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Posts posted by somchaismith

  1. I knew a Welshman who walked into AIS with his sim. When they refused to reimburse some overcharges, he picked up a pair of scissors from inside the staff service counter, told them to put their company where the sun don't shine and then proceeded to cut up the sim into tiny pieces before throwing it at them laugh.png.

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  2. He really doesn't want to stop. These protests have made him a household name. He thrives on the attention.

    His name has even become a new swear word.


    Is that like - "Oops, I seem to have stepped in a Suthep?"

    Or are we now officially renaming the "John"?

    (Jokes - have a sense of humour some of you)

    An example is when you're sitting in a traffic jam, caused by his 'mob' and you say 'SUTHEP , SUTHEP'!

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  3. I'm no do gooder, but there is no disputing that the "War on Drugs" has been a failure. IMO, the Mr. Bigs that fund these drug operations are lot more culpable than the desperate mules that they convince to do the dirty work and people that take the drugs are lot more responsible for their own problems than the people that they buy them from.

    Too right! Bring back Mr T. He knew how to conduct a war on drugs. Drove the price up, per pill, seven hundred percent.

  4. "I always hear Thais complaining to have to less money but in the moment they have to do something for the buck they are just too lazy or ingnorant to do it."

    They take the view that they're going to make small-money all the same, whether or not the work gets done properly.

    11) Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations.

    My question is, "They (being all Thai people) are just too lazy or ignorant to do it." Is that comment by the above poster degrading or overly negative?

    See, what I'm saying if I call a person lazy and ignorant is that degrading or overly negative?

    I'm just asking for opinions? I think any normal person would think lazy and ignorant were degrading and negative comments but I could be wrong.

    As for 'the above poster', if you take a look you will see quotation marks around the first sentence.

    Also, the OP was obviously referring to the people which he hears whining about earning less money than others.

  5. "I always hear Thais complaining to have to less money but in the moment they have to do something for the buck they are just too lazy or ingnorant to do it."

    They take the view that they're going to make small-money all the same, whether or not the work gets done properly.

  6. What? Lots of guys have girlfriends that are sex workers.

    No they don't.

    Are you for real?

    We are talking farang guys in Thailand right?

    Pattaya, Patong, lower Suk & Silom area, probably the majority.

    Then you have all those "took them out of the bar" and living in the new house upcountry, thousands and thousands just in the three provinces bordering my (ex) in-laws.

    You must live in some unusual bubble. . .

    I've never really thought of numbers.

    Quite interesting to reflect on what they, and their new partners, made of their lives.

    I've always maintained said that, somewhere there's a tree with little, chocolate delights on it.

  7. Yes, he took your change and loaned it out over night, collecting a 50 percent daily interest rate.

    Did you even read the OP? Or are you just having reading comprehension issues? There was no change because the driver didn't take any fare until the next day.

    Wow! Whoopsie doo! You're my hero.

  8. Would have been a simple solution.

    1) Claim you did not kill the dog.

    2) The dog attacked you and ripped your shoes or jeans and you will now be making a claim for the $1000 value against the owner.

    Lesson, when a Thai tries to blackmail/extort you.

    You always deny and always make a counterclaim against them.

    Thais do the same.

    3) learn to read.

    Matter has been closed even without your wise advice.

    Who cares! You.re not a mod!

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