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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. It's not the handful of weaponry that is in private hands that should be questioned or an issue, but instead the security of military armories and what not that should take priority. It's not as if Thailand is the U.S., where every sorted nutter has access to such and running rampage among the masses every other week [rather commonplace there].
  2. Him, and his crew, have grown weary. Though, they don't appear to be taking notice. The illusion[s] are still amongst us.
  3. Free, and no questions asked, birth control is still available at all provincial health centres.
  4. There is an alternative that most don't take advantage of...don't need to go that route whatsoever.
  5. Ever notice that no one ever considers, nor references, the reason[s] why Thailand has never been a democratic state. Simply cast off as the way it is.
  6. The idea that a quickly aging Yingluck is starting to resemble old Tacky is kinda creepy.
  7. Cheers! I was assuming that the OP's intentions were referencing Farang friends/company [our own kind????] Expected and typical. I've never sought out company or companions of this circle.......or their hangouts/gathering places. I'll stay with the local savages, as the stimulation tends to be on the real and connected side.
  8. Despite all the optimism and cynicism, I can foresee another four startups that will won't develop into anything.......keen observations as to the individuals and investors that are in the forefront should tell you all you need to know. Their histories are rife with failures on top of not acquiring decent business acumen.
  9. As opposed to the replicant supermarkets of the West that serve the expected market. You'll be remembering that Western-style supermarkets here were originally placed serve a niche foreign market - some circle of Thais have just been conditioned to this style of shopping and why most from this type of marketeering stock "local" goods, less foreign specialty and overpriced goods [that Thais don't want or buy]. Most Thais still are content with their local markets as they have been for ages.
  10. Don't you mean racketeering is still in high play [re: Western countries]??
  11. And they've never gone out of their way to recruit talented/skilled/specialized foreign employees of any variable class.
  12. But....but....but there's an official Anti-Corruption Commission that looks into these things and takes a very dim view of all things corruption, isn't there? ???????? We should all take firm comfort for their presence. ????
  13. Personally, I give an edge to the Chiang Mai variety over the Isaan type.
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