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Posts posted by somchaismith

  1. Whilst the discussion about dogs is fascinating and useful to many, can I just point out that the subject of the thread is burglary and a female poster in post 49 went to great lengths to post her personal experiences which include her being raped by the intruder!

    I think it took a lot of courage and thought for that poster to recall those things into print and that your banal diatribe about dogs obscures that effort,

    without recognizing its value or humanity.

    Just saying, in case you were ever worried about being caught in the trap of being self centered and uncaring!

    Yes unfortunately, I think that many posters missed that contribution to the thread. Quite an amazing story, really.

  2. I'm watching it now, first episode. They are intentionally driving 3 trucks down a narrow soi, purposely hitting overhead cables, parked cars and plastic chairs, I assume, to add to the drama?? Is this what normally happens on Top Gear?


    i thought it was brilliant but i must say, i was very confused when they kept talking about the river Kwai (which passes through Kanchanaburi and is actually called the river Khwae) when on their map they were in far north of Thailand.

    its a shame they didn't spend more time here.

    i think a great top gear special would be for them to tour Thailand in local transport, like a tuk tuk, one of those farming tractor things with the handle bars and a motorbike loaded with dogs and chickens or something.

    anyhow, when they drove their tucks across the bridge at the end, i though it was one of the craziest things i've ever seen. especially Clarkson and Hammond who followed May across and May's truck looked like it totally destroyed the deck.

    In the end, it seem that, the bridge was actually built in Thailand, over the river Kok. Probably couldn't obtain government permits to build a new border crossing - Top Gear would've also had to make two new immigration booths, courtesy of the BBC.

  3. I cannot take onboard all the comments on this topic,but just to add my tuppence worth about morals etc.My wife has a step sister married to a Swedish biochemist professor working in Singapore,they have 2 kids.From first hand knowledge I know she was having carnal knowledge with at least 3 Thai men,1 in her condo in Bangkok,1 no hoper from the village and 1 guy who she met in my house who was hanging wallpaper.She never visits and she is afraid to let me talk to her husband,need I say more.

    So, the carnal knowledge took place whilst he was hanging the paper or after he'd finished hanging the paper?

  4. It is if you want nearby trasportation wo having to butt Rubba dubba dub a thai motosai guy all day..............lol.

    No big deal is right--if it were rooms would be full of thais.

    Choochoo, the cheap hotels which I know of, 200 baht and under are right next to a bus stop on main roads. They're everywhere in the burbs. You just got to pluck up the courage, walk in and ask, 'how much for a room per night?'

    Though. it's the same old story which loads of foreigners have a problem recognizing, coming to terms with and ultimately admitting - If you can't speak the local language, you're going to pay a premium in many daily situations in Thailand, as English speaking employees cost more for employers to hire. Also, even if you were to have a translator, that is, a female partner, she's not going to want to take you to an unairconditioned, basic, hotel room. Firstly, because she like to sleep in a hotel with more creature comforts and secondly, if she were on the make, there would be a commission in it for her.

  5. "As Sly had already mentioned, life insurance of all family members, car insurance, bills when you got your car fixed, hospital bills, dentist's bills etc..."

    OP, are you saying that they gave you deductions for all those items, or did you just give them extra paperwork hoping to get something?

    Lol, It's no wonder that some people leave Thai government departments in tears.

    Like leaving Immigration in Phiboon unsuccessfully?

    Yes, trying to fit squares into triangles.

  6. Thankfully, or I hope, 99% of you won't ever see the type of place these miserable ladies will end up in. These places aren't lit up in Neon with booming music playing. They are the type of place, down some dark soi where if a foreigner even wanders too close some bozo security guard comes and chases you away sharpish.
    This is organised crime which runs deep and ANY dent in their vile activities should be greeted with applause and thanks. One hopes these victims are treated with compassion and care by the authorities in this case.

    You're not wrong - I know a couple of English teachers out at Chachoengsao. They are miserable low life scum! One carries a knife and the other can't even afford one.

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