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Posts posted by somchaismith

  1. I don't think that you should take a person against their will for a meth test. However, you could get crafty with a meth urine testing strip. You can probably pick them up at a pharmacy, for a dime-a-dozen.


    Tell him its a preg test strip just for the fun of it....if he is on drugs he'll do it.

    I'm not sure about that. I think you're taking the piss.

    Sorry, I'll get my coat...and piss off.

  2. “I thought that the story had disappeared. It’s already been two months since the inspection,” said Ms Utaiwan.

    Typical. This time the farangs are still here.

    What makes you conclude there are westerners involved?

    Mostly by their reaction, but on a second look I see a foreign surname:


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  3. What I can't believe is how foreigners come to Thailand, they're in the minority, but they still want to change things to suit themselves.

    Just imagine, back home, if you were at the football and an Asian man came to you and started waffling on (mind you in a foreign language too), about your loud church hymns, which he didn't like. What would your response be?

    ....no comprendo, senior."

    That's what all they say.

  4. What I can't believe is how foreigners come to Thailand, they're in the minority, but they still want to change things to suit themselves.

    Just imagine, back home, if you were at the football and an Asian man came to you and started waffling on (mind you in a foreign language too), about your loud church hymns, which he didn't like. What would your response be?

    • Like 1
  5. We do not allow for 'name and shame' topics, so I suggest you not mention any agencies or schools. The defamation and libel laws in Thailand are very strict and you can end up in very hot water, even if what you are saying is the truth.

    I wouldn't worry too much about her, but one never knows, so handle with care. Is it possible to get a different phone number, at least for a time? I know that's not a good idea for people looking for work, but it's one option.

    Keep us posted.

    No worries, glad I asked first before making a big mistake

    I just blocked the number so it's not really a problem, just worried what she can do with my information

    She's rang me over 50 times and has sent about 10 messages. Think it's just a big case of losing face, now she's trying to regain it by threatening me. Just seems kinda strange why she would dedicate nearly two days to trying to contact me.

    BUT: Let this be a lesson to all of us (as well as myself obviously). Face is important here. Luckily this wasn't a situation that happened face-to-face, I could be in a lot of hot water if that was the case. Best to just ignore stuff like this.

    So, It was 2 AM in the morning and you had a few drinks. You thought it would be a great idea to ring the recruiter and chat her up.

    It went downhill from there.

    I thought she liked me more than just a teacher :'(

    I don't get your understanding of 'loosing face'. She lost face because she didn't get to employ a person who pocket dials people at 2 in the morning? That I think, may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

    Now, let me see, you've called people at 2 in the morning and now you're trying to bad-mouth them on an internet forum, mmm....

    • Like 1
  6. A good source of information, with a chance to also share information and have a bit of a joke..

    Yep, that has always been my aim. We all cannot agree with different stuff but makes for good discussion in my book. smile.png

    Yes, and also, a chance to reflect on character strengths, weaknesses and integrity.

    Well yeh, we are all different, some of us are strong in some ways and weak in another. Sitting at a keyboard is difficult to decipher/understand a poster, perhaps he wants to build up his/her weak side in words, who knows.

    And of course, self-reflection, building self-confidence and edification.

  7. A good source of information, with a chance to also share information and have a bit of a joke..

    Yep, that has always been my aim. We all cannot agree with different stuff but makes for good discussion in my book. smile.png

    Yes, and also, a chance to reflect on character strengths, weaknesses and integrity.

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