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Posts posted by somchaismith

  1. Tower managers were in the news just recently for harsh policing of guest policy. They seem to have been right about something.


    Starting to sound like that dingy tower in HK's Kowloon. How can poor (and often desperate) immigrants live in expensive inner city digs? Easy, pack em in like sardines.

    That's where Thai town is in Sydney. There's stacks of Thais living and working around there. Many working for $50 a night for waitressing, kitchen hand etc, paid well below the award wage and pile up together in the apartments to reduce their costs.

    Disgraceful stuff going on .

    What's wrong with university students?

  2. Yeah, quite common for this to come up in conversations.

    I have had many conversations with upcountry girls where they've told me about being raped by family or neighbors

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    A person who stops to treat another person after a medical emergency or accident can be held liable unless they possess "first responder" certification, it's for that reason that lots of people stand around watching as people die following accidents. Perhaps the issues are related, fear of reprisal, fear of liability?

    more like "not my business" to "cool show!"

    and most places now have protective good samaritan laws

    Yes, in fact in Australia it's an offence to not offer aid to an injured person.

    Piffle! You will find that is an urban legend.

  4. With just Thai women in mind, I think that it's a double-edged sword - a lot of fella's wives don't stop whinging and whining about wanting money off of them (the husband) - so the woman must tolerate and humor their husband's hanging around their skirt, whinging whining about everything which the OP has stated, too.

  5. Do men really come to Thailand looking for a wife? I've never met one. They came for a lot of things but I have never met a man who came here looking for a wife.

    I feel that you;re being cynical and joking, because in reality there are lots of fellas who come here. looking for a wife. Though, I can't say the same about women coming here looking for husbands.

  6. People bitching about others using their telephones. Just go and make some new friends, if you can.

    You will be very hard pressed to find a Thai girl who doesn't use her phone more than engaging in an intelligent conversation. That's the problem.

    Sorry Khun Loong. I Googled your comment but kept getting:

    "Do you mean? >>>You will be very hard pressed to find a Thai girl who uses her phone to engage in anything resembling intelligent conversation. That's the problem."<<<<<

    "Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

    Not that I'm a romantic, but if a person sincerely cared about you and their relationship - they wouldn't be on the phone - ignoring you.

  7. I go through Facebook, in the morning, just after I wake. One of the worst things about Facebook are the selfies. Not just a couople of selfie, but some poste4rs take ten pics of their mugs each day. I've deleted a couple of friends because. OMG, what mingers they are. I like to enjoy my breakfast.

  8. There is a restaurant named the ระเบียงน้ำ on the klawng on the north side of

    Latkrabang Road about 100 meters east of RomKlao. It’s right under the flight

    path of the jetliners from the airport. They fly over at low altitude which I think is

    cool as long as they don’t accidentally dump the sludge tank.

    Anyhow. they have 2 seperate menus, one in English and one in Thai. The prices

    on the English menu are about 30% higher than matching items on the Thai menu.

    It was actually a Thai who pointed it out to me, finding spring rolls on the Thai

    menu and comparing to English language menu. I was able to confirm this sneaky

    business because they made the mistake of spelling Heineken in english on the Thai

    menu. If you order a large bottle off the English menu it’s 130 Baht, if you order from

    the Thai menu it’s 100 baht.We ordered from the Thai menu and got the Thai prices.

    Well not we, the Thai in our party did the ordering.

    It must be a fairly cheap kind of establishment in Bangkok. Don't get me wrong I hate the pricks who cheat on the prices but &lt;deleted&gt; any less than a 100 baht for a large bottle of Heineken and you'll be with the soi dogs sitting on the steps of 7/11.

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