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Posts posted by patklang

  1. Nonetheless, once you understand this, it's a v beautiful and relaxed place to live - just ignore the bg's and ex-pats with bg's and it's far more pleasant than home.

    What are "bg's"?

    Also known as "Poor, sweet, innocent farm girls trying to make a living and support their families by working in establishments that often have bars (and sometimes, chrome poles) in them".

    "bg" is easier to speak and type though. :o

    so the bangkok girls dont come to pattaya then????

    even uni students are in pattaya so dont come with this crap about farm girls.

  2. Even " The King and I " had some baddies in it........

    Live and let live, you will find good and bad no matter where you are, Thailand is no exception. The difference is, in my opinion, when you find a good one, their loyalty and friendship is quite something compared to what I have found where I came from.

    good post and totaly agree with you.

  3. I think he's Russian. If it's the same guy I've seen he's got a little mat and does some

    kind of "jig" with a tamborine while singing I guess folk tunes. I'll give any farang 100B

    no questions asked if they're down on their luck. It always amazes me how some men

    will gladly throw a few thousand at some dancer but when one of their own countrymen

    is in trouble, they want to castrate them. It can be a difficult place here and unfortunate

    things happen to all manner of people. This recent debacle at the airport I'm sure has

    left a few tourists in compromising positions. It truly reveals a person's character when

    they have a moment to reflect on someone else's situation and offer some compassion.

    But then, <deleted> do I know. Thai people call me crazy every day and then ask for money. :o

    good point and i also find it disgusting how people can talk about others down on their luck.sure you morons can throw big money at go girls but cant give a guy 100 baht for a meal.you know who you are,hope it happens to you sometime.next topic will be how much some guys have to spend weekly here and how they cant get their nutall,pathetic realy.

  4. never,i didnt know that lol.Some of these pc brigad on here who call all foreigners sexpats dont realise that there are more brothels away from the resorts than you can imagine.Some of these part time expats always say i send money to lady and they go back up country,BEWARE thats not good lol.

  5. I for one are happy that Pattaya isnt busy but i do appreciate that owners are in trouble.Maybe now the better operators of restaraunts and bars will think more how to attract customers and to give instructions that staff MUST look after them and not rip them off.now that would be unique wouldnt it.

  6. When I'm on my property and with the animals , I feel happy and at home, but as soon as I step out, I am a freak, " Farang" alien that is stared at and spoken about as if she has a third arm protruding from her forehead.

    So no, I do not feel at home in Thailand.

    I get a lot of hostility on this forum for my less than favorable views on Thais, but I am betting this comes from men that have set themselves up with a very monetarily dependent Thai female who eases their way- provides sex on demand along with personal servant duties and insulates them from the more anti " Farang " elements. (how I HATE that term )

    Try being a woman, used to independence - in this unbelievably sexist, xenophobic culture.

    I want to leave, particularly after the events of the last week and I'm about to go ahead and spend an obscene amount of money to fly the horses - but I'll be damned if I'll do it out of Bangkok. I'd rather give that money to Malaysia where for some reason the airlines don't insist I use an " Agent" who inflates the price by 40 % .

    Yes we are ATMs to Thais, as soon as you stop giving money, as soon as their use for you subsides-the smile goes away and you get the real face..

    Did you use to use the name phuketti in your posts around the web ?

    If so then you've been writing the exact same things on different boards for many years now.

    Or maybe my memory is incorrect, somehow I doubt it.

    Wow somebody has been hurt or dumped.so you think malaysia,vietnam,cambodia,laos is any different.my ex did me for 200,000 quid after 27 years of marriage so behave yourself and stop knocking thais because of a few.

  7. M yhome for 5 years and i feel like a stranger in the uk,hate the place to be honest and only go back to see family,but its still a grind.if thailand goes tits up then will look for anywhere but the uk.

    Amazing the amount of people who trot out the same hate vibes about their home nations.

    I'm from the UK and since '92 have spent one year back there. I quite enjoyed that year but was glad to be moving back to south east Asia. These days I really enjoy my visits back there, apart from seeing family and friends it gives me a reality check.

    If Thailand goes tits up the chances are you'll go back to the UK to start over, it's the one place you know you can go without visa or work permit hassles. Okay the EU is also open to you but you may as well be in the UK as anywhere in Europe.

    Never forget you are where you are because you were born in a developed country and benefited from the associated education system. Would you rather you were born a Thai into a poor farming family up in Issan or even a middle class family? I don't think so. Your British passport bestows priveledges on you much of the rest of the world can only dream of.

    As for me, home is wherever I am at the time someone asks and right now that's Seoul. Not particularly enjoying it but knuckling down and getting on with the job with one eye on the return to VN, plus my R&R in Thailand :o .

    cant dispute that,but i worked very hard to retire early so it was my desire to earn money that got me here.benefitted from the education,again it was me that pushed for a good job.many people have them priveledges and finish up doleys and druggies.Thailand isnt all good but much better than the pc brigade in uk.The thais are number one here and i dont mind that,its their country and i fit in,wish uk was liek that then maybe i would stlil be there.
  8. Renting is still cheap?????

    I think that rental properties have increased over the last 3 years,and land has increased in value so properties in Pattaya have also increased.i didnt purchase to make profit but i did see that rentlas were increasing.

    yes renting is still cheap :D You can still rent a house in the pattaya area for less than 10k a month .. or a condo near the beach for less than that. That is CHEAP!

    Not everyone prides themself on having the cheapest place around. :o

    value for money is the best way to think.i agree that some houses are about 10k a month

    but they are getting less now

  9. Renting is still cheap?????

    I think that rental properties have increased over the last 3 years,and land has increased in value so properties in Pattaya have also increased.i didnt purchase to make profit but i did see that rentlas were increasing.

  10. I understand about having a multi o if you are 50+ but i have a few friends who decide to have a year over here,and all of them are under 50.They just tell hull consulate that they are looking for a business over here and bingo a 1 year multi o.my mates are 42/41 and /46 and they have been coming for 3 years now.

    The time is right now to get a visa multi o under 50 and stay for a year,they will take anybody now lol.

  11. people talking about A/C, you realise that in the west. you can run your A/C 3hours and the house will stay cold for a long while.

    In thailand you have to run it for 10hours before it settles due to lack of knowledge in isolation.

    The funniest thing i found in my house is, all shower floors are tilting towards the backwall instead of the drain... That's so clever, makes the floor rot.i live in a upscalish development.

    So far the only people who've said thailand is cheaper have used the word compromise...

    Why compromise? Why should you cut on your joys? This is a third world country and companies are overpricing their stuff by 3-4x just to look cool and westernized which resulsts in thailand being WAY more expensive than many western countries, canada being one of them. Then they slap you with visa rules for their citizens which makes you stay half a year longer just to get your girl a visa.

    That's interesting. You live in an upscale development in a shoddily constructed house? You are obviously compromising by living in a cheaply built house. If you were to build a decent house, it could be insulated and the water would actually run down the drain. :o

    Well, we have been here full time for nearly two years and love it.

    The car was much much more expensive than in the UK.

    The house was actually cheaper, quite a bit and the equivalent size to the one we had and it's on the edge of BK. And yes, one of our drains is in the wrong place…the site supervisor was a wan--r of the first degree..must have been totally corrupt. We have had to replace the isolation..sorry insulation..in the loft and that had a huge effect on the temperature throughout the house. Have also had to fix loads of other niggley things.

    Food and diesel are much cheaper than in the UK, even accounting for the recent nearly 40% exchange rate fall. Food here though is more expensive than two years ago, but we can both have an adequate meal in the local Mall for the equivalent of £2.

    Hotels are much cheaper than the UK, although I see that Phuket prices are quite steep.

    Imported goods are expensive, the wife's shoes..wow.. Quality furniture must be on a par with the UK…that I got quite a surprise. However perfectly adequate furniture is available at a reasonable price.

    Our thai maid is wonderful, she gets paid a month what in the UK you would only get a couple of days work for..if that and she does just about all the jobs around the house and garden, she has an easy life compared to many.

    Our annual golf bill is at least double what we paid in the UK, that's comparing like for like, it's the cost of the caddies that does it.

    I accidentally jumped a red light here, my wife got me off with 100Baht, couldn't do that in the UK. We have no desire ever to return there.

    As a final point, which would you prefer, snow or sun!!!!

    good post and have a good life.Hard to understand how some people(only uk) say its more expensive over here,amazing.

  12. It could be that I'm reading your OP incorrectly, submaniac, but you seem to be uncomfortable with the thought of others possibly viewing you and your friend as "a couple". Ok, fair enough. But you conclude by saying that if you see a Thai and Farang in each other's company, you assume that they are together. Odd.

    Personally, I can't say that thought has ever entered my head when I'm with Thai men, of whatever age. But then maybe I'm being naive. Or unobservant of those around me.

    You know you are absolutely correct. But I don't think it is inconsistent. Thinking about it, it could just be that if it was me looking in on me and my friend, well that is what I would think if I saw us there. And my thoughts are I think I would be more uncomfortable with the idea of people thinking I am 'paid' to be a boyfriend. ANd I will tell you another truth, that whenever I see a young Thai with an older farang, I seriously do wonder sometimes if they are paid to be there. I just see it so many times.

    And my thoughts are just initial thoughts; I certainly would not make any serious decisions based upon this. It is just a 'first thing that pops into my head'.

    And once again I hope I am not offending anyone, I am seriously curious if anyone has the same ideas as me.

    the only way i would have thought you were a couple/paid prossie/bar boy,is if you were being effeminate,other than that i would maybe think you were the son of his wife or gf.act camp and you are camp.

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