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Posts posted by somchaismith

  1. On the other side of the coin, I don't know why we only have to keep an eye on the Thai cafes and restaurants, have you ever noticed that even if you buy Thai food in a Farang type restaurant, (ie. 'the George', owned by a farang by Thai wife) it's a lot more than in a Thai one. Same food, but pricier....did i think that aloud?

    Yes, and clothing shops, too.

  2. Yes, it does happen. We've been having some considerable building works at our place and I generally seem to be quoted the 'special farang price' and after some negotiation end up with a 'smaller' inflated price. One guy did a job and I reckon I was pretty much scalped but he is doing another job for us now after quoting a reasonable price but ended up grossly underestimating the labour. He's pretty miffed but hurdy-gurdys and round abouts. We might have been more understanding if the first job wasn't so inflated. We just have to keep a close eye on the rest of the work now.

    Good luck with that. Keep us updated.

  3. There's a short blog here about one guy's troubles,


    "t was just a few weeks prior that I was raving about the freedom felt by escaping the United States. I was to spend a year at least using Thailand as a base to teach English and devise a way to sustain long term vagabonding.

    So why am I 30,000 feet in the air over puffy white clouds on a flight to Indonesia?

    I was forced out of Thailand, that’s why...."

  4. Yes, it's what's known as an infected phallis wand.

    To have someone incapacitated, what you would do is, write their name on a piece of foolscap paper, fold the paper up into an inch by inch square and tap it three times with the phallis. Next, place it between your foot and the innersole of your shoe.

    Keeping in mind that in order for the spell to work you must not remove these shoes for 21-days.

    Good luck and keep, us updated.

  5. The staff had a big laugh out the back, in the kitchen, after winning the 100 baht bet,

    'You see Tosaporn, I win. Farang ngor! Not only can I charge them double, but I can even get them to give me money for nothing!'

  6. Wife has owned clothes shops for quite a few years now. At one time had five but, as we are both getting older, have persuaded her to cut down to two.

    The following are her views.......

    But if I give a first offer price of 700-800 to foreigners, expecting them to come back with around 200, and finally get near to the 400 for a sale but they are living here it just reinforces their view that foreigners are charged double. Selling at a price equal to or lower than total cost is not acceptable, so sometimes a sale cannot be made (a failure really). Of course if buying more than one item there will be a further discount.

    This is an example of dual pricing, that pisses foreigners off.

    Now, where are the people which say that it doesn't happen?

    The customer brings it on themself. 99 out of 100 times.

    Wow! You actually know that 99 % of these shop's customers are foreigners?

    Call your bluff on that one. If what you're saying is true, that would be an awful lot of people (foreigners) which they've discriminated against.

  7. Wife has owned clothes shops for quite a few years now. At one time had five but, as we are both getting older, have persuaded her to cut down to two.

    The following are her views.......

    But if I give a first offer price of 700-800 to foreigners, expecting them to come back with around 200, and finally get near to the 400 for a sale but they are living here it just reinforces their view that foreigners are charged double. Selling at a price equal to or lower than total cost is not acceptable, so sometimes a sale cannot be made (a failure really). Of course if buying more than one item there will be a further discount.

    This is an example of dual pricing, that pisses foreigners off.

    Now, where are the people which say that it doesn't happen?

  8. The incident took place at a karaoke bar

    The argument quickly escalated into a fist fight, witnesses said, and Mr. Ked brought out an explosive device from his pocket,

    Mr. Ked checking his pockets at home prior to leaving for a fun night karaoking.

    House keys = check.

    Wallet = check.

    Cigarettes/lighter = check.

    Spare change = check.

    Explosive device = check.

    Brain = Mai mee (no have)

    Ok, I'm ready to go.


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