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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Indeed. We might see a different society if the financial institutions weren't so loose and easy as to their loaning policies. They do need to tighten up.
  2. Per usual, the airport authorities have a keen history of missing the conter-practicality of any such strategy that they promote.
  3. Just out of curiosity, did you have to remake or fortify the soil where your artichokes stand? Best to ya...
  4. ......and the best Dong is homemade of a wide variety of taste/strength. For everyone that makes a Ya Dong, there's a different way of making it.
  5. Yet, what do any such government policies have to do with resolving personal/household debt. Seems to me it all comes back to the responsibility of the individual[s].
  6. Surprised that IATA hasn't shut them [and others] down. Evidently, international safety/business standards of this nature are given an ignored.
  7. Wow. Are they still on that kick of promoting boosters that are useless?
  8. And the cycles of incompetence and miseducation will continue on.
  9. Consciously eating too much and too often is quite healthy. An Occidental trait that hasn't influenced traditional cultures.
  10. Been the standard for a couple of centuries to date. Not a contemporary phenomena. Simple observations and historic comprehension might fly right by some.
  11. Interesting to note regarding very early [original?] Chinese immigrants of locales such as Sukhothai, Chiang Mai, Ayutthaya, etc were not Mandarin or Cantonese speakers - but local languages/dialects from the southern provinces. Long before the "newish" wave of predominately Mandarin speaking Chinese of late 19th century BKK. The early upcountry Chinese folk were the movers and shakers of commerce and trade.
  12. Or....perhaps, it's just a purposeful ruse to mess with your [et al] head. ???? Just go with it. Easier on the soul.
  13. I don't believe I would use advancement and AI in the same breath. Wiser beings will be instinctively suspicious of such unworthy replicas. In the end, this development will only be highly destructive - in so many ways. Already in the shallows of it now... Beware.
  14. Which, obviously, has to be pointed out. Personal debt and obsessive need to want is certainly not a common trait here - Neither are the ideals of bankruptcy......
  15. Oh dear. Another one not familiar with regional patterns...... November through February is the rainy season in the far south.
  16. Not necessarily. If one was really clever, there would be a manner in which to correct the original wrongdoing change by traveling into the future first.....and then traveling to the present, doing whatever you have to do by preventing oneself from travelling back with the initial intent. Therefore, nothing's lost. Win-win for all.
  17. I'm sure they're working on a bogus vaccine as we speak.
  18. Yep. Ever notice that social media ain't that terribly social.
  19. How do we [or anyone] know that you're real?
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