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Posts posted by somchaismith

  1. "We went to this river, where every one was drinking and eating, and me and her jumped in the river and washed each others hair, then we swam upstream, people were stopping and staring at us, im not sure what really happened but it sooo fun."

    Couple of questions, if I may. While swimming, were you in your birthday suits ?

    Did you preen each other's hair and pick out the any dandruff, lice, and so forth?

  2. there is a place down the road from me that charges us extra if we want 2 coal cookers instead of 1 for 4 people even though I tried to explain to them that if the 4 of us would have came in separately they would have gladly supplied 4 cookers without any extra charge.

    If i go there again I will do the same that the OP did. My son and I will sit at one table while my daughter and wife sit at another 1 foot away.

    Please report back with your experiences

    Any 'mookata' (Thai style BBQ) which I've frequented has an extra charge for a person eating alone, to cover the cost of the skillet.


  3. I think that the Op has a valid point as many deaths, through electrocution, occur in poorly earthed Thailand showers.

    One case in mind is,

    A Swedish couple have died after apparently being electrocuted while taking a shower together in a hotel room in Thailand. The 23 year-old woman and the 25 year-old man were found dead on Saturday 2nd April by their friends from a neighbouring room, who rushed in after hearing a scream.

    “One of the friends ran in, but found both of them dead. When she tried to revive her friend, she received an electric shock,” a family friend told the Aftonbladet newspaper.


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