turn, would channel it to the prosecution. How much does anyone trust the RTP? They've shown, in a thousand ways, that they've got a thick agenda to bust the B2 while sheltering the real culprits.

    it would not be channeled to the RTP, these tests were requested by the defense team and the results/findings would be disclosed to them only, it is then up to the defense whether they want to reveal the results in court, although it would not be helping the defense case at all if they chose not to reveal unless they had a very good reason, demanding the dna be handed over for retest was a risky thing to do unless they were absolutely sure of the result

    For now we have a little confusion as to why this has happened.

    Morning Smedly.

    You are wrong M8.

    What the defence alleges is the test results from the items get channelled through the RTP. The additional B2 DNA test results that where taken in front of the judge goes direct to them.

    Theres no confusion over that as its stated in the lawyers announcement.

    Theres also no confusion in the lawyers plan. He has what he needs now. He has stated it. He is on the home ru in his mind. We just have to wait and see if he is going to score a win....

  17. You really are all crediting the rtp and headman with too much strategic thinking .

    They are thugs with influence nothing more.

    They really are as useless as they appear. It steams from arrogance and from years of steam rollering a subservient population lacking in critical thinking.

    Foreign lawyers ,press and the Internet are a newish problem for them and they are floundering badly.

    Thats to general a statement. I haven't credited them with anything. In fact I think so far its been a comedy of errors.Like a load of baffoons.

    Can't read cant write. No copier. Dont know. Not sure. Untrained. First time doing this procedure. Where do I stop?

    A shambles of a trial.

  18. article from yesterday's Eastehrn Daily Press. . . .

    (defense attorney) Nakhon Chomphuchat intimated that control of the re-testing procedure was the issue, as the results would not be directly returned to the defence, but to the police and then the court. This is a very sensitive issue, said Mr Chomphuchat.7

    The lawyers cannot speak of it. There is also a lot of debate in the lawyers team on this issue. But if they retest it we have no control over that testing process.


    Boomer's spin: By mentioning how the re-tested DNA data will be handled by the RTP, the defense lawyer is sensibly doubting its veracity. The RTP has already shown, in a hundred examples, how it has a thick agenda in this case, and how it can't be trusted. Just the act of transferring data from one place to another is questionable. This is the same RTP who don't know how to save digital photos and who don't know how to find a photocopying machine in a city.

    Here's how Thai officialdom's assertions make sense, re; DNA evidence. It boils down to two announcements RTP made at press conferences last year:

    1. When officials announced, "DNA from the Burmese suspects match DNA found on the victim" ...a simple lie.

    2. When officials announced, "DNA from Nomsod does not match DNA found on the victim" ...it was a lie.

    It's as clear as glass. Who's going to argue with or challenge the chief of police? You? Me? a reporter? A lower ranked policeman? a lab techie?

    The defense, by saying they don't want RTP-managed DNA results, are saying they don't trust anything RTP do with DNA. I think it was a smart move.

    Yes, it's a clear-cut indictment of the RTP's practices by a Thai attorney. Don't trust the bar-stewards.

    Do you think he woke up Friday morning and said Hey!!!! I wonder if they might tamper with the results..???

    Come on Stephen. ..think about it... Something happened that day...they have fought for months and months for retest. They had it agreed to be done at the institute for forensic sciences. Exactly what they wanted.

    What the done was hijack the trial with an irrefutable test in front of the judge. Something that he couldnt ignor. In his face. 2 days later...

    Oh we dont need anymore testing of the items. We have enough to prove our case....!!!!

    I would put my house on line and say the profiles where processed Thursday/Friday and they dont match the profiles submitted by the prosecution.

    Anyway we will see but they are so confident.

  19. What if the institute for forensic sciences has already done the profile of the B2. And it doesnt match the profile in the file submitted by the prosecution.

    Thats also something I thought may have happened the killers/rapists could have already given DNA just put the wrong names on the bottles.

    Yep exactly.

    Something major happened today. A massive U turn and a statement to say hey we dont need that stuff now we have what we need....

  20. The DNA evidence being discussed is the rape kit DNA taken from inside the victim's body, and which was said to match the suspects. If real DNA evidence exists that cannot be contested or discredited, showing that the two Burmese left DNA inside the victim's body then the two will be, and probably should be, found guilty.

    It is this evidence which has to be shown to be wrong for the case to be thrown out. Furthermore it is usual in western courts for prosecution to argue that if retesting of DNA samples is offered to the defence and not taken up, then the defence cannot justifiably contest what the prosecution say that the DNA evidence shows. One of the main reasons for believing that the defence were convinced of the innocence of their clients was their insistence on having the rape kit samples retested, and now this has gone. This is a reversal that is very hard to understand: there is almost no good reason not to retest unless you are afraid the result won't help your case.

    As others have pointed out, expecting that evidence apparently gathered by personnel in the UK weeks after the bodies left Thai custody (if this really exists) will be admissible or accepted in the Thai court is probably unwise. No country's courts would be likely to accept that after remains have been completely forensically examined, released to the families and have been out of the legal jurisdiction of the country for weeks, that new evidence apparently gathered by workers in another country would be admissable, since no verification at all that the bodies weren't contaminated or tampered with is possible.

    So the idea that evidence gathered like this will somehow trump the Thai forensic evidence is very unrealistic indeed.

    Your missing this as well. I am sure youve all been on the Leo and skim read the facts.

    Thai forensics institute has tested the 2 suspects from DNA taken in court. I bet it left that night on the last flight and has been processed.

    So they will rely on this and the police submissions as they conflict with each other..


    Really I'm trying to understand what you mean and I don't. The DNA from the suspects doesn't have any relevance unless it is compared to something else.

    The prosecution said in court that the suspects' DNA matches the DNA taken from the victim's body and therefore the suspects raped (and murdered) the victim.

    This means they have a DNA profile from the rape kit, and a DNA profile from the suspects and they are saying that they are the same.

    I haven't heard that the defence has said that the suspects' DNA profile is not the same as the DNA profile from the rape kit. Taking the suspects' DNA and retesting it just gives you another profile that you still must compare to the rape kit sample to be able to tell whether it's the same or different.

    The results of the retest haven't come out yet as far as I know. Are you assuming now that the suspects' DNA has been retested, compared by the defence to the profile the police have in the rape kit and shown to be different? But if you are saying this how do you know-this hasn't been announced?

    Maybe I am entirely missing the point but I don't get what you mean?

    The hoe doesn't really come into this at all.

    I am saying I think it left that night on a flight to bangkok. The defence hijacked them at the end of the day and said ok you wouldn't object to retesting the B2 ??? They agreed and woulld u know they had the people in the court waiting to take it.

    They have had 2 days to do it and had the results.

    So they get a call and it says its not a match against the profile submitted by the prosecution.

    They immediately dont want the other items tested do they. Why would they? They already have a different set of results so they say we dont need anymore testing.

    Think about it. Something has happened today. They fought for the retest. Now they dont need it. However they got the B2 profiles taken in front of the judge. Bingo how can they refute that. Good chain of custody to Bangkok. Photo and filmed I bet.


    I understand: you are supposing that the defence have already found the profiles do not in fact match as a result of the retest of the suspects DNA, which would mean that the evidence the police had was entirely invented.

    I understand what you are saying: but you do not know that this has happened, and are pretty much inventing it. Maybe your guess is right but it's just a guess.

    Agreed... but its a matter of deduction. ..

    How was it they managed to get a DNA test done in front of the judge.?

    Was the Forensic institute staff just walking past the court?

    Is there an evening flight out of Samui?

    Did the defence consider that the police may get the results from the items being tested?

    Why after such jumping up and down and protests in the media for retests have they now said... hey its ok we dont need it??? ???????..

    Why are they just satisfied with the B2 results?

    Why did Nakhon say its ok we have enough to dissprove the prosecution case. Thats hefty statement? ???

    It may not fit your theory and u could argue its guess. I would argue its a matter of deduction my friend..

    did u ever play Cluedo??... I did and I also have had a very good insight into this case.

  21. Read up m8.... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1437661326

    He said the institute is still processing the items that were sent for a retest earlier this month, which included the bloodied garden hoe police believe was used in the murder, and a shoe, sock, and bag found at the crime scene

    Defense no longer want DNA tested, (another news source)


    I would not want the testing done under the conditions imposed either. Totally pointless if you don't trust the authorities which clearly no one associated or familiar with the case does.

    Very wise move by the defence although quite why they didn't see it coming I don't know.

    The prosecution would never allow independant transparent testing as that may demonstrate that it was a fit up.

    actually I would have given a cautious trust to Porntip Rojanasunan, like I said above if she still appears in court then she will have something shocking to say about this case, if the prosecution call her as a witness then all bets are off

    Smedly you are missing the point here.

    Pornthip will still test the B2 DNA. I think its done already. She will still testify for the defence.

    They dont need the Hoe Dna etc as they already have results that kick the prosecution case into the ditch. Remember there was DNA printed profiles for the hoe already in the files m8. It obviously conflicts with what they have so job done.

    IMHO... ?

    the lawyiers spoke about re-testing of the DNA found on the victims' bodies, why are you everytime speaking about the hoe ? there wasn't any dna on the hoe , was it ?

    read up m8...

  22. The DNA evidence being discussed is the rape kit DNA taken from inside the victim's body, and which was said to match the suspects. If real DNA evidence exists that cannot be contested or discredited, showing that the two Burmese left DNA inside the victim's body then the two will be, and probably should be, found guilty.

    It is this evidence which has to be shown to be wrong for the case to be thrown out. Furthermore it is usual in western courts for prosecution to argue that if retesting of DNA samples is offered to the defence and not taken up, then the defence cannot justifiably contest what the prosecution say that the DNA evidence shows. One of the main reasons for believing that the defence were convinced of the innocence of their clients was their insistence on having the rape kit samples retested, and now this has gone. This is a reversal that is very hard to understand: there is almost no good reason not to retest unless you are afraid the result won't help your case.

    As others have pointed out, expecting that evidence apparently gathered by personnel in the UK weeks after the bodies left Thai custody (if this really exists) will be admissible or accepted in the Thai court is probably unwise. No country's courts would be likely to accept that after remains have been completely forensically examined, released to the families and have been out of the legal jurisdiction of the country for weeks, that new evidence apparently gathered by workers in another country would be admissable, since no verification at all that the bodies weren't contaminated or tampered with is possible.

    So the idea that evidence gathered like this will somehow trump the Thai forensic evidence is very unrealistic indeed.

    Your missing this as well. I am sure youve all been on the Leo and skim read the facts.

    Thai forensics institute has tested the 2 suspects from DNA taken in court. I bet it left that night on the last flight and has been processed.

    So they will rely on this and the police submissions as they conflict with each other..


    Really I'm trying to understand what you mean and I don't. The DNA from the suspects doesn't have any relevance unless it is compared to something else.

    The prosecution said in court that the suspects' DNA matches the DNA taken from the victim's body and therefore the suspects raped (and murdered) the victim.

    This means they have a DNA profile from the rape kit, and a DNA profile from the suspects and they are saying that they are the same.

    I haven't heard that the defence has said that the suspects' DNA profile is not the same as the DNA profile from the rape kit. Taking the suspects' DNA and retesting it just gives you another profile that you still must compare to the rape kit sample to be able to tell whether it's the same or different.

    The results of the retest haven't come out yet as far as I know. Are you assuming now that the suspects' DNA has been retested, compared by the defence to the profile the police have in the rape kit and shown to be different? But if you are saying this how do you know-this hasn't been announced?

    Maybe I am entirely missing the point but I don't get what you mean?

    The hoe doesn't really come into this at all.

    I am saying I think it left that night on a flight to bangkok. The defence hijacked them at the end of the day and said ok you wouldn't object to retesting the B2 ??? They agreed and woulld u know they had the people in the court waiting to take it.

    They have had 2 days to do it and had the results.

    So they get a call and it says its not a match against the profile submitted by the prosecution.

    They immediately dont want the other items tested do they. Why would they? They already have a different set of results so they say we dont need anymore testing.

    Think about it. Something has happened today. They fought for the retest. Now they dont need it. However they got the B2 profiles taken in front of the judge. Bingo how can they refute that. Good chain of custody to Bangkok. Photo and filmed I bet.


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